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Enhancing Children’s Resilience: A Comprehensive Review


This literature review will investigate recent psychological research on maximizing children’s resilience, emphasizing support for parents and early interventions. The review integrates the findings on the resilience factors, the function of the relationships, evidence-based interventions, and the impact of social-emotional learning programs. This review will highlight the significance of raising children in an environment that supports their parents and children’s relationship and the need for target interventions and social-emotional learning programs to ensure children are in good mental health.


The last few years of research in psychology have seen the emergence of the crucial role of empowering parents and taking the necessary intervention as soon as possible in promoting children’s resilience to go through difficult situations. Weir (2017) gives a detailed analysis of the array of social determinants concerning children’s resilience and the necessity for external support networks and mental disposition. This literature review aims to summarize the fundamental concepts he came up with, such as resilience factors, the influence of relationships, evidence-based interventions, and the role of social-emotional learning programs.

Factors Contributing to Resilience

According to Weir (2017), resilience in children results from the interaction of both internal and external factors. While internal attributes that include problem-solving skills and self-efficacy are necessary, external factors like warm associations with caregivers, peers, and society at large cannot be ignored. The article draws attention to the systematic nature of resilience, which shows consistency among a child’s supa child’st systems. It adthey interact with each other. According to Masten (2014), children live their lives through interactions with their friends, family, and community. The way other systems are running is a massive factor in the ability of this child to rise above the odds. Knowledge about these multifaceted resilience factors can serve as the foundation for good prevention techniques.

Role of Relationships in Fostering Resilience

One of the critical factors in children’s resilience building is the nature of relationships they form, especially the mother-child bond. Weir (2017) highlights the importance of delivering positive parenting and childre,n’s develo,pment and well-being. The research work by Luthar & Eisenberg (2017) demonstrated that support, consistency, and caregivers that are nurturing can become the protective factors for a child to shield the child against the negative impact of stress and adversity. This is because resilience comes from the core, the core of natural interconnections. In addition to that, Programs targeting parental support as well as generating positive parent-child interactions get some significant success in promoting resilience among those populations that are seen to be prone to mental disorders.

Evidence-Based Interventions

Weir (2017) discusses a few evidence-based interventions that address resilience against adverse events in children by upgrading parent’s efficacies and intensifying the strong bond between parent and child. These interventions cover different aspects ranging from practicing positive parenting homes visits to mothers with single mothers and mothers with depression. Such programs put into effect through research presentation show positive results on parenting behaviors, depressive symptoms reduction and socioemotional development of children. The study by Luthar & Eisenberg (2017) suggests that expanding the scope of such programs would impart considerable influence on the public health, as it would have the potential to improve the health and general well-being of children elderly. Moreover, community-based activities are able to cover the cases of at-risk families in a larger scale which leads to an enhancement of health indicators on a population level since it engages with a larger part of the community.

Significance of Social-Emotional Learning Programs

The article emphasize how social emotional learning (SEL) can serve as an important part of school programs for developing resilience of children. Weir (2017) analyse the positive aspects that Social- Emotional Learning interventions can bring for instance, they can improve students’ social skills, behavior, attitudes and sometimes even some of their academic performance. The SEL curriculum that focuses EQ essential skills, including self-awareness, self-management, and relationship building, gives to children the instruments required to resolve the problems efficiently. Funding SEL programs in the early adolescence provides with a golden opportunity to help to create strong base of social-emotional competencies that can support the long run emotional resilience and wellness. Masten (2014) argues that at this early developmental stage there is a lot of the brain activity that is occurring fast and this might still on the rehabilitation track just that it is not noticed when they are taken early to the treatment.


In sum, the article provides significant information on tactics to make children resilient with an emphasis on helping parents and early interventions. Through focusing on resilience factors, relationships, permitting the use of evidence-based interventions and SEL programs, stakeholders take on the key role in creating resilience and promoting positive behavior in students facing adversities. Therefore, the future analysis of the situation should include research work and joint efforts for clearer understanding of the resilience phenomenon and developing evidence-based interventions for improved coping mechanisms of the populations suffering the consequences of disasters.


Luthar, S. S., & Eisenberg, N. (2017). Resilient Adaptation Among At-Risk Children: Harnessing Science Toward Maximizing Salutary Environments. Child Development88(2), 337–349.

Masten, A. S. (2014). Ordinary magic: resilience in development. The Guilford Press.

Weir, K. (2017, September). Maximizing children’s resilience. American Psychological Association.


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