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Mental Health Essays

Adolescent Health in Urban Communities

Adolescent health in metropolitan regions is prone to an extensive range of influences. Demography, socioeconomic status, environmental risks, healthcare accessibility, and other associated factors are all vital concerns. The disparities confronted by urban adolescents in metropolitan areas are the goal of this network fitness promotion effort. By examining demographic information, socioeconomic factors, environmental dangers, and ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1358

Putting It All Together: The Finished Masterpiece!

Abstract This research aimed to explore nurse burnout and its potential negative impact on nurses and patients in a clinical or healthcare environment in the United States of America. One of the research publications in the American Society hinted that approximately 100,000 registered nurses left the nursing workforce during the COVID-19 pandemic. Such an occurrence ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2748
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Public Health Essay

My health and well-being are shaped by multidimensional social factors encompassing identity, access, relationships, and environment. While specific determinants like family stability and education afford me privileges, behaviors tied to things like stress, diet, inactivity, and work-life balance remain within my control to improve through proactive self-care steps (Ferrer, 2023). Still, other determinants around age, ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 824

The Impacts and Prevalence of Weight Bias in Society

Many people in our societies have long experienced weight bias. Forouhar et al. (2023) define weight bias as negative attitudes and beliefs about individuals as a result of their weight status, leading to discrimination, stigma, social exclusion, and stereotyping. It is experienced in various institutions such as schools, where learners with more weight are viewed ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 829

The Detrimental Impact of Social Media on Mental Health

Social media was an invention that changed the way of sharing, communicating, and, in a general sense, touching base. Indeed, on the one hand, it has brought along many advantages, but, in turn, the pervasive use raised severe concerns about mental health and, more particularly, in children and adolescents. Based on recent findings from various ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 685

Suicide in High School Females

Suicide among high school females is a major issue that requires our attention. Adolescence is a difficult period distinguished by educational expectations, peer dynamics, building an identity, and mental health issues. Though adolescence is a time when people have great experiences, its enormous immersion and intensity are frequently too much for teenagers to handle without ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1151

Semiotic Analysis of Social Media’s Impact on Mental Health

Introduction In modern society, people must recognize the excellent influence of social media since it determines how they communicate, receive information, and define themselves and others. This paper examines the effect of social media on the world; it concentrates on the positive and negative effects, especially the ones related to mental health issues and the ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1002

The Effects COVID-19 Has Had.

Abstract COVID-19 has not only anecdotally but also manifested in our communities’ economy, transportation life, and social interactions. This article will serve as a ground cam to explore mental health issues that have arisen in the wake of a pandemic. In particular, I will shed some light on the aspect that has yet to be ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2375

Navigating Legal and Ethical Dimensions of Internet Counseling in Mental Health

The rapid evolution of technology has radically transformed several fields that make up our lives, including how we get and obtain mental health services. Internet counseling, commonly called online therapy, e-therapy, or teletherapy, has been a valid substitute for “old school” face-to-face counseling. This novel approach could be of great help due to its higher ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2104

Characteristics Associated With the Method of Each Article

The methodologies of the articles were unique and fit well with the participants’ and study objectives. Cheng et al. (2018) used questionnaires distributed among the study participants before and after the intervention. Questionnaires involved 26 items, which were meant to collect information on patient outcomes after incorporating home visit services. This method was perfect for ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2212

The Various Reasons for Seeking a Career in Clinical Psychology

Introduction Even though lots of people decide to embark on a career in clinical psychology due to a desire to help others, there are other reasons also that motivate people to be in this respected profession. Thus, I chose clinical psychology since it is based on the desire to understand human behavior, to make a difference ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 813

Is It Still Legal To Hit Children in School in 19 American States

Introduction Every student recognizes the idea of corporal punishment, and in recent years, across different states, teachers have identified with punishing their students for wrongdoing or being undisciplined. Notably, appearing touchy with one’s crush while in school or walking around with saggy pants could warrant a student getting paddled by their teachers in Mississippi. Moreover, ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1043

Evaluation Process of Intervention

The project intervention involved cognitive behavioral therapy sessions conducted by certified psychotherapists in the community. Additionally, physical exercise routines with certified physical instructors were also implemented in the long-term treatment of chronic stress-related mental illnesses and associated heart diseases. The aggregate selected represented the community, and all had signs of chronic stress, which were seen ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1041

Declining Life Expectancy in the U.S.

Life expectancy is an estimate of the average number of years that each person in a defined population is expected to live. The statistical estimate can be performed at any age, mostly at birth. In the U.S., the National Center for Health Statistics estimated life expectancy at birth was 76.1 years in 2021. The estimate ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 719
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Essays About Mental Health

Mental health affects every single aspect of our lives. It affects the way we think, act, and feel, so it’s one of the most relevant topics and it will always be. Writing an essay about mental health can be very impactful and it’s a great opportunity to explore the topic and provide a fresh perspective.

Our psychological, emotional, and social well-being all depend on our mental health. Why? Because it determines how we make decisions, how we relate to other people, and how we handle the good and bad things that happen in our lives.

Mental health is such a broad subject that you can address it in a great variety of ways to make a compelling essay. For example, you can explore the risk factors of mental health and explore the most common ones to shed light on them.

You could also explore how mental health issues have increased in modern times and why that is. The importance of mental health services is another topic you can explore at length. You can even focus on mental health services in schools or any other institution.

When it comes to mental health, certain conditions are a lot more common than others. Your essay could focus on common psychological conditions and how they affect every aspect of people’s lives.

Considering that mental health concerns in America have been increasing, you could focus your essay on arguing whether we’re going through a mental health crisis, what led us there, and what can be done to remedy it.

If you’ve ever struggled with mental health in any way or know someone who has and you’ve seen the effects of it, you can bring your unique perspective and insight into the essay to expand your ideas.

Of course, there’s a lot of research you can rely on, so we recommend you do your due diligence. No matter what aspect of mental health you decide to focus on, whether that’s the impact of social media on mental well-being, the effects of common psychological conditions, biological factors, etc., back your ideas up with credible data.

On this page, you can find examples of essays on mental health that can help you find your own point of discussion or create an argumentative or persuasive essay outline.

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