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Mental Illness Essays

Gender Identity Disorder, Trauma, and Stress-Related Disorders

Clinical Situation In practice, I have encountered various patients presenting with various psychiatric issues. One of the experiences that I would like to reflect on was this encounter I had with a 13-year-old boy who had what we later came to acknowledge as a gender identity issue. The clinical situation involves a 13-year-old boy named ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 876

Mental Health Myths and Realities

Introduction In the current society nowadays, mental health still is the subject matter of misconceptions and myths which affect the spread of stigma and prevent people from receiving adequate treatment and support. Mental health is a complex and holistic dimension of humankind’s life that has profound implications for persons, families, and communities. Although critical evidence ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1224
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Addressing Mental Health Issues in the United States

The COVID-19 pandemic triggered a surge in mental health problems like depression, anxiety, and substance abuse due to prolonged isolation, uncertainty, grief, unemployment, and financial hardship (Lee et al., 2020). This global event has impacted society by disabling many from participating in normal economic activities (Habánik, 2018). Marginalized groups, including the elderly, youth, minorities, frontline ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3140

Addressing Mental Illness Among Homeless Individuals

The problem of homelessness appears to be one of many complexities that are involved in this situation, including mental illness. People facing homelessness are sometimes faced with major challenges on the path to getting mental health services, and as a result, the symptoms become worse and take a longer time to heal. As part of ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1025

Analyzing “Firework” by Katy Perry in the Context of Mental Health

The themes of self-empowerment, resilience, and self-acceptance are saliently presented in Katy Perry’s hit single “Firework.” The paper will analyze the relation of “Firework” to mental health concepts in psychological literature, dissecting the song lyrics and their reflection on mental illness, how it plays a part in perceiving society, and what overall ideology it has. ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 660

Death and Dying in the 21st Century

Significantly, death and dying are extensive factors of the human encounter, composed of emotions and raising challenging ethical queries. However, during the 21st Century. Developments in medical technology and changing communal attitudes have raised debates revolving around life choices, euthanasia, and physician-assisted suicide. As such, this discussion focuses on dredging into the ethical dimensions of these ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 741

Mental Illness Impacting the Police

Mental illness is increasingly becoming a global issue. Several cases of mental illness require very serious interventions. Law enforcement is one agency that society has overlooked for a long period. The profession is demanding, and there are so many issues that police officers face as they perform their operations. Law enforcement authorities must devise some ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 992

The Right to Treatment – The Constitution Holds That an Individual Confined or in Custody Is Entitled to More Than Custodial Care.

The primary holding in O’Connor vs. Donaldson (1975) was that the state has no right to commit an individual to a facility against their will unless such an individual poses a danger to self or others and is incapable of living without state supervision. In this case, however, Donaldson was forcefully confined even though he ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 639

Euthanasia and Nazi Medicine

There is no denying that the Nazi Germany dead in the World War II will remain in the history books, particularly the holocaust stories. One of the most enduring questions about this regime is how the barbaric ideology became the reference point for a nation that had a rich history of scientific and historical accomplishments. ... Read More
Pages: 11       Words: 3001

Write 700 Words on the Stigma of Mental Illness. You Can Use Your Own Experience or Things From the Textbook or Research Some Articles (or All Three).

Introduction Mental health stigma, a horrifying barrier to well-being, continues to cast a shadow over individuals facing mental illnesses. This pervasive issue is greatly rooted in historical perspectives, cultural attitudes, and media portrayals, often resulting in discrimination and the avoidance of mental health services. Through a combination of personal stories, research results, and educational activities, ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 943

Sumter Resources: Improving Access

An essential foundation for society’s well-being and advancement is access to comprehensive resources that address the different needs of vulnerable people within a community (Bhatt & Bathija, 2018). In order to create a healthier and fairer society, these resources are crucial. They include assistance for children and the elderly and services for prenatal care, mental ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 938

What Sharks Character Teaches Us About the Effect of War and the Way Mentally Ill People Can Be Ostracized From the Community

In her book “Sula,” which was first published in 1973, Toni Morrison looks into the complexities of human connections, the effects of war on communities, and the repercussions of isolating mentally ill persons. By using the figure of the “Sharks,” Morrison successfully shows the catastrophic consequences of war on people and the propensity of communities ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 965

Mental Illness in the Canadian Criminal Justice System

The global mental illness problem has affected the Canadian criminal justice system. Each year, thousands of mentally ill people are imprisoned without care. One in five Canadians has a diagnosable mental health or drug use disorder, and criminal justice system participants are usually disadvantaged. The criminal justice system does not always protect intellectually impaired persons. ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2219

Social Well-Being on People With Mental Illness

Introduction A mental disorder is defined as a clinically substantial impairment in a person’s intelligence, emotional control, or behavior. It is frequently associated with distress or functional impairment in crucial areas. There are numerous types of mental illnesses. Mental problems are often known as mental health difficulties. The latter is a broader term that includes ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2226

Mental Illness and Stigma and the Role of a Social Worker in Curbing Stigma

Definition of Terms Mental Illness According to the World Health Report, Clinically, substantial impairments in cognitive functioning, emotional management, or behavioral functioning define mental disorders (Ahmedani, 2011). It is common for people to experience discomfort or a decline in critical areas of functioning as a result. Distinct mental illnesses exist. Conditions affecting one’s mental health ... Read More
Pages: 15       Words: 4105
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