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Black Lives Matter Essays

Position on the Efficiency of BLM

The Black Lives Matter movement began as a response to racism and police violence, aiming to address the disparities faced by Black people in the United States. Despite facing challenges and criticism, the Black Lives Matter Movement has significantly advanced racial and social justice through increased awareness, policy reforms, and societal discourse. This essay explores ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 694

The Impact of Woke Culture on American Society: A Comparative Analysis of Cancel Culture and Black Lives Matter

Introduction Language not only serves as a medium of communication, but it also mirrors the advancement and development of society. It has been crucial in evaluating political, social, and cultural elements that impacted earlier epochs. This article analyzes three prevalent American expressions – “Woke,” “Cancel Culture,” and Black Lives Matter- by tracing their roots while ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1476
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Examining Inequalities in the Criminal Justice System

 Abstract Police violence towards Black Lives Matter has been an alarming challenge in today’s culture, with reports of unarmed black people being shot by police officers in broad light and open. This investigates the causes of the recurrence of such acts against unarmed Black people. Additionally, it investigates how societal institutions impact police brutality using ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2627

Semester Project: George Floyd

The word “extrajudicial killing” describes the execution of a person outside of the bounds of the law. Such murders are typically committed by lone gunmen or small groups operating independently or on behalf of a larger organization (Iacobucci, 2020). In many cases, governments and other organizations resort to extrajudicial executions when they want to dodge ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1477

Argumentative Essay: The Civil Rights Movement and Black Lives Matter

The Civil Rights Movement significantly influenced American history in the 1960s and 1970s (Kendi et al.). African Americans made a great effort to advance their cause and secure the freedom to live with respect and dignity. After decades of oppression and injustice, the civil rights movement was a powerful example of how concerted group work ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1200

Should the Police Be Defunded?

Over the years, a debate as to whether refund the police or not has been happening. This follows the death of George Floyd in May 2020 in Minneapolis, when the Black lives matter protests started, followed by calls to defund the police on social media and protest signs. George Floyd’s death occurred after being arrested ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1595

Lush Cosmetics Response to Black Lives Matter

Black Lives Matter is a movement that was started in the USA to counter the continued growth of instances of racism, specifically regarding police profiling brutality against African Americans and other people of black descent worldwide. The movement started as a social organization aimed at countering police brutality against black people immediately after police knelt ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1464

Black Lives Matter Campaign (BLM), How It Was Established, and the Policy Changes Induced in the US and Australia

The Background of BLM – How BLM was Established Racial segregation and ethnic division have unfortunately described various US social systems, factors that have necessitated the emergence of motivated humanitarian activism in protest to these social segregation practices. A case in point is the Black Lives Matter Campaign (BLM), which emerged to champion the rights ... Read More
Pages: 16       Words: 4308

Defunding the Police

Police are constituted bodies of individuals empowered by the government tasked to enforce law and order, ensure citizens’ safety, possessions, and health, and prevent civil disorder and crimes that may put the lives of citizens in danger. Their constitutional powers include the use of force legitimized by the government via monopoly on violence and arresting ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 1975

Comprehension and Action

Introduction Active learning is very beneficial in all levels of learning since it is very beneficial to learners, such as helping in enhancing the learner’s engagement in class. Active learning involves learning to understand certain issues and practically participating in various activities that are part of learning. This paper involves both learning and doing, and ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2158

The Black Lives Matter Movement and Its Effect on Racism Today

Introduction The Black Lives Matter Movement (BLM) is a social movement endowed in the United States in 2013 with the ambition of bellicosing extremism and opposition to Black brutality, notably police atrocity. The term Black Lives Matter is a response to the unusual dissolutions of Black people by gendarme, as well as the desire that ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1700

Activism and Its Impact on Policing Black Lives

Introduction Activism and agitation in the 21st century is an essential aspect as it shows that while the level of technology has improved over the last 200yrs, some fundamental elements remain the same. Activism for equal rights has a critical history in slavery even though human rights ratification has occurred for more than 50 yrs. (Maynard, ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1483

Black Lives Matters Movement

Bell, Myrtle P., et al. “Making Black Lives Matter in academia: a black feminist call for collective action against anti‐blackness in the academy.” Gender, Work & Organization 28 (2021): 39-57. This article, like many others written by Black women academics before it, advocates for a concerted effort to combat institutionalized racism and White supremacy. Bell (47) analyzed ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1083

Analyzing Body Language

A social movement’s leaders have an influence on its direction, and the movement’s activities are directly proportionate to its solidarity (Bosi et al., 2016). All things considered, the common pattern of social movements, regardless of their starting point, is characteristics. A typical stirring component is the statement of moral situations, which is often utilized to ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1309

Exploring the Black Lives Matter Social Movement

Black Lives Matter (BLM) is an online international social movement cofounded in 2013 by Opal Tometi, Patrisse Khan-Cullors, and Alicia Garza. The main goal of the BLM movement was to fight racism and the violence on black people that mainly happened through police brutality. Black people in the US are considered more likely to be ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 573
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Essay About Black Lives Matter

Black Lives Matter is an important social justice movement that campaigns against violence and systemic racism toward the African-American community. When writing an essay on this topic there are a plethora of key points to be made that help to bring attention to this continuing movement.

Key reasons why this is a popular essay topic

The hashtag #BlackLivesMatter began in 2013 with the acquittal of the man who shot Trayvon Martin. This movement has developed into a global push to point out wrong doing and the systemic oppression of Black lives. It is a movement that celebrates the contributions that Black people and people of color have had in the United States and around the world.

This remains to be a popular essay topic because the Black Lives Matter movement encompasses the many reactions of groups of people as well as the proactive responses made by individuals. There’s a lot to talk about so be sure to narrow your focus so that you cover an area that you see as important.

This decentralized movement is a major focus in both political and social conversations. Writing an essay on Black Lives Matter can encompass different aspects to this movement. For example, through social media, the hashtag #BlackLivesMatter may reach many people in a short timeframe. The focus of your research may be specific to how social media has played a role in the growth of this movement.

Black Lives Matter incorporates protests and rallies that encourage immediate action. As well, the political slogans used such as “I can’t breathe” promote response and engagement. From policy reform to mainstream media, this topic remains to be an important and popular topic for essay writing. There are many different angles you can take when writing your essay, which means there are lots of ways to approach this topic.

Method for writing your essay

When writing an essay on Black Lives Matter, the first thing you need to do is to ensure that you are knowledgeable about the topic. Make sure you research the subject as well as identify a key area to focus on.

It will be essential that you use proper citations and references in your work. Your reader needs to understand where the information has come from otherwise it may appear that what you are presenting is solely based on your opinion.

Once you have decided on your focus area and have conducted your initial research, it’s time to plan out the structure of your essay. Be sure to use supporting statements and quotes to back up each main point you make.

Since its creation, the Black Lives Matter movement has grown into an international organization with chapters all over the world. This remains a relevant topic of discussion and is an excellent choice for a strong essay topic.

Use essay examples on this page for inspiration, and start creating your own piece!

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