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What Is Culture, and Why Is It Significant in the World Around Us?

Culture is a complex phenomenon that consists of the beliefs, ethics, norms, behavior, and artifacts that a common group of people commonly holds. It serves as the lens through which we view the world and shapes our thoughts, deeds, and relationships. Culture does not remain static. It occurs when people interact with each other in a society. Our world does not exist without culture, which has deep and complicated meanings. The purist sense of culture is identity and affiliation (Raeff et al., 2020). It categorizes humans with others in that culture. For instance, language, traditions, rituals, and cultures help people to express their cultural identity, creating an impression of heritage and continuum among them over generations.

Additionally, the culture plays a key role in forming social morality and values. It is a guideline on which correctness and incorrectness depend. Shared norms guide the activities and decisions a certain society undertakes and ensure social order and harmony. Culture is also influential in developing language, art, and technology on the intellectual plane. It is a font of knowledge and imagination that ignites innovation and development. This makes culture and human expression vast in different ways people see and respond to challenges.

Cultural awareness is imperative in the globalized world for successful communication and cooperation. Cultural differences lead to many misunderstandings and conflicts. Thus, intercultural competence should be developed. Acknowledging and recognizing diverse cultures fosters tolerance, empathy, and understanding and creates a framework for peaceful cohabitation in a highly globalized society (Raeff et al., 2020). Culture is thus an integral part of the human experience, which is constantly changing. It influences identity formation, directs behavior via social norms, and fuels creativity, innovation, and comprehension in a heterogeneous world.

How do politics differ in different regions of the world?

Different parts of the world have different political systems derived from the respective historical, cultural, economic, or social settings. The differences include the forms of government, distribution of power, political ideas, and levels of political engagement. Political systems common in Western democracies like the United States and European countries usually lean towards representative democracy. Citizens elect the representatives to make decisions on their behalf, and there is a distinction between different arms of power – legislative, executive, and judicial ones. The systems entail respect for individual rights, rule of law, and free and fair elections. However, certain countries, particularly China and Singapore within Asia, may employ alternative political approaches. Authoritarianism implies central power, the absence of freedom of democracy, and a focus on development and stability. However, some may have hybrid systems, which combine authoritarian and democratic aspects owing to the unique historical and cultural circumstances.

For instance, some political systems common in the Middle East include monarchies such as Saudi Arabia and republics such as Iran. Therefore, religion in such instances is very likely to affect politics; some societies even bring religious institutions into their political setup (Song, 2019). The diversity here results from geopolitics, legacy, and politics behind it. Various political systems in Africa can be demonstrated by democratic regimes, as in South African politics, while other countries have autocratic regimes. Post-colonial, tribal, and economic woes influence African political structures. There is also political diversity in Latin America. There are those countries with stable democracies and others with regimes of authoritarianism and political turbulence. In this location, politics is based on economies, social imbalances, and histories that give rise to different modes of governance (Song, 2019). These factors include historical factors, cultural diversity, economic reasons, and social variations that can explain political diversity in the regions. These huge diversities play a vital role in forging international relationships, fostering global teamwork, and understanding the complex picture of political regimes.


Raeff, C., Fasoli, A. D., Reddy, V., & Mascolo, M. F. (2020). The concept of culture: Introduction to spotlight series on conceptualizing culture. Applied Developmental Science24(4), 295–298.

Song, Y. (2019). The landscape of comparative politics: Which regions and countries have had high profiles in comparative politics journals? PS: Political Science & Politics52(2), 325–331.


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