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Marketing Essays

Topic: Use of Social Media in Product Promotion in India

Introduction: The present-day commercial enterprise panorama has undergone a transformative shift with the arrival of social media platforms, fundamentally altering the dynamics of product promotion. This essay comprehensively explores the strategic use of social media for product promotion in the Indian marketplace. The subsequent sections delve into the motives behind adopting social media for promotional ... Read More
Pages: 11       Words: 2995

Marketing Issues in Collegiate Athletics

Introduction: Historical Perspective of the Topic The marketing landscape in collegiate athletics has changed from localized events with little commercialization to one that prioritizes commercial viability and revenue generation. Early collegiate athletics were community-focused, encouraging local pride and solidarity. However, social dynamics and media technology changed, commercializing collegiate sports. Corporate sponsorship, televised broadcasts, and internet ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1888
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Changing Nature of the Global Landscape: Retail Industry of the UK

Introduction The global business environment is a complex environment that continues to shape the eventual fate of businesses. In the past few years, the global business has changed significantly. Nowadays, organizations may expect changes in the business sectors and economies because of the changing demands of society and consumers. Organizations that operate globally need to ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2431

Factors Influencing Chinese Consumers To Make Impulse Purchases in the “Oriental Selection” Live Broadcast Room

Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Research background Due to the arrival of 5G technology and the progress of big data, webcasting platforms have become an important medium in China’s online interaction landscape. These platforms provide interactive and dynamic experiences that closely resemble real-time web content. This setting has given rise to a new paradigm in business: live-streaming ... Read More
Pages: 31       Words: 8473

Analysis and Recommendations on Strategic Direction

Porter’s Competitive Advantage Model Porter’s competitive advantage model addresses the current dilemma at Smithfield Custom Furniture. The model can offer strategic guidance to achieve competitive advantage by either cost leadership or differentiation. Cost leadership according to Porter is about how a company can achieve economies of scale, operational efficiency, and cost minimization (Aji et al., ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 670

The Dynamics of the Recorded Music Industry: An In-Depth Analysis of Record Labels’ Business Strategies

Introduction Recording music is a changing and adaptable facet of the world market for entertainment that offers much more than just lightning happenings. A descriptive analysis of the industry with particular attention to the business practices of record labels is pursued below. Porter’s forces enable us to study the competition, supply chain, and macro-environmental factors ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 653

Mission Alignment in Tech Marketing Strategies

Mission statement for any company is not just about declaring an intention, rather it signifies an important aspect in guiding the direction that will help lead such a firm to achieve its purpose with core values and aspirations. This analysis reveals the mission statements of two Goliaths in the field, Microsoft and Apple, which peels ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1169

Sustainable Transformation: Evaluating H&M’s Operations, Addressing Contentious Issues, and Proposing Responsible Strategies

Introduction Cost-conscious buyers like H&M’s fashionable and economical products, but its sustainability practices have tarnished its reputation. Scandals over its affordability, fashion-forwardness, ethics, and environment have damaged stakeholders’ perceptions and the brand’s reputation. Despite its pricing and style, H&M must solve these complex concerns to meet consumer needs for sustainable and ethically created products. It ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2223

Developer/New Product Packaging

Many organizations adopt the strategy of developing new products to expand their business. However, before introducing a new product to the market, a company has the role of conducting market research. Market research is usually significant because it helps the institution determine a gap in the market. It also helps to know customer preferences regarding ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1280

Targeting African Americans in Digitized Advertising Influences Individual Attitudes, Perceptions, and Beliefs

Television commercials have historically fueled stereotypes of various ethnic and racial groups. Both negative and positive stereotypes are pervasive in our society, and the countless television commercials Americans see yearly expose them to both. African American communities have been subjected to negative perceptions and depictions in digital media, particularly in television shows and advertisements that ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1342

Oreo’s Global Marketing Strategy

Executive Summary The executive summary offers an in-depth analysis of Oreo’s global marketing strategy and its applicability to the USA and Turkish markets. Oreo has been able to successfully navigate and penetrate the USA competitive market through employing the adaptation and standardized market approaches and also by tailoring its products to meet the needs of ... Read More
Pages: 23       Words: 6325

Walmart Company Analysis

Company description Walmart is a global corporation that dates back to 1962 under the leadership of its founder, Sam Walton, and its headquarters are located in Bentonville, Arkansas (Walton, 2020). The company serves millions of customers daily and globally as it manages grocery stores and supermarkets. Hyper-stores segregate large departmental discount shops while being owned ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1180

Strategic IEC Framework for Jamie’s Floral Delights Success

Jamie’s Floral Delights strives to become a global leader and win the market in flower arrangement as well as delivery. The Integrated Implementation, Evaluation, and Control (IEC) strategy provides a detailed schedule for implementing all coordinated marketing activities outlined in previously posted documents. The approach includes detailed financial analyses, target market segmentation, and a strategic ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1423

Addressing LGBTQ Healthcare Disparities Marketing

Introduction Uneducated and undeveloped LGBTQ members have less access to healthcare facilities, while others are unable to afford them. This creates a massive gap in healthcare service delivery to the LGBTQ as they face many barriers such as discrimination, insufficient accessibility of providers who support them and lack of knowledge among allied health workers towards ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2377
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