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Psychology Essays

The Psychological Trauma of Combat Treatment

Introduction Combat service members and veterans frequently carry the unseen scars of psychological battles they have fought, facing difficulties that go well beyond the battlefield. The effects of war can take many different forms, ranging from the quiet struggles with mental health to the eerie aftereffects of trauma. Finding efficient treatment choices becomes a ray ... Read More
Pages: 14       Words: 3763

How Does Active Social Media Use Impact Psychological Well-Being Such As Self- Esteem and Depression During Adolescence

Abstract The psychological effects of active social media usage on adolescents’ self-esteem and depression symptoms are the main focus of this study. It clarifies various aspects and dimensions, such as difficulties related to privacy and ethical considerations, gender and culture, screen time and content types, peer pressure and parental guidance, and the possible advantages of ... Read More
Pages: 14       Words: 3738
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Are Humans Driven by Aggressive Instincts or Naturally Good?

Sigmund Freud and Carl Rogers, the giants of psychology, proposed different theories on human nature. According to Freud, human nature includes inbuilt primitive murderous urges which drive behavior. On the other side, Roger believed in the assumption of human beings’ inherently innate goodness as an indication of an intrinsic capacity for favorable evolvement and progress. ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1330

Mental Illness Impacting the Police

Mental illness is increasingly becoming a global issue. Several cases of mental illness require very serious interventions. Law enforcement is one agency that society has overlooked for a long period. The profession is demanding, and there are so many issues that police officers face as they perform their operations. Law enforcement authorities must devise some ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 992

Comprehensive Analysis of Attachment Disorders Related to Childhood Abandonment and How They Can Be Addressed

Introduction Background Some studies are related to the significance of mental health in explaining, diagnosing, and providing treatment for various mental illnesses to improve the general lifestyle. A unique situation is child abandonment with severe complications such as CPTSD and depression. These connected problems need to be investigated in detail because improved denial at an ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1229

Child Counselling and Play Therapy

Techniques, media, and activities to be used The chosen case scenario is one for Jodi, who is six years old. They are referred for counseling due to oppositional behavior, which is noticed by the teachers in her school. The child lives with the grandmother because of the unavailability of the parents, who are dealing with ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1011

Media Critique 1: Do Today’s Young People Really Think They Are So Extraordinary?

Section 1: Summary of the Media Article This section provided a high-level overview of the study, as Morling (2018) suggested. Summarizing the key elements aids comprehension; Morling notes that understanding the “big picture” promotes interpreting details. The media article provided a detailed overview of the research study conducted by Trzesniewski et al. It began by ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1200

Engagement Role-Play Reflection

Several things went well in the engagement role-play involving Bill, the involuntary client, but there were several places where my engagement practice might be strengthened. First, creating a polite and sympathetic environment was a success. Warmly greeting Bill, I promised him that our meeting would be private and discreet (Engagement Role-Play Payton & Lori-2023). Building ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 616

Comparative Analysis of Humanistic-Existential Psychotherapy and Holistic Therapy

Overview of Humanistic-Existential Psychotherapy The nature of humanistic-existential psychotherapy can be captured in helping the clients become aware of their uniqueness, leading to a greater awareness of self-identity, the meaning of life, and the surrounding world (Binder, 2022). The therapy aims to encourage an individual’s capacity to make decisions to develop a separate personality and create ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1076

Integrating Christian Counseling Theories in Addressing Substance Abuse/Addiction

Introduction Substance abuse and addiction represent complex societal challenges with profound implications for individuals, families, and communities. The pervasive nature of these issues demands a comprehensive approach beyond conventional therapeutic methods. This research paper explores the integration of Christian counseling theories as a unique and potentially impactful framework for understanding and addressing substance abuse and ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1623

How Are You Black?

Becoming black is the act of embracing nigrescence or creating a racial identity. Black psychology research is significant for comprehending the experiences of African Americans, both individually and collectively. Cross, 1995, explains that African-American individuals are assimilated into a culture, leading to diminished racial identification. With time, these individuals undergo different psychological stages that enable ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 945

Feature Article: Superstition: Unmasking the Origins Through Psychological Theories and Scientific Skepticism

Historical Perspective of Superstition The phenomenon of superstition has constituted part of human civilization for millennia. It traces its origins to the beliefs and rituals of different ancient cultures. To understand the historical aspect of superstition, one needs to look at its head in ancient times, how it was shaped by religion, how it has ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2167

Behavioral Differences Between Individuals Raised by Their Grandparents in Comparison to Their Parents

Individuals brought up by their grandparents differ significantly from those brought up by their parents. It is essentialalso to admit that there are exceptions in both groups. Many of these differences can be explained regarding reasons for grandparental caregiving, cultural influences, and unique family dynamics associated with each region and country. In this regard, grandparents ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1378

Understanding the Complexities of Somatisation

Section 1: What is Somatisation? Somatization is the presentation of mental or emotional elements as somatic (physical) manifestations. For instance, some people experience headaches, nausea, back pain, chest discomfort, or exhaustion as a result of stress. Somatic symptom disorder and malingering are disorders in which somatization appears (Orzechowska 2021, p. 3159). The disorder is characterised as ... Read More
Pages: 18       Words: 4768

Exploring the Relationship Between Social Media Addiction and Psychological Distress in Young Adults

Abstract Background Social media plays an essential role in the world today and heavily influences our lives today. However, it has also been proven to have a profound influence on people’s mental health and distress levels. This paper pays close attention to this issue, addressing how excessive use of social media platforms influences the mental ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 1981
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