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Psychology Essays

The Relationship Between Failure and Success.

Introduction: In the course of their strivings for success, such a wise saying as “Failure is followed by victory” has become an absolutely usual prescription to inspire people to be persistent and unyielding. This phrase means that failures and disappointments are stepping stones to one’s goal. This is a very inspiring phrase, but can it ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 671

Dear in Love and in Doubt

Dear reader, I understand how challenging it is to find your lover in bed with another partner. Before choosing what to do with him, the first thing to consider is the impact that cheating could have on you. First, allow me to talk about sexually transmitted infections.” Sexual intercourse with multiple partners could result in ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 658
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Title: Reflection on Social Work Practice: The Value of Relationship Building and Sitting With Difficult Emotions

In the article “But What Should I Say Next? 5 Tips for Social Workers,” Danna Bodenheimer stressed the need for competent communication in social work. Two topics from the related articles, “The Profound Act of Sitting With Difficult Emotions and the Value of Process in Social Work Practice” by Pamela Szczygiel and “Active Listening in ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 806

Psychometric Assessments Used With ADHD Students

Abstract This in-depth literature review examines the vital position of psychometric tests as capital tools to advance our knowledge of ADHD among learners. It covers the cognitive, behavioral, and emotional dimensions of ADHD, which objectively assesses current research findings. The recent research highlights the importance of using multiple psychometric tools to diagnose ADHD appropriately, which ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 658

Psychodynamic Theory in Social Work

The article skillfully analyzes the application of psychodynamic theories, especially object relations and self-psychology, in trauma-informed social work practice. Adopting a subtle framework, the author promotes the inclusion of psychodynamic interventions such as holding environment, containment, and self-object transferences as essential elements in the establishment of both relational and internal safety. By using these theoretical frameworks; the ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1009

Navigating Social Dynamics at Parties

The social events that seem alive with music and leg-slapping laughter, and in which friendship runs like a magical thread through the air, provide the kind of party to remember. However, as the noise of celebration surges in its beatific rhythm there appears to be a delicate sense – that of identifying the respect it ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 659

Legal and Ethical Issues in Counseling

Introduction Group therapy, a dynamic and collaborative approach to addressing mental health concerns, brings individuals together to share experiences, provide support, and explore solutions. However, within this communal setting, mental health professionals encounter unique ethical challenges that, if mishandled, can have legal implications (Yalom & Leszcz, 2005). This discussion delves into three critical ethical situations ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1000

Integrating Perspectives on Human Growth: Biological, Social, Cultural, and Psychological Dimensions

Abstract This paper presents the broad vision of human growth and accomplishment of such an interaction as the biological, social, cultural, and psychological aspects to gain more awareness about the mentioned phenomenon. It begins by analyzing the biology of development that is impacted by the relationship between genetics and embryology. Moving on, attention is drawn to ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1571

Pain Management Paradigm: The Evolution and Application of the Theory of Equilibrium Between Analgesia and Side Effects

At the intersection of historical evolution and contemporary pain management, the Theory of Pain: a balancing act between analgesia and the side effects is found to be present as the basis. This theory is profoundly embedded in the historical fabric of pain theories, which reflects a revolutionary paradigm of pain intervention. This essay presents an ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1835

Influence of Titchener on Early Psychology

Introduction Edward Titchener was a pioneering psychologist whose ideas significantly shaped the early field of psychology. His primary focus was on understanding the mortal mind and knowledge, setting psychology piecemeal from other psychologists. Titchener developed an approach called structuralism, aimed at discovering the abecedarian rudiments of studies and passions, analogous to how a druggist studies ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1225

Theories of Cognitive Development

Psychologists have long been interested in theories that explain how the mind grows and develops. These hypotheses try to clarify how children’s cognitive capacities and ways of thinking evolve during their formative years. Theories of information processing, Piaget’s theory of cognitive development, and Vygotsky’s sociocultural theory are among the critical theories of cognitive development outlined ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 681

The Ethical Implications of the Little Albert Experiment

John Watson and Rosalie Rayner conducted the Little Albert Experiment at Johns Hopkins University in 1920, and the study raised notable ethical issues. The primary reason for the critical issue is that the 9-month-old infant Albert B. was treated immorally when he underwent classical conditioning with a white rat. Striking a steel bar and producing ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 865

Psychological Profiling of Serial Killers

As people grow older in life, they tend to attract specific obsessions on different issues, some with their careers, hobbies, and families. There are other categories of people whose everyday obsessions is to serially and meticulously plan some of the worst murders the world has ever seen. Psychologists and academics have tried for ages to ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2382

Project Portfolio Final Summation

Introduction Evaluating a large organization like Walmart through an industrial-organizational psychology lens provides invaluable insights into optimizing human capital management and performance. By utilizing various assessment tools to collect comprehensive data around employee attitudes, capabilities, behaviors, and outputs, I/O psychology allows evidence-based diagnosis of organizational issues and data-driven solutions grounded in scientific rigor. Dimensions assessed ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1730
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