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Psychology Essays

Understanding the Five Factor Model: Exploring Personality Traits and Their Impact

The Five-Factor Model (FFM), also known as the Big Five personality traits, is one of the most applied models in the description and understanding of human personality. It postulates that the personality of an individual is organized into five broad dimensions. This paper discusses the Five Factor Model: Openness to Experience, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, and ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 684

Social Psychology Article Review

Introduction  Social psychology refers to a branch of science dealing with the study of how one’s thoughts, beliefs, opinions, intentions, goals and feelings created through social context interfere with one’s ability to connect with others successfully. It looks at human behaviour as impacted by other people within their social construct(Mcleod, 2023). In most cases, how ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 761
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Research Case Analysis

Introduction The significance of Charlie, who is a young Hispanic male with ADHD and a complicated substance abuse case, to the social work field is high due to the intersectionality aspect with mental health, addiction and cultural diversity. Charlie’s problems with hyperactivity affected sleep patterns and dependence on medication to highlight the interconnection between neurodevelopmental ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 1953

Enhancing Children’s Resilience: A Comprehensive Review

Abstract This literature review will investigate recent psychological research on maximizing children’s resilience, emphasizing support for parents and early interventions. The review integrates the findings on the resilience factors, the function of the relationships, evidence-based interventions, and the impact of social-emotional learning programs. This review will highlight the significance of raising children in an environment ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 929

Consequences of Numerous Psychological Aspects on Both Patients and Medical Professionals in the Context of Patient Education

Understanding the effect of psychological factors is vital for effective treatment delivery, and patient education is an essential element of nursing practice. This essay will examine the consequences of numerous psychological aspects on both patients and medical professionals in the context of patient education There are many psychological factors that affect healthcare professionals, such as ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 835

Understanding Cognitive Development

Introduction Why do we think in the way we do, learn, and retain information the way we do? Cognitive psychologists set out to decipher the complexities of the human brain by investigating its subtler processes which are involved in both thinking, learning, and remembering (Eysenck & Keane, 2020). Primarily, at its heart, this area of psychology ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2274

Is the Matrix of Long-Term Memory Throughout Childhood Affected by Age, Distress, and Attachment?

Introduction The development of long-term memory throughout adolescence is one of the most significant elements of psychology study because it explains how memories stay intact and enable us to remember them as we grow up. The growth of long-term memory throughout this era is crucial to understanding cognitive development and developing treatments for memory disorders. ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1262

Sigmund Freud and Robert C Solomon

Introduction Exploration of the mind and the essence of being have been perennial interests in the complex human experience, captivating bright minds for millennia. Sigmund Freud and Robert C. Solomon stand out among these intellectual giants, their views influencing the conversation on the intricacies of the human mind and emotions. The pioneering Austrian neurologist Freud ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1120

Reexamining the Findings of the APA’s 2015 Task Force on Violent Media

Controversial APA Task Force Report: In this article, Ferguson, Copenhaver, and Markey’s (2020) APA Task Committee technical report on video game violence is reviewed. The study and resolution statement connected aggressive video games to aggression, not violent crime. Reevaluation Difficulties: The study analyzes the 2015 APA video-game violence task force technical report (Ferguson et al., 2020). The ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1181

Introduction to Health Psychology SP4: Case Study- Impact of Illness

The multifaceted effect of Sally getting breast cancer and its treatment on her life is seen in different ways. Behaviorally, she may have changes such as fatigue, irregular sleeping patterns, and diminished capability to do daily tasks. Psychologically, Sally may undergo more stress, anxiety, and depression due to the unknown nature of her illness, body ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1106

Understanding the Role of Social Factors in Schizophrenia Development

Specialists have been trying for years to figure out what causes schizophrenia, a severe and challenging mental problem. At first, academic studies mainly looked at the disease through the lens of genetic predispositions. Recently, there has been a significant shift in how people think about how external factors, especially social drivers, affect how likely people ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1118

Intrapersonal Communication for Self-Improvement

Before this course, I was more interested in interpersonal than intrapersonal communication. I perceived the former as the most important form of communication because it entails methods that we use to communicate with others. It did not occur to me that intrapersonal communication is vital because I thought I was constantly communicating with others, not ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 800

Evaluation of Memory Strengths of University Students While Studying

Introduction The topic under study is the evaluation of the memory strengths of university students while studying. The main aim of the research process is to understand the characteristics and nature of memory systems and processes that influence study processes among university students. Memory is a byproduct of information processing depth that is both short ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1738

Theo Case Study Analysis

Counseling is essential for handling issues related to Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). The condition has been ranked as one of the most expensive mental health disorders due to its complexity. Most of the time, people experience this disorder as a result of past experiences that were not pleasant, and the condition may drastically affect ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2041
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