Friendship begins with an encounter because, without it, there is no way to get to know the other person. However, the encounter alone does not automatically lead to friendship. To become friends, two individuals must communicate in some way because without communication, there is no way of knowing who the other is. This concludes that communication plays a role but still does not bring friendship. It is merely the means of transport on the way to friendship.
In a world that is becoming increasingly hi-tech oriented, an increasing number of people seem to have a “more significant relationship” with their smartphones than with other people. However, like most mammals, people are hard-wired for physical contact and friendship.
In terms of youth mental health, young people can access a vast array of services. More and more services, even doctor visits, are “relocated” to the smartphone or the internet. However, at the same time, there was never a time with so many lonely youths.
Discuss if the online doctor or counselor truly can replace the “real” person or even a friend who would sit down with you and just listen to what bothers you. Can you imagine a situation where friendship is more important to you than family? Or would you be contented seamlessly moving into the metaverse?
“Friendship – is, according to Voltaire (French enlightenment writer, historian, and philosopher) – the marriage of the soul.” Discuss what role friendship plays in your life. If there is a problem in your life, would you instead go and see the school counselor or work it out with a friend, a person you know and trust? There is an old saying “that you never can be naked in front of a stranger.” Discuss how this saying relates to friendship versus a counselor. Can you open your deepest feelings to a stranger (psychologist, teacher, counselor, etc.), or does friendship take a primary role to someone you just know or even the internet?
If you still don’t know what sub-topic to choose or how to start writing about friendship, essay examples on this page can help you make a choice and push you to write!