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Philosophy Essays

Sigmund Freud and Robert C Solomon

Introduction Exploration of the mind and the essence of being have been perennial interests in the complex human experience, captivating bright minds for millennia. Sigmund Freud and Robert C. Solomon stand out among these intellectual giants, their views influencing the conversation on the intricacies of the human mind and emotions. The pioneering Austrian neurologist Freud ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1120

A Dialogue Among Ancient Chinese Thinkers on the Rulership of Goujian

Introduction In “The Legendary Goujian Story in Ancient China,” Paul A. Cohen looks at the troubles of the spring and Autumn Periods, particularly those of the ruler of the Kingdom of Yue in the distant past. The author concentrates on the careful study of historical materials and archaeological data to gain the whole picture of ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1417
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Rhetoric: Techne vs. Empiria

The term “the Art of persuasion” occupies a substantial place in the context of classical Greek rhetoric. Rhetoric as sophistry (a practice based on the art of deceiving people by sophisms), in turn, was sharply criticized by philosophers such as Plato. Whether it is best to be treated as the possession of science (techne) based ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 758

Hobbes and Locke’s Views on Rights

This paper will investigate Hobbes’ and Locke’s different points of view on the concept of rights, centering on their suggestions for political specialists. The paper will be organized as follows: The essay will characterize and compare Hobbes’s and Locke’s understandings of rights; moment, it will analyze how their contrasting philosophical presumptions shape their sees on ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1535

Unraveling Intimacy: A Critical Examination of Sarah Conly’s Distinctions Between Persuasion, Seduction, and Coercion in Sexual Encounters

The exploration of human behavior provides essential insights that help in understanding the interaction with ethics, among other aspects. In her arguments, Sarah Conly introduces the nuanced dynamics of persuasion, seduction, and coercion within the realm of sexual encounters, providing essential insights into how persuasion and seduction within the boundaries of mutual consent should not ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1647

Position Paper: Virtue Ethics vs. Ethics of Conduct

Consideration of virtue ethics vs. ethics of behavior, two separate philosophical frameworks that influence decision-making in moral quandaries, is a common starting point for ethical debates. Developing virtuous character characteristics like bravery, candor, and empathy is at the heart of virtue ethics, which draws on the writings of classical thinkers like Aristotle. The text highlights ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2407

Mencius vs. Xunzi: Contrasting Views on Human Nature and Society in Confucianism

During the turbulent “Period of the Hundred Philosophers” (771-221 BCE), a plethora of numerous philosophies competed for dominance inside the highbrow landscape of historical China. Of them, Confucianism supported by scholars like Mencius and Xunzi—became well-known as a faculty of notion, offering precise insights into human nature, the structure of society, and the way to ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1548

Literature Question: Embracing Individual Values on the Path to Success

The notion of pursuing culturally endorsed values is presented in chapter 1 of Richard Shell’s “Springboard” through a thought-inspiring quote by Marcus Aurelius. The quote outlines the paradox of human behavior, showing how people, even though they think of themselves as unique entities, are too influenced by the opinions of others about themselves (Shell, 2014). ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 575

Examining Machiavellian Teachings Through the Lens of Pope Benedict XVI’s Homily: A Critique of Political Expediency and Moral Integrity

Introduction In this exploration, we delve into the teachings of Niccolò Machiavelli as presented in his seminal works, “The Prince” and “Discourses on Livy,” juxtaposed against the backdrop of Pope Benedict XVI’s homily delivered during his installation Mass in 2005. Machiavelli’s writings, renowned for their pragmatic and often amoral approach to political power, contrast the ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2232

Title: Building a Just Society on Sovereign Land

Introduction: Definition of Justice: This definition of justice means the fair and equitable distribution of resources, opportunities, and advantages among all members of society, together with the unwavering commitment to treating each person with dignity and respect. The theory of justice as fairness, formulated by John Rawls (1971), substantially influences this idea. A just society ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 784

Identifying Unstated Premises and Standardizing Arguments

Introduction For the critical evaluation of an argument, it is necessary to identify the unstated premises and put the argument in standard form. Unstated premises are premises that are not explicitly stated but need to be assumed for the validity of the argument. Through uncovering these implicit assumptions, we get to grips with the author’s ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2253

Contrasting Views on Human Welfare

1a) According to Heathwood, something is intrinsically good if it is valuable purely for its own sake, independent of any further effects or consequences. Happiness is the key example he uses of an intrinsic good – the feeling of happiness is good in and of itself, apart from any results it might produce. Even if ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1320

Plotinus Concept of “Materiality”

Under the influence of Plato’s dialogues and mystical teachings of the ancient world, Plotinus set forth on a path to find a greater truth, trying to unite the various strands of philosophy that dominated his era into one metaphysical doctrine (Evangeliou, 2002). This essay offers one of the metaphysical claims of the philosopher Plotinus who ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 751

The Construction of Familial Identity

Ludwig Wittgenstein’s unique perspective on the construction of familial identity explicitly addresses gender, sexuality, race, and ethnicity. Wittgenstein contends that identity is context-dependent, action-based, and normatively regulated through language games. While factual elements contribute to identity, they do not singularly determine membership; somewhat, identity is shaped within discursive contexts and normative practices. This essay explores ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 719

A Consequentialist Ethical Framework for Management

Introduction Due to Ye Old Paper Mill’s organizational challenges, the CEO has tasked the Human Resources department with studying consequentialist ethical theories to determine the best framework for potential managers. This proposal examines consequentialist theories’ fundamentals in detail. The goal is to explain the differences between these ideas and analyze the importance of happiness and ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1278
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Essays On Philosophy

Philosophy is a crucial piece of our cultural and moral identity. It’s the study of the nature of knowledge, reality, and existence, and it is important to understand and demonstrate understanding of. Philosophy as an academic discipline is a very full and varied subject, but it extends past that. Personal development and self-help are two areas of popular culture that have grown out of philosophical beginnings, giving you various topics and ways to connect with your audience.

How to write an essay on philosophy

When writing your philosophy essay, remember that philosophy is all about the examination of thinking and knowledge. That means your article needs to be well thought out and organized. Be extremely clear in your language and explanations. Although using jargon is going to be necessary to showcase your understanding of the terms and concepts, avoid over-reliance on jargon. Philosophy essays need to effectively communicate understanding, not your ability to memorize and recite information.

Philosophy essays most often involve exposition and evaluation. Exposition explains the view or argument you’re talking about, whereas evaluation is your chance to explain why you do or do not agree with this. It’s essentially philosophizing on your own.

The general structure of an essay on philosophy can follow the classic essay format of five paragraphs (introduction, three body, conclusion).

What can you talk about in an essay on philosophy

Philosophy covers many concepts and ideas, and because it’s been around so long, there is much to discuss. Choose a topic you understand fully and can explain concisely and effectively.

Great topics for philosophy essays include:

• Absolutism VS democracy
• Systems theory- definition, origin, benefits, and disadvantages
• Does God exist, and what happens when you ask that question?
• Analytical essay on ethical relativism
• American values
• Evolution of pragmatism
• Rights of Aboriginal people and the vision of just society in your country
• Reflective essay on the application and advocacy of nonviolence
• Personal values essay
• Education and Religion in Thomas Moore’s Utopia
• History of political thought
• Moral Principles in Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
• Plato and the unintended effects of his philosophies
• Analytical essay on Plato and Aristotle’s views on the Golden Mean
• Realism, poetry, and naturalism
• The portrayal of Socrates’ beliefs in The Apology and Clouds

When writing an essay on philosophy, try looking through the samples on this page. They will help you see different people’s points of view and create your own masterpiece!

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