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Media Essays

Critical Response to “The Axe Effect” Commercial

Introduction This advertisement, made by Burly in 2006 and titled “The Axe Effect,” is a famous illustration of how advertising can affect people’s judgments of beauty and desirability. This critical reaction aims to analyze the forthright, implicit, and subliminal messages delivered in the commercial, investigate the strategic use of words and visuals to influence audience ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 943

The Bittersweet Truth: Are Diets Real or Another Hoax?

Introduction In ENDEVR’s 2015 investigative documentary The Chocolate Diet- A Scientific Hoax, the directors Diana Lobl and Peter Onnecken outline the issues of diets being marked as scientifically proven and demonstrate an experiment of their own to show the methods being used in articles and newspapers around the world. The experiment Lobl and Onnecken had begun to ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1068
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Exploring User Engagement on Reddit

The “Exploring the User Engagement on Reddit” study captured mixed reactions from users’ experiences and interactions with the webpage. The study revealed moderate to reasonable user satisfaction based on how the interface responded to each respondent’s desired action and expectation. Thirty-two respondents participated in the survey on February 4, 2024, between 16:34 and 21:46. From ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 611

Critical Thinking Exercise: The “Real” Fake News Analysis

The revelations are attractively presented in the three investigative videos produced by the New York Times to document the disinformation war, how it was embarked upon, and how it unfolded. The primary and secondary texts follow up the complicated threads of fake news, disclosing the historical genesis of such campaigns from the Cold War Soviet ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1166

Science in the Media: Thinking Critically

Introduction The credibility of journalistic articles is paramount in an era inundated with information of varying reliability. This essay critically evaluates the credibility of an article dubbed “Ontario Plans Procurements for 5,000 MW of Renewables” written by Mitchell Beer using six criteria from the book titled “Rough Guide to Spotting Bad Science.” And so it ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1013

Discuss and Evaluate the Impact of Alternative News on the Modern News Audience.

Traditional news models are on the verge of declining due to technological advancements in the use of social apps. This transformation has challenged the economic avenues and audiences who are enthusiastic about traditional medical sources. In this context, alternative news sources have been vital in shaping the perspectives that exist in modern news audiences. The ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1360

A Comparative Analysis of News Coverage

For this analysis, I chose to review two different news sources: Yahoo News and the National Hockey League (NHL) official website. Based on the newsworthiness criteria presented. Thus. I can develop three newsworthy stories taken from each source shown above. Yahoo News 1.SpaceX-NASA ISS Cargo Resupply Mission: The first paragraph of this article discusses the ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 797

The Corruption of False Information

As the information age is all about technological innovations and their rapid dissemination, we are now worried about the influence that digital platforms have over our thinking processes. Nicholas Carr’s “Is Google Making Us Stupid?” and Carole Cadwalladr’s “Google, Democracy, and the Truth about Internet Search” explore this delicate landscape in a way that gives ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1837

The Media and Promulgation Stereotypes

Analyzing the 2010 Shirley Sherrod/USDA Media Controversy In the digital age, the complex correlation between politics, media, and race relations is typified by the 2010 Shirley Sherrod incident. An edited video clip released by conservative blogger Andrew Breitbart, later aired by Fox News, sparked controversy (Morgan, 2010). The manipulated footage from Sherrod’s NAACP Freedom Fund ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 760

A Comprehensive Exploration of Violence in US Mass Media and Its Influence on Public Perceptions and Behaviors

Introduction The history of media violence in the United States reveals an epic that spans back to when television first gained supremacy, sounding a landscape where dominant networks pursued simplistic gestures and were income-oriented. To date, about 150 acts of violence take place on screens weekly on average, without mentioning other sources of violence like ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2682

Unraveling the Complexities of Rick and Ilsa’s Relationship in Casablanca

One of the timeless classics in the world of cinematography, Casablanca is a quality picture for its complex relationship portrayal, especially between the main characters, Rick Blaine and Ilsa Lund. The specifics of their relationship will be analyzed under this media review looking into different communication aspects and mentioning the theoretical models in general. Nature ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 921

Visual Communication Topic Essay

Introduction Social media has emerged as an integral part of new-age communication, with individuals across billions using these platforms in order to connect, share information, and interact. Social media has revolutionized communication, creating a podium whereby humans and organizations can spread their messages to the world within seconds. On the other hand, with social media ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1232

The Crisis of Trust in Journalism

Introduction In the contemporary media, journalism is in a crisis where public confidence in the news has been significantly undermined. Distrust has been fomented by various factors, like government policies influencing media regulation and consolidation, resulting in decreased editorial independence and digital age challenges. As traditional news outlets try to adjust to the changing media ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1534

Freedom of Expression

When the pursuit of truth is the name of the game in the journalism industry, an interaction between what one believes and how opinions will highlight sections in an editorial line produces quite a stance. It examines the subtle landscape of journalistic integrity, most especially when a journalist’s actual political views are something different from ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1182

The Impact of Alternative News on Modern Media Consumption

Alternative news has emerged as a corrective to perceived failings within mainstream media systems that perpetually change the face of Media. This growth has resulted in favorable consequences, enlivening the media scene with a vibrant tapestry of heterogeneous voices that question entrenched stories. With the boundaries of mainstream and alternative news changing, this transformation requires ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1216
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Essays On Media

The definition of media has completely been turned on its head with the digital revolution we’ve seen. Whether it’s better or worse is still to be decided, but it has drastically changed how information is shared these days. Initially, we would get our news from multiple news outlets that sometimes would have their own agendas in how information should be sent. Of course, there were unbiased news sources, too, to help balance out one extreme over the other.

Yet, as time went on, these news outlets started to be purchased by influential bodies that shaped and carved the news at their own whim. This happened as the dawn of the digital age began to emerge, which was an unrestricted, unbiased, and rapid form of getting information. Social media helped to make an explosive impact, where everyone was able to get a digital voice and chime in on whether something was factual or not or what their thoughts were.

While it may have helped to weaken the stranglehold on misinformation, it also opened a much more vicious side of misinformation where there was no verification of the information as journalism required, and worse, minimal to no consequences on any repercussions or consequences when misinformation was passed through these channels.

How to write an essay on media

This is an excellent outlet to compare traditional media and social media. A pros and cons list with research behind it is a superb option, but make sure to note that with so much media ‘noise’ out there, you want to ensure that you don’t add to it with your essays and stick to the facts without any type of opinion into it.

You want your essay to be as clear cut as possible which will help offer a fresh take on the media these days.

Some topics to consider are as follows:

• Journalism’s future in the digital age
• The impact of fake news on society
• Media’s role in forming public opinion
• The role of the media in promoting social change
• The ethics of media reporting
• Media’s role in the rise of populism

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