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Critical Thinking Essays

The Bittersweet Truth: Are Diets Real or Another Hoax?

Introduction In ENDEVR’s 2015 investigative documentary The Chocolate Diet- A Scientific Hoax, the directors Diana Lobl and Peter Onnecken outline the issues of diets being marked as scientifically proven and demonstrate an experiment of their own to show the methods being used in articles and newspapers around the world. The experiment Lobl and Onnecken had begun to ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1068

Critical Thinking Exercise: The “Real” Fake News Analysis

The revelations are attractively presented in the three investigative videos produced by the New York Times to document the disinformation war, how it was embarked upon, and how it unfolded. The primary and secondary texts follow up the complicated threads of fake news, disclosing the historical genesis of such campaigns from the Cold War Soviet ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1166
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Designing a Comprehensive Curriculum Assessment Portfolio: A Four-Week Unit Approach

Introduction The educational plan unit is planned as an exhaustive four-week informative module, carefully created to address explicit instructive goals and norms inside an assigned subject. This unit holds central significance in the more extensive setting of cultivating understudy understanding and dominance of the topic, giving an organized and scaffolded growth opportunity. The unit is ... Read More
Pages: 13       Words: 3393

Navigating the Ethical Terrain

People need an appropriate critical thinking mindset and ethical reasoning level to find morally sound principles that define them. Issues concerning ethics can always be present as they are in our private, employment, and general lives. Worse still, the method of acceptance thrills even deters these problems from drying up because it defines a person’s ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 607

The Corruption of False Information

As the information age is all about technological innovations and their rapid dissemination, we are now worried about the influence that digital platforms have over our thinking processes. Nicholas Carr’s “Is Google Making Us Stupid?” and Carole Cadwalladr’s “Google, Democracy, and the Truth about Internet Search” explore this delicate landscape in a way that gives ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1837

Scott, Inara. “Yes, We Are in a (ChatGPT) Crisis.”

Inara Scott, in her editorial “Yes, We Are A (ChatGPT) Crisis,” approaches the issue of ChatGPT usage and its prevalence in academic contexts. As an academic and a college hearing officer, Scott is troubled by massive AI use in students’ assignments, making faculty look indifferent (Scott, 2023). Scott notes the difficulties in creating assignments that ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1327

Competency Differences Between ADN and BSN

Clinical Skills They receive hands-on training focusing on task skill proficiency for immediate patient care. ADN programs concentrate on basic nursing abilities, including knowledge of essential procedures, medication administration, and regular client evaluations. In the acute setting, the graduates are ready to respond quickly and reasonably when they hear about emergencies. The BSN-prepared nurses showcase ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1544

Effective Teaching Planning

The secret of good education lies in the proper teaching planning that involves consideration of a significant cocktail of factors, ranging from socio-cultural to psychological. By outlining the fundamental parts of proper planning required for successful teaching, the focus is on objectively framed goal-oriented steps that include active learning methods and engineering integration. Also, the ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 703

The Need for Lifelong Learning

Introduction In today’s world, the traditional educational confines, particularly the degree route, are becoming superseded. Skills learned in university are increasingly hanging on the edge of becoming obsolete, given the demands of this fast-paced world. The reality is that, even if Gen Z are tech-savvy, they might fall short of satisfying the future market demand ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 867

A Synthesis of Reflective Practice, Performance Assessment, and Contextual Approaches

Introduction In middle school Theatre Arts, assessment is important for helping students learn and grow. This paper looks at important ideas from three academic articles: “Portfolio Assessment and Reflection: Enhancing Learning through Effective Practice” by Feinstein and Fernsten (2005), “Measuring Critical Thinking and Problem Solving” by Wren and Cashwell, and “Writing Assessment in six lessons ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1169

Critical Thinking in Scientific Analysis

Critical thinking refers to a non-arbitrary cognitive process that involves systematic and logical analysis of information. Instead, it advocates for some critical thinking that requires people to question and assess the evidence or reasoning used as a support of any claim statement. Essentially, critical thought is the ability to engage in reflective and independent thinking that entails ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 667

Nature of Realization or Inspiration

When it comes to the cognitive process, Inspiration is inevitably part and parcel of uniting new thoughts, artistic expressions, and innovative solutions. Scholars to researchers have developed their theories about the triggers of Inspiration for a long and many thinkers find it an interesting phenomenon. From the review of contemporary research in this area, it ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 729

The Impact of Robotic Technologies and Big Data on Media Development

Introduction Robotic technology is an integral component in computer science and engineering that entails robot design, conception, manufacturing, and operations. In media, robotic technology is greatly used in designing intelligent machines to assist humans in various ways (Meinecke & Voss, 2018). The development of robotic technologies in media is greatly used in designing media content ... Read More
Pages: 18       Words: 4810

Logical and Critical Reasoning Project

Regarding Logical and Critical Reasoning, I intend to talk about the essence of logic-based critical thinking and the techniques required for identifying logical arguments. Individuals in the present day are bombarded with information, regardless of whether it be from television ads, presidential campaign pledges, or internet news items. People must employ critical thinking skills while ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2699

The Impact of Home Education on Learners

Planning the Enquiry Impact of Critical Thinking Critical thinking actively and objectively analyzes information, concepts, situations, or problems to make reasoned judgments. It entails the ability to evaluate, question, and challenge assumptions, arguments, or ideas while considering diverse points of view and facts (Doyle, 2022). Critical thinking is essential in professional investigation because it develops ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 860
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