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Medicine & Health Essays

Case Study “Report”: Population Diet Analysis

Introduction Populations with Cardiovascular and Other Diseases represent a special population group that might have distinct dietary issues. Cardiovascular diseases entail a spectrum of illnesses that involve the heart and blood vessels, including coronary artery disease, hypertension, and stroke (Global Cardiovascular Risk Consortium, 2023). Patients with this kind of condition usually need to adapt their ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1363

Chronic Kidney Disease

 Early Detection and Prevention Introduction Chronic kidney disease (CKD) brings a major challenge to the global healthcare systems, with how it continues to spread and cause sickness to patients. There is a need to detect the disease as early as possible to reduce its prevalence in humans of CKD to reduce its morbidity effectively. A ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 650
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Atopic Eczema (Dermatitis in UK Falls Under Same Umbrella)

Introduction Atopic eczema is a lasting inflammatory skin disease associated with dryness and itching, recurrent exacerbations, and other non-cutaneous symptoms (Čepelak, Dodig & Pavić 2019). It’s a pediatric form of atopic dermatitis that can occur in people of any age. Many other atopic conditions, like asthma and also allergic rhinitis, usually develop around the same ... Read More
Pages: 13       Words: 3468

Asthma: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments

Description Asthma is an enduring respiratory illness featuring the constriction and swelling of the air passages, resulting in shortness of breath, wheezing, and sometimes coughing. The elements that cause asthma are respiratory infections, allergens, and physical exercises, which can also worsen the symptoms. The treatment for this chronic disease usually entails medications to stop symptoms ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 720

Evaluating the Potential of Incorporating Pharmacists in the Identification and Management of Early-Onset Dementia. A Systematic Review of the Current Evidence Base for Dementia Awareness in Healthcare.

Abstract Dementia is a primary world health concern, and early onset types impose an enormous burden on Health institutions and carers. This systematic review, however, focuses on assessing the role of pharmacists in the detection and treatment of early-onset dementia, underlining their significant position that enables medication management as well as enhances efficiency towards earlier ... Read More
Pages: 24       Words: 6544

Epilepsy: Unveiling the Labyrinth With a Glimpse of AI Solutions

Etiology The etiology is somewhat complicated, as epilepsy entails complex features and is, in certain instances, multifactorial due to genetic predispositions, environmental influences, and risk behavior. There are genes more prone to mutation, and genetic influence is significant in its causation (Bamikole et al., 2019). Other causes may be broadly classified into environmental such as ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1122

Enhancing Efficiency in Pre-Admission Testing for Improved Patient Satisfaction in Adult Elective Surgeries

Pre-admission testing is essential for adult elective procedures to ensure patient safety and positive outcomes. Unfortunately, the existing strategy often results in longer wait times, which is detrimental to patient satisfaction (Bouamrane & Mair, 2014). This project aims to address the issues causing prolonged wait times in pre-admission testing and implement targeted interventions to streamline the ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1450

Exercise & Physical Activity in Individuals With Type 2 Diabetes

Clinical Guideline: The document, known as the “American College of Sports Medicine Expert Consensus Statement on Exercise/Physical Activity and Type 2 Diabetes,” signifies a complete collection of expert understandings and research outcomes in the field. It was developed in February 2022 and is a contemporary guide, merging the latest exercise and physical activity knowledge for ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 709

Zinc Usage for Colds

Introduction The application of Zinc for the treatment of colds has been a debatable subject over the years. Zinc is an essential mineral required for the proper functioning of the immune system. The data has shown that zinc supplementation can reduce the duration of adult acute viral infections of the respiratory tract, for instance, the ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1553

Understanding Reasons for Organ Donation Refusals

This review investigates factors underlying organ donation refusals by describing person-centred care’s tenets of respect, shared decision-making and socio-contextual understanding. Exploration reveals four key refusal influences – cultural/religious beliefs, misunderstandings, systemic distrust from past care, and psychological concerns. Statistics highlight disproportionate effects on specific minority communities, yet their lived refusals remain under-researched. Critically discussing proposed ... Read More
Pages: 16       Words: 4358

