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Death and Dying in the 21st Century

Significantly, death and dying are extensive factors of the human encounter, composed of emotions and raising challenging ethical queries. However, during the 21st Century. Developments in medical technology and changing communal attitudes have raised debates revolving around life choices, euthanasia, and physician-assisted suicide. As such, this discussion focuses on dredging into the ethical dimensions of these issues through expediting two impactful documentaries, that is, “Expert Discusses Assisted Death for Mental Illness Sufferers” and Let’s Talk about Dying” by Dr. Peter Saul. By maneuvering via these discussions, evaluating the primary matters, possible biases, agreements, disagreements among presenters, and moral and ethical dilemmas is easy.

In reference to the two selected documentaries, numerous matters, and central themes are explored intensively. In the film “Expert Discusses Assisted Death for Mental Illness Sufferers”, it is apparent that Jocelyn Downie deals with the critical motif of medically assisted death for people struggling with mental illness(CPAC, 2020). The outstanding matter discussed in the video is whether people suffering from mental health illness should have the opportunity to access assisted death. Joycelyn Downie discusses the challenges of equalizing autonomy and the role of shielding the vulnerable. On the other side, Dr. Saul elaborates on the extensive motif of end-of-life care preferences(Saul, 2013). He stresses the essence of persons displaying their end-of-lifend-of-lifecting conversion to the need for open dialogue and developing care planning.

Under evaluation, the two videos show that the presenters approached the matters with an equalized and meticulous perspective, moving away from palpable bias. In the elaboration on assisted death for mental sufferers by Jocelyne Downie considers the challenges revolving around the topic, handling the risks and difficulties related to stretching access(cpac, 2020). While championing the perspective of assisted death, Downie illustrates a dedication to presenting a detailed evaluation of the subject issue. Likewise, in his talk on end-of-life care-of-lifer, Saul maintains a neutral position, calling for open dialogue without striving for a particular agenda(Saul, 2013). Although deceptive biases may appear regarding individual beliefs, the presenters are highly focused on promoting thoughtful conversation instead of developing a stringent agenda. Thus, this avenue involves the audience critically with the matters and draws their assumptions in the ethical world of death and dying debates.

According to the two documentaries, there is an apparent absence of direct disagreement between Jocelyn Downie and Dr. Peter Saul following the matters handled. The aim of Downie on assisted death for mental illness and the elaborations by Saul concerning end-of-life care preferences are different aspects of the entire debate on death and dying(Saul, 2013). Although their subjects contradict each other, both contribute important understandings without being involved in opposition. This idea proposes that the presenters handle complementary factors of the entire discourse, resulting in different ideologies to enrich the general comprehension of ethical considerations in end-of-life choices.

Nevertheless, moral and ethical matters arise from these debates, such as autonomy, sanctity of life, and communal roles. Significantly, it is evident that the documentary presented by Jocelyn Downie elicits questions concerning the possible exploitation of vulnerable people with mental illness and the ethical implications of equalizing personal autonomy against the delegation to protect(CPAC, 2020). On the other hand, the aim of Dr Saul on end-of-life care preferences dredges into the oral obligation to regard people’s decisions, stressing society’s role in delivering compassionate care(Saul, 2013). Therefore, the presentations underline ethical challenges revolving around choices at the end of life and the entire societal implications of rising attitudes toward death in the 21st Century.

In summary, in going through the challenging world of death and dying in the 21st Century, the two documentaries deliver thought-provoking ideologies. However, the center of the debate is on a delicate balance between personal autonomy and communal roles, looking into certain difficulties posed by mental illness and the entire world of end-of-life care. Although the possible biases prevail, the presenters deliver their claims with equality, contributing important understanding to the continual ethical discourse centering on these extensive and deeply individual issues. Therefore, as the community prevails to struggle with rising attitudes toward death, these debates are important touchpoints for influencing ethical frameworks that respect personal decisions and community values.


cpac. (2020). Expert discusses assisted death for mental illness sufferers. In

Saul, P. (2013). Let’s talk about dying – Peter Saul. In


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