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A Critical Evaluation of Yuval Noah Harari’s Vision for the 21st Century

In his thought-provoking exploration of the future of humankind, Yuval Noah Harari paints an almost unbelievable picture of a planet which changes and develops at a tremendous rate. Harari’s mix of historical illumination and imaginative prediction puts the reader in the position to deal with the significant uncertainties and opportunities of the 21st Century. The technology revolution that he imagines will lead to a world where boundaries between reality and virtuality disappear, and social rules and institutions undergo radical alteration is at once captivating and frightening. According to Harari, the main characteristics of the new age and the key to success are flexibility, critical thinking, and emotional resilience (Harari, 2018). Crucial to Harari’s story is the urge for people to grow adaptability, critical thinking, and mental toughness in the face of the unceasing speed of change. His ideas become the basis for our reflections and exploration of the possible paths of human society and, at the same time, our roles and goals in forming the future.

Harari’s vision of the future, particularly his statement that “change itself is the only certainty,” is undoubtedly captivating (Harari, 2018). The exponential improvement of technology, the bioengineering and artificial intelligence prospects of transforming human existence, and the acceleration of societal changes all indicate that the world of tomorrow will be very different from today. His point about being adaptive and resilient in such uncertainty is right. He aptly says that the ability to reinvent oneself will be the primary skill for dealing with the complexities of the 21st Century. Nevertheless, Harari’s general narrative of quick transformation and technological disruption is persuasive, though some of his predictions may be more speculative. Thus, his hypothesis that by 2048, people may have to deal with cyberspace relocation and gender transition due to the current vector of technology and social evolution is not necessarily going to happen. The future is unpredictable, and although it is necessary to look ahead and anticipate possible developments, it is also important to note the inherent limitations of our predictive powers.

While elaborating on the needed qualities and abilities for future success, Harari mentions critical thinking, communication, collaboration, creativity, and adaptability, which are in common with the existing views on education and the labour market. In an era of fast technological innovation and automation, these universal life skills are more relevant than the specialized technical skills that might be obsolete. Another point of agreement is that Harari emphasizes the importance of emotional balance and mental flexibility, which aligns with the growing knowledge of socio-emotional learning (SEL) in education. Payton et al. (2008) conducted three large-scale reviews (of 317 research involving 324,303 children) to assess the impact of SEL on elementary and middle school pupils. The reviews revealed gains of 11-17 percentile points on achievement exams, demonstrating that SEL programs provide students with a practical educational benefit (Cristóvão et al., 2017). Political and business leaders might choose different approaches to solve the problems that Harari writes about depending on their ideological beliefs and engagement in these issues. Other leaders may view these statements as a chance to be innovative and progressive through programs focusing on education, research, and technological development. Harari’s predictions may be seen as something to be sceptical about or even as something to be feared by some who view the new technologies as a source of social and economic disruption and dilemmas. For instance, political figures today must address privacy, security, and fairness concerns in the age of big data and artificial intelligence (Rijmenam, 2023). At the same time, business executives face challenges of automation, job displacement and corporate responsibility.

Apart from examining Harari’s vision and its implications for people and leaders, it is also crucial to explore the societal effect of his ideas. Harari’s statement that “we are dwelling inside the age of hacks of humans” raises profound moral issues regarding power relations between humans, companies, and governments that are increasingly digitized and connected (Harari, 2018). As algorithms and synthetic intelligence become more state-of-the-art, they can form and manipulate personal options and behaviours and affect social and political consequences. This brings up troubles of privateness, autonomy, and democratic governance. On the other hand, Harari’s cautionary assertion at the dangers of surrendering an excessive amount of management to generation is a reminder of the want for ethical solid ideas as well as regulatory mechanisms to ensure that the tempo of technological advancement is in step with human values and aspirations (Harari, 2018). With the fallout of fast technological advancement in society, moral considerations must be prioritized, and a significant discussion must be held on the type of future we would like to create for ourselves and the generations to come.

Harari’s arguments, however, provoke one to think about one’s own learning goal and objective in a future that is not certain. As individuals, we must master the skills and develop the characteristics that will make us adaptable to a fast-changing world. The process could be multifaceted, including acquiring technical knowledge and cultivating creativity, flexibility, and empathy (Miller et al., 2023). Furthermore, his warning on the dangers of technological manipulation brings to the fore the significance of self-awareness and critical thinking in a time of abundant information and algorithms. Harari presents an exciting future vision with several possible outcomes for 21st-century society (Harari, 2018). Although some of his arguments are hypothetical or controversial, the idea of adaptability, critical thinking, and emotional balance is based on the dominant theories on education and workforce development. The leaders from the political and business sectors will debate Harari’s thoughts in different ways, depending on their ideological views and policy priorities. As individuals, we should listen to Harari’s call to embrace change, grow, and learn essential skills necessary to deal with an uncertain future with wisdom and resilience.


Cristóvão, A. M., Candeias, A. A., & Verdasca, J. (2017). Social and Emotional Learning and Academic Achievement in Portuguese Schools: A Bibliometric Study. Frontiers in Psychology8.

Harari, Y. N. (2018, August 12). Yuval Noah Harari on what the year 2050 has in store for humankind. Retrieved from Wired UK website:

Miller, B. T., Camarda, A., Mercier, M., Burkhardt, J.-M., Morisseau, T., Bourgeois-Bougrine, S., … Lubart, T. (2023). Creativity, Critical Thinking, Communication, and Collaboration: Assessment, Certification, and Promotion of 21st Century Skills for the Future of Work and Education. Journal of Intelligence11(3), 54.

Rijmenam, M. V. (2023, February 17). Privacy in the Age of AI: Risks, Challenges and Solutions. Retrieved from Dr Mark van Rijmenam, CSP – The Digital Speaker | Strategic Futurist website:


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