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Artificial Intelligence Essays

The Digital Shift: Knowledge Work and the Changing Landscape of Employment

Introduction In a rapidly digitizing world, the traditional bastions of employment have undergone a seismic shift. With pervasive technology comes pervasive impact, and work that has emerged subsequently can arguably be tagged as ‘knowledge work’, a term encompassing processing-based activity. This means that the transformation brings important consequences for the world of work, requiring new ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 831

The Impact of AI on Accountants Annotated Bibliography

Hashid, A., & Almaqtari, F. A. (2024). The Impact of Artificial Intelligence and Industry 4.0 on Transforming Accounting and Auditing Practices. Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity, 100218. According to Hashid & Almaqtari (2024), auditing and accounting are essential roles that foster an entity’s credibility, reliability, and financial stability. While most auditing and accounting ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2327
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Persuasive Research Paper

Abstract The transport and logistic industry globally play a good role in commerce but it is evident that it faces various challenges that relate to carbon emissions and freight optimization. The paper will explore the significant integration of advanced digital technology and sustainable practices that will help address the challenges effectively. Methods that were used ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1817

Solutions to Social Media Manipulation

Introduction Since the advent of social media in the late 1900s, its proliferation has unfolded at an unprecedented rate, making it an indispensable constituent of modern life. In two decades, social media has experienced a colossal evolution, shifting from exchanging direct electronic data to retail (e-commerce) to virtual space and one of the unequaled marketing ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1546

How Can Amazon Utilize AI To Maximize Company Growth and Profit?

Amazon’s Background Amazon is a global corporation that works in the technology and e-commerce sectors. Founded in 1994, the organization has come a long way from its modest beginnings to become a global leader in e-commerce (Sangwa 42). As seen in Figs. 1 and 2 below, the corporation leads in retail media ad revenues and ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1718

Unveiling Racial Biases in Artificial Intelligence

Introduction There are unquestionably many advantages that have been brought about by incorporating artificial intelligence (AI) into many facets of our existence. However, there is a rising worry over the negative aspects of artificial intelligence, particularly concerning the perpetuation and amplification of racial prejudices (Ferrara, 2024). In my next article, I will investigate the complex ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 648

Evaluation and Recommendation of Emerging Technologies for Digital Transformation at Bharti Airtel

Bharti Airtel Limited is a major multinational telecommunications corporation with sizable activities in India and Africa. The latest figures show that Bharti Airtel operates as one of the largest telecom operators in the world. The organization’s fundamental products and services cover different types of communications, such as mobile and fixed-line telephony, broadband digital television, and ... Read More
Pages: 11       Words: 2840

Formulation and Implementation of a Manufacturing Strategy and Finance Assessment

Introduction Organizations need to establish their strategies well because they frequently have to contend with dynamism and variability. To ensure that they operate in the right direction of their declared targets and goals, companies prioritize strategic management. Companies are incorporating digital principles into their designs to take benefit of the benefits that come with technological ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2459

New Emerging Technologies and Their Impact on Organization

Introduction Technology has produced a culture in which new inventions are constantly changing our daily routines, jobs, and how we interact with one another. Many of these technological improvements are excellent; they enhance our quality of life, increase productivity, and provide us with more access to necessities. This article examines how developing technologies such as ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1068

AI and Labor

According to Salokannel (2024), the replication of human intellect in robots built to function and think like humans is known as artificial intelligence (AI). Mechanized and computerized systems can make decisions, learn from errors, and do tasks that often require human input. According to Tai (2020), artificial intelligence (AI) is related to devices and computers that ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1228

Justifying the Use of Customer Data in Carrefour Links

1. INTRODUCTION A forward-looking corporation that Carrefour is, and using such a data-driven support system in making decisions at a very critical moment. The core principles of this approach are reflected through strong data protection measures, fair treatment of users, the consequences of artificial intelligence, and marketing goals for the application of intelligent data (GDPR, 2018). ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2274

Artificial Intelligence and Its Impact on Job Security

Technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) and automation are the most advanced in recent years, as can be seen in many workplaces of the 21st century. Automation and artificial intelligence have taken the place of manual and repetitive jobs, leaving a certain number of job displacements in various sectors in the next ten years (Ogbolu and ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1269

AI Case Study Questions

AI systems designed to supervise employees exhibit pros for organizational management to enhance efficiency and productivity. Supervisors utilize AI systems to manage various employees’ activities within a short time to ensure efficiency and accountability (Shneiderman, 2020). AI systems are inexpensive compared to human resources employed to assist the supervisor in ensuring quality services. Supervisors also ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 722

Cybersecurity in Accounting

Cybersecurity is a common term today, especially in today’s digital world. Interestingly, there are many people with little to no idea of what cybersecurity means. Cybersecurity includes measures used to protect companies and their assets and employees against cyber threats. Today, cyber threats have become more common and sophisticated. Also, corporate networks have become more ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1013

AI and Dark Web

Introduction Like any other part of the internet, AI can interact with the dark web differently. The dark web is an intentionally hidden part of the internet and can only be accessed with specific software such as Tor. Although the dark web is often linked with illegal activities, it also has some legitimate purposes, such ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1205
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Essays About Artificial Intelligence

AI is one of the hottest topics globally today and continues to stretch our technological limits. It’s all about integrating automation into our business processes and developing into the next step of the process, too. With generative AI showing us that content generation is possible, it has expanded into many facets of our lives.

Whether personal or professional, AI is entering the Legal, Financial, and Healthcare sectors, just to name a few. There are also new companies forming that are using the existing power of AI to develop fascinating new products that are here to help us in some ways and possibly replace us in other ways in the future. It touches upon everything humans can currently do and what we are still set to achieve. That’s why it’s become such a popular discussion.

How to write essays in AI

In its current iteration, numerous topics can be written about AI. It is a constantly evolving discipline, with regular updates throughout multiple industries. You can focus on the effect of AI on employment and corporations, or you can dive deeper into the ethical implications of what AI can become. You can also start to look at the impact it may have on society, as eventually, with enough research and technology, AI can technically replace all of our functions.

Plenty of primary research is available in this burgeoning field, and that helps you get a number of data points that can help bring a level of validity to your essay writing. One thing that is imperative with this type of essay is that you put the focus on one area. While you may want to touch upon other aspects, concentrating on one will help bring a unique insight into AI. You can then really do the subtopic the justice it deserves and cover all the bases within it.

Topics to write about related to AI:

• What is the Future of AI?
• Can AI become sentient?
• What are the ethical issues around AI?
• Is AI going to destroy the job market?
• Trying to Balance Innovation with Regulation
• AI in a specific industry

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