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Cultural Identity Essays

Cultural Background Paper

Abstract The present paper investigates my intersecting cultural upbringing between the two most powerful identities, Egyptian and Coptic Orthodox Christianity. As a result of living in Egypt during my adolescence, I was able to acquire knowledge of the cultural practices, norms, values, gender roles, and religious beliefs that were prominent in the Egyptian and Coptic ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2548

Influence of Popular Culture on Cultural Identity

Culture changes over time due to socialization and popular culture. High culture and popular culture influence cultural identity in today’s globalized world. I am a Colombian registered nurse living in Miami, immersed in a diverse cultural landscape shaped by traditional and modern elements. Question 1 High Culture vs. Popular Culture High culture is a society’s ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 632
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Critical Analysis of Dagoberto Gilb’s Love in L.A Story

In his short story Love in L.A., Dagoberto Gilb depicts a fascinating tale that explores the intricate nature of human relationships, individual desires, and difficulties encountered by immigrants living within American borders. The setting of the story is in Los Angeles which represents a city where ethnicity mix and American Dream exists. The plot of this story ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 840

Significance of Ethnicity in Shaping Student’s Experience in Schools

The educational experiences of American pupils are significantly shaped by their race and ethnicity. The racialized environments in which kids learn significantly influence their academic prospects, successes, identities, decisions, and overall experiences. The role of race and ethnicity in determining how children perceive American schools, emphasizing the impact of racialized environments on learning results, interpersonal ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 870

What Is Culture, and Why Is It Significant in the World Around Us?

Culture is a complex phenomenon that consists of the beliefs, ethics, norms, behavior, and artifacts that a common group of people commonly holds. It serves as the lens through which we view the world and shapes our thoughts, deeds, and relationships. Culture does not remain static. It occurs when people interact with each other in ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 690

Ethnicity and Mexicano/Ethnicity

Hispanics in the United States are a group that consists of mainly from Latin America, regardless of their race. The United States has annexed many realms that used to belong to the Portuguese and Spanish, usually called Latins. In light of such historical occurrences, being Hispanic cannot be construed as a matter of race since ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 630

Study on Min Jin Lee.

Min Jin Lee is a popular South Kean Author born in Seoul, South Korea, but later settled in the United States in 1976 with her family. However, Min Jin Lee is known across the globe basically for her work which often dealt with Korean American and Korean topics and is graded best because of her ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1695

Eating Guinea Pigs

The journey into the uncertainty of guinea pigs beyond tasting as a gastronomical adventure is cultural. In many South American countries, this average rodent known as “guy” goes beyond its nutritional value and becomes a story that almost spans decades and centuries. Guinea pig is not just food but a cultural metaphor and regional identity. ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 839

Divergent Paths of Beneatha’s Love: Unveiling Themes Through George Murchison and Joseph Asagai in a Raisin in the Sun

Introduction Many of Lorraine Hansberry’s theatrical adaptations, like A Raisin in the Sun, set the action squarely in the present day. Racism and social inequality are symbolized by the Younger family’s precarious financial status. The great George Murchison, Joseph Asagai, and Beneatha Younger will co-host a conversation on love and self-improvement. This essay explores the ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 632

Racial Passing and the Politics of Performance in Bamboozled and Erasure

Introduction The complex and contentious issue of racial passing in early America has persisted as a historical phenomenon up to the present day in American popular culture. The paper discusses the representation of racial passing in some works between 1990 and 2010, specifically Percival Everett’s novel Erasure [2001] and Black. White. TV reality miniseries [2006]. ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1720

Exploring Cultural Identity: Narratives of Resilience in Black Voices

Colonial encounters significantly resulted in a battleground for cultural identity, which is a key element of human existence. Various writers and researchers have delved into the correspondence between the two aspects above, spurring substantial discourse in literature. Hence, this essay explores the works of Ngugi wa Thiong’o, Richard Wright, and W.E.B. Du Bois by delving ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1727

What Is My Culture?

Cultural skills are vital in professional life. Just like in communication, the value of culture is superficial in various professions, including counseling, sales, law, and teaching, where listening and talking are essential to effectiveness. Based on the analysis conducted by Spillman (2020), culture describes individuals’ interests, beliefs, and values, thus allowing people to uphold unique ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 591

Cultural Identity: LGBTQ+ Community

The LGBTQ+ community is one cultural group that successfully identifies itself to the rest of society. Members of this lively, varied community employ various communication tools to express their identities and fight for their rights. When participating in pride parades, for instance, members and supporters can boldly exhibit their identities through clothes, flags, and symbols ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 789
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Essays About Cultural Identity

If you’re looking for an essay topic, cultural identity is a good one to consider. On the one hand, culture refers to all the values, beliefs, behaviors, and rules that a specific group of people find to be acceptable. On the other hand, identity is knowing what’s true and acceptable for you.

As social animals, we form a cultural identity through the subconscious interpretation and incorporation of signals from our environment into our personal identity so we can fit in. That’s why one’s cultural identity is an important part of one’s personal identity.

Cultural identity is quite a relevant topic not just because it’s important to understand this part of ourselves, but also because, due to globalization and immigration, we’re constantly being exposed to people with different cultural identities.

When it comes to writing an essay about cultural identity, there are many different ways you can approach the subject. That’s why the first step is to choose a focus. The more passionate you feel about it, the better your essay will turn out. So, make sure to find an angle that you feel strongly about to discuss cultural identity.

Now, there are many different aspects of cultural identity you can discuss in your essay. For example, you can focus on gender, ethnicity, language, or religion. Just ask yourself, “what aspect of cultural identity has affected me the most?” Answer honestly and you will find a focus for your essay.

Once you’ve chosen a focus, you should make an outline. Why? Because it will help you find direction and stick to it. Your essay can’t be all over the place, it needs to have structure; a beginning, a middle, and an end. Your ideas can get out of hand very quickly, so you need an outline to make your essay as valuable and engaging as possible.

We also recommend you leverage your own experience. You have a cultural identity, so you can use vivid personal examples to describe things for the reader and make your arguments more compelling. Leveraging personal experiences will help you add something new to the conversation.

If you are working on an outline for an argumentative essay or persuasive essay, or need ideas for an essay on police brutality, thesis, or research paper on police brutality, you can use examples from this page to help you complete your piece like a pro!

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