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COVID-19 Essays

Redefining Work-Life Balance in the Age of Remote Work

The COVID-19 epidemic has significantly augmented the prevalence of telecommuting, substantially reshaping the distinction between the professional and personal domains for many workers. As work infiltrates the home spaces formerly dedicated to family and leisure, maintaining a balance between different areas of life has become more complex but crucial for overall well-being. Research indicates that ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 1942

Fostering Public Health Preparedness

Now that the COVID-19 epidemic has offered us extraordinary issues, US healthcare is at a crossroads. We urgently require comprehensive health care reform in mild of the dangers and deep disruptions shown with the aid of the disaster. In the wake of the epidemic, it is clear that isolated incidents might not cut it; a ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1304
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Effects of COVID-19 on Interviews for Hospitality: A Week 12 Analysis of Qualitative Data

Background The COVID-19 pandemic has presented the hospitality sector with hitherto unheard-of difficulties. As a committed student researcher, I spent Week 12 researching how COVID-19 affected hospitality interviews. This study carefully seeks to compile and examine the gathered qualitative information. In addition to the discussions that are the primary emphasis, careful consideration is given to ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1121

Effects of COVID 19 on the Ecosystem

The coronavirus pandemic is the most disastrous disease outbreak in recent times. The pandemic altered people’s lifestyles and affected multiple sectors. One of the significantly affected areas was the environment, which saw positive and negative impacts. The effects of the coronavirus pandemic ranged from improved air quality to increased hospital waste, marking the pros and ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1401

Effects of COVID-19 on the Education Sector

The COVID-19 pandemic, which emerged in 2019, has profoundly affected the education system globally. According to a study by the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), the pandemic disrupted the everyday learning activities of over 1.6 billion students globally (2020). The unprecedented occurrence directly or indirectly affected teachers, students, and all other stakeholders ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1305

Understanding the Multifaceted Impact of COVID-19

Introduction With the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic, individuals had to work together to overcome tremendous global challenges. The novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 quickly altered global health, economics, and social norms. Between its emergence and vaccine campaigns, the pandemic has transformed healthcare, education, workplace culture, and human behavior. Exploring COVID-19’s consequences shows that understanding its growth is essential ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1515

How COVID-19 Intensified Labor Alienation: A Political Economy Analysis

Introduction 2020 marked an endpoint because it was the last year of several changes between 2019 and 2020. So, this paper will examine the issue of growing alienation among Chinese workers before the pandemic. The relationship between labor alienation and political economy, with empirical research to follow in this study post-COVID-19. Drawing on journals of ... Read More
Pages: 11       Words: 2904

Children Depression During COVID-19

Introduction Following the devastating effects experienced due to COVID-19, mental health and welfare among our school children have become a priority. The world fought many difficulties of the disease, but the problem was more complicated than it might seem – it was not only about people’s health. In this context, protracted instances of socialization deprivation, ... Read More
Pages: 21       Words: 5518

Impacts of COVID-19 on Tourism

Introduction The COVID-19 pandemic highly affected many sectors of the world. The tourism industry was among the highly affected sectors because it involves the movement of people from one place to another to satisfy their interests or people spending time away from home to relax. Tourism can be grouped into categories, such as leisure tourism, ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 930

Understandings of How COVID-19 Has Affected University Students’ Social and Educational Experience and the Implications of This for Their Ongoing Studies

Introduction In exploring the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on educational experiences, this research delves into the multifaceted perspectives of individuals who underwent academic challenges during this unprecedented period. With the global shift towards online and flexible learning modes, it becomes imperative to comprehend the varied responses and adaptations within the educational landscape. As documented ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2600

Sustainable Development Goals

Sustainable development goals are interlinked objectives aimed at improving lives to achieve a better and sustainable future for all. Figure 1. SDG index rank, index Score and Spillover score Figure 2. SGD Dashboard and Trends Figure 3. Status of SDG target for France (% trend indicators) These global goals emphasize connected social, economic and environmental aspects ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2314

Optimizing Upper Gastrointestinal Cancer Diagnosis

Abstract Uppеr gastrointеstinal malignanciеs, such as oеsophagеal and gastric cancеrs, constitutе a significant hеalth challеngе in thе Unitеd Kingdom. Timеly diagnosis and intervention are pivotal in improving patient outcomes. This papеr synthеsizеs findings from thrее primary sourcеs to invеstigatе thе еfficacy of thе suspеctеd cancеr rеfеrral systеm, thе impact of Hеlicobactеr pylori (H. pylori) infеctions ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3087

Marketing Strategies of Australian Airlines Post COVID-19

The aviation sector suffered significant setbacks due to the worldwide Covid-19 outbreak. Covid-19’s rapid global spread created unprecedented difficulties for carriers like those in Australia. Before the pandemic, Australian airlines, like their foreign rivals, concentrated on providing a comprehensive variety of local and international flying services. The company’s ads emphasized the importance of the consumers’ ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 662

Complementary Therapies in the USA: An Analysis of Current Trends and Evidence-Based Practices

Introduction The healthcare system in the United States is constantly changing, and complemеntary thеrapіes are a big part of that. Examіning the current trends and rеsearch-based applicatіons of complеmentary therapies across thе country is essential as convеntional medіcal approaches continuе to convеrgе with holіstіc and altеrnative practіcеs. To bеtter undеrstand thеse dynamіcs, this research paper ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2521

Challenges Walmart Faced During the Pandemic and How It Streamlined Its SCM Processes During COVID-19.

Abstract Supply chain management is essential to achieve operational excellence, customer happiness, risk mitigation, cooperation, strategic advantage, innovation, sustainability, and social responsibility since it acts as the driving force behind these objectives. It allows firms to successfully negotiate the intricacies of global marketplaces, adapt to difficulties, and capitalize on opportunities, which is critical in guaranteeing ... Read More
Pages: 42       Words: 11365
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Essays About COVID-19

The topic of COVID-19 is a very popular one for essays because it has been in the news for many years and is still current today. This is a great essay topic as you can take your writing in a few different directions. Here are some ideas for how you could write a solid essay on the topic of COVID-19.

Key reasons why this is a popular essay topic

When discussing the topic of COVID-19, there are many sub-topics you may like to focus on. For example, you may wish to write about how the initial lockdowns resulted in the immediate pivot to working remotely for many who were previously commuting to an office. You could discuss the long term implications this has had and will continue to have on workplaces.

Another angle you could take may be to discuss how various restrictions have had an impact on people’s overall mental health. Your focus could be specific to a group of people, for example, the elderly, or a more broad discussion.

Method for writing your essay

As with any essay, coming up with your specific topic is the first step. If you are struggling to narrow your focus, consider writing a mind map style page of all the ideas you can think of under the umbrella topic of COVID-19. As you write these out you may start to make connections between topic ideas that could work together.

Then, plan the structure of your essay. Under each main idea, use supporting statements, citations and quotes to provide evidence for the points you discuss. Don’t forget to use an interesting statement to hook your audience.

The impact that COVID-19 has had across the globe continues to be a key issue. From swift lockdowns to the on-going impact on the health care system, this remains to be an important topic for discussion. COVID-19 is an extremely popular essay topic for good reasons. It’s a multi-faceted topic that you can use to focus on subtopics.

So, try looking through the samples on this page. They will help you see different people’s points of view about COVID-19 and create your own masterpiece!

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