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Psychology Essays

To What Extent Does an Induced Altered State of Consciousness Influence Subconscious Perceptions

Research Question: To what extent does an induced altered state of consciousness influence subconscious perceptions? Introduction: I always conducted meditation retreats during holidays, and on the previous holiday, I decided to participate in deep meditation practice. During this meditation, I felt a deep shift in my awareness and extreme levels of connection with my surroundings. ... Read More
Pages: 16       Words: 4176

Time: The Master of Our Lives

Time, the rhythm maker of our lives, is like a beat that sets the pace of our lives. It never stops, changing our lives and molding our destinies. However, although it is all around, time is a thing that is so hard to realize. Despite this evolution, it remains a constant value for comparing and ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1173
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Compulsive Sexual Behaviors

Introduction This study aims to address the urgent issue of compulsive sexual behaviors among adult clients seeking psychosexual therapy. Recent studies have identified a prevalence rate of 3 to 6 percent, causing distress and disrupting daily functioning. Specialist psychosexual therapy can offer hope to people suffering from these problems by providing the necessary tools and ... Read More
Pages: 15       Words: 4085

Rebuilding Family Connections: A Case Study on Jamie and Her Struggles With Adjustment

Introduction In this paper, we examine the case of Jamie, a 17-year-old, experiencing concerning behaviors that negatively impact her academic performance and family relationships. An overview of the initial information provided about Jamie and the potential benefits of treatment for her and her family are presented. Basic listening skills that could be utilized to assess ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1028

Music and Parent-Infant Bonding

Introduction The intersection of music with parent-infant bonding represents one of the most intriguing objects of scientific investigation, lying at the crossroads of the greatest part of diverse disciplines, from psychology to musicology and neuroscience. My interest in the field is triggered by the fact that music is one of the basic human cultural phenomena ... Read More
Pages: 11       Words: 2784

Getting Through the Ethical Maze: Crisis Intervention in Raul and Roxana’s Situation.

The 23-year-old Latin American student Raul/Roxana offers a case study that is full of cultural quirks and ethical conundrums as he struggles with suicidal thoughts. To achieve both ethical and effective intervention in this complex circumstance, a balanced strategy that prioritizes safety while taking into account varied views, employs culturally competent care, and strikes a ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1388

Endy Interview Project

Part 1 The career path I have chosen is Behavior Psychology. This career involves the analytical study and observation of behavior. Professionals in Behavior Psychology believe all behavior is learned through conditioning in different interactions between individuals and their environment (Morse & Dell, 2021). There are several job opportunities associated with behavioral psychology. For instance, ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 942

Psychosocial Pathways Between Working Conditions and Wellbeing

Part I: Article Summary This article interested me because it examines how social relationships and isolation influence health outcomes. The biopsychosocial model proposes that social factors affect biology and health, directly relating social psychology to health. The introduction summarizes previous evidence that social isolation increases mortality risk similarly to smoking. Social relationships influence health behaviours ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1080

Positive Psychology Interventions Can Enhance a Sense of Purpose, Leading to Improved Outcomes in Addiction Recovery.

Abstract Addiction in general brings substantial individual and societal burden when it comes to the high recidivism after the traditional symptom-focused treatments like cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and 12-step programs. Although such methods successfully work for some, they usually do not encourage well-being and positive functioning. The latter is concerned with increasing strengths, promoting positive ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3141

Biopsychosocial Assessment of Childhood Behavioral Disorders: Case Study of Ben Liu

Introduction Ben Liu, a seven-year-old kid with behavioral issues, is the focus of this paper’s biopsychosocial examination in the context of his family and culture. A differential diagnosis for Ben’s symptoms will be made using evidence-based literature and DSM-5-TR criteria. Culturally responsive engagement tactics will also be considered to meet Ben’s diverse requirements and improve ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2467

Understanding Developmental Risk Factors in Criminal Behavior

Introduction Various developmental, psychological, and environmental factors affect criminal behaviour. In a detailed analysis of three case studies to highlight the intricacies behind the crime, this paper assesses the effect of risk factors, specifies the type of crimes- whether being expressive or instrumental evaluates the criminality of the offenders, and applies particular theoretical frameworks to ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1329

Techniques for Group Leaders in Counseling Stages

The group leader plays a vital role in counseling sessions where the group is transitioning from one stage to another and overcoming any resistance that might arise. The techniques used at each level are crucial for building a positive group dynamic and grappling with the challenges associated with group counseling. In this paper, I will ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 751

Character Analysis: Adam Project

Adam Reed, a 12-year-old male teenager attending Franklin Middle School, is being raised by a single mother after his father’s untimely death in a vehicle accident. Adam is somewhat diminutive compared to his contemporaries and has periodic episodes of asthma, which are alleviated by the use of an inhaler. Due to his low height, he ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1160

Assessment of the Confidentiality and Mental Health Case Study

In the case of Dr. Laura Simmons and Mr. Alex Turner, the ethical dilemma surrounding confidentiality in mental health treatment is evident. Dr. Simmons, guided by the principle of privacy, faces the challenge of balancing trust and potential harm. Colizzi et al. (2020) believe trust in therapeutic relationships is crucial for effective mental health interventions. ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1666

Lifespan Theories: Career Development in Childhood and Adolescence

The Super Theory was developed by Donald Super based on his premise that an individual’s self-concept evolves. According to the Super Theory, an individual’s career pathway spans their entire life. According to this paradigm, children’s professional development starts in early childhood while developing their sense of self. The core of the Super theory on career ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2228
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Essays On Psychology

We all have thoughts and behaviors, and psychology studies our minds and how we behave, which makes it a highly relevant topic. Psychology has long been used to explain people’s actions through explaining and understanding the thoughts that lead us there. We see it daily in studies on criminals or history, actions taken by companies specifically designed to leverage psychological facts, and conversations wherein we leverage psychology to get ahead.

For instance, psychology details how something being rare scares us and makes us feel like we must get it before it’s gone. Companies use that by saying, “Buy it now, before someone else does!” or, “It’ll only be on sale for a short time; buy it while you can!” This tactic, scarcity urgency, is only one example of how we see psychology in use daily. This is a manipulation tactic capitalized on by companies throughout the world to alarm the consumer and give them the incentive to make a purchase.

How to write an essay on psychology

Writing a psychology essay gives you some flexibility in your choice of topic and structure. While most psychology essays can fall under the basic essay structure of one introduction paragraph, three body paragraphs, and a conclusion paragraph, you have other options you can leverage as well.

One of these is the theme structure. You can structure your essay around themes by making each body paragraph about a different interconnected theme.

What can you talk about in an essay on psychology

We all have psychology happening in and around us all the time, which makes for a huge topic pool for an essay on psychology.

Topics you can choose for a psychology essay include:

• Deviant behavior and control
• Humor theory concept
• Creativity: The flow and psychology of invention and discovery
• Historical perspectives in psychology
• Mother’s learning and its impact on children
• The science of how the mind impacts behavior
• Treatment for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
• Managing panic attacks
• Loneliness causes, as defined by psychology

If you need help completing your essay or have lost inspiration, you can always rely on these examples. They are here to push you in the direction of the most incredible essay you have ever written!

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