Professional Counseling Services to Drug Addicts

It is essential to create an understanding of drug and substance abuse. Many people mistakenly think that drug addicts lack the willpower and moral principles to stay away from drugs. The belief is supported by the position of society that people can stop drug abuse by simply choosing to. In reality, drug addicts are suffering ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2187

Reiki for Chronic Pain and Mental Well-Being

Pain management and mental well-being are crucial goals of health care. Pain is an unpleasant sensory associated with tissue damage and is often linked to social and psychological components. Pain is frequently related to psychological issues such as anxiety and depression. Extensive research exists on interventions that can help alleviate pain and improve the well-being ... Read More
Pages: 13       Words: 3378

Implementation of Phone Calls To Increase Colorectal Screening Through Cologuard Kits and Colonoscopy

Chapter One: Significance of the Project: Contextualizing CRC Screening Improvement: Increasing screening rates is one of the most critical efforts to reduce the significant burden of colorectal cancer (CRC), which continues to be one of the leading causes of cancer-related death worldwide (Vilaro et al.,2021). By accentuating the venture’s importance in CRC screening, we feature ... Read More
Pages: 13       Words: 3380

Ataxia-Telangiectasia: A Comprehensive Analysis of a Case Series and Comparative Review

Abstract This research paper explores diagnostic guidelines, international case series, and management of Ataxia-Telangiectasia (A-T), focusing on a case series of five patients: Al Hoor, A2 Maitha, B1 Jumanah, B2 Dana, and C1 Zayed. A-T is a rare, hereditary syndrome causing progressive neurodegeneration. The paper delves into the definition, causes, symptoms, and diagnostic criteria for ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2507

Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDD)

Introduction Interprofessional primary care plays a crucial role in addressing the complex healthcare needs of adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD). Unlike the general population, individuals with IDD often present with a myriad of physical and mental health conditions, necessitating comprehensive and coordinated healthcare approaches. However, accessing high-quality primary care remains a significant challenge ... Read More
Pages: 13       Words: 3332
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Essays On Medicine & Health

Medicine & health are complicated yet fascinating topics that are talked about a lot, for good reason. The development and exploration of medicine can impact our health on individual and society-wide levels, completely changing the way we experience our lives. This makes medicine & health great topics to explore in an essay because it has such a wide range of potential topics that can each touch readers in different ways.

It’s important to note that medicine & health are highly relevant topics, but they can be equally divisive. Understanding your purpose in an essay on medicine & health is crucial. In the case of an impartial essay, it’s critical to balance truth and fact so that you accurately represent all sides and opinions around the topic. If it is an opinion essay, you don’t need to worry as much, but it’s still crucial not to alienate your audience by making bold or unfounded claims.

How to write an essay on Medicine & Health

Essays on medicine & health can follow the classic essay structure of one introduction paragraph, three body paragraphs, and one conclusion paragraph. Within that, different kinds of essays will have different structures. Medicine & health are such vast topics that you can use various essay structures, such as a persuasive or opinion essay, to cover the topics well. Follow the structure for the specific format of the essay you’ve chosen to cover the topic of medicine & health.

What can you talk about in an essay on Medicine & Health?

When choosing a topic, avoid irrelevant topics, chosen too often or similar to a previously chosen topic in medicine essays. Look for something fresh and interesting. The good news is that medicine & health provide a lot of fascinating topics. Some topics you could cover include:

• The ethics of gene engineering.
• Health policy in the USA.
• Comparisons of different health policies in different countries.
• Abortion.
• Autism in children.
• What one should know about schizophrenia.
• Arguments around the connection between video games and violence in teenagers.
• Antibiotic resistance.
• The advantages of medical cannabis.
• First aid in extreme situations.
• The impact of stress on academic progress.

If you still don’t know how to start, essay examples on this page may help you set your thoughts and start writing.

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