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Philosophy Essays

The Construction of Familial Identity

Ludwig Wittgenstein’s unique perspective on the construction of familial identity explicitly addresses gender, sexuality, race, and ethnicity. Wittgenstein contends that identity is context-dependent, action-based, and normatively regulated through language games. While factual elements contribute to identity, they do not singularly determine membership; somewhat, identity is shaped within discursive contexts and normative practices. This essay explores ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 719

A Consequentialist Ethical Framework for Management

Introduction Due to Ye Old Paper Mill’s organizational challenges, the CEO has tasked the Human Resources department with studying consequentialist ethical theories to determine the best framework for potential managers. This proposal examines consequentialist theories’ fundamentals in detail. The goal is to explain the differences between these ideas and analyze the importance of happiness and ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1278
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Free Will and Determinism: Navigating the Controversy

The philosophy of free will and determinism has sustained its time-honored existence, pertaining to human agency alongside the degree to which external causes guide our actions. In formulating a response on determinism, it becomes crucial to discuss which side poses the greater threat: prediction or unpredictability in free will. In this paper, determinism will be ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 662

Moral Dimensions of Belief in God

Vaughn’s work critically examines Pascal’s Wager and the morality of believing in God for practical benefits. Vaughn discusses Pascal’s pragmatic God-rationality. Pascal’s Wager states that Christians will experience eternal bliss if God exists and minimal loss otherwise. Deniers of God’s Supremacy risk everlasting damnation if God exists but just modest loss otherwise (Vaughan 27). Using ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 656

Seafaring Life: Career, Responsibility, and Integrity

The pillars of life, often overlooked in busy living, are essential for a worthwhile life. They guide us through professional and personal waters, like Captain John in Walt Whitman’s poem. Exploring career, responsibility, and integrity is crucial for defining our life’s direction (Magolda 12). We can reveal their depths and importance in navigating our professional ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1035

Rethinking the Gap Argument

The objective nature of science is often seen in the fact that the acquisition and the pursuit of knowledge are based purely on empirical facts. On the other side, classical philosophers of science such as Kevin C. Elliott claim that values may be a crucial factor in scientific practice, influencing the decision from the interpretation ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1511

A Personal Prescription for Eudaimonia: Blending Wisdom From Plato, Aristotle, Stoicism, and Epicureanism

Introduction The quest for eudaimonia, the highest point in human life, requires ancient philosophy research. This paper seeks to derive a unique prescription for meaningful living by introducing aspects of Epicureanism, Aristotle’s Stoicism, and Platonic views. I am motivated by these educational giants’ profound teachings to seek knowledge, virtue, strength, and moderation in pleasure. As ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 972

Critique of “Kant’s Perspective on Moral Imperatives”

Summary The book “Groundwork for the Metaphysics of Morals” by Emanuel Kant establishes the supreme principle of morality. According to Kant, goodwill does not have limitations (27). This description implies that people should wish for understanding, with the power of judgment and similar mental abilities. For instance, Kant argues that although moderation in passions, self-control, ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 980

Plato’s Phaedo: Immortality of the Soul

The Phaedo is undoubtedly one of the most philosophically dense conversations of Plato’s middle period. It comprises discussions on four arguments regarding the soul’s immortality, the theory of forms and powerful arguments favouring the philosophy of life. The Phaedo is in constant dialogue with pre-Socrates theories, particularly the theories of Anaxagoras, Pythagoras, and Heraclitus. In ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 590

An Ethical Critique of Rehabilitation vs. Punishment in Addressing Criminality

Introduction Various philosophies have long debated the most appropriate method to address criminality. Some philosophers contend that punishment is the best way to address criminality since individuals should be held accountable for their actions. On the other hand, rehabilitation advocates believe that societies should endeavor to transform criminal individuals into productive members through deliberate effort ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 987

Atheists Are Not Capable of Leading Moral Lives Than Theists

Introduction In his article, Julian Baggini proposes an intriguing position claiming that atheists can be good, if not better than the moral behavior of theists. This claim denies traditional assumptions that religiosity is a necessary requisite for ethical behavior. Baggini’s argument ignores the moral structure offered by religious doctrines and the power of communal ethical ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1174

Aristotle Metaphysics Discussion

Introduction In this discussion, we will take a look at an ancient philosopher who lived between about 600 B.C. and 1350 A.D. Tens of philosophers lived between these periods, but Aristotle emerged to be one of the influential ones whose philosophy is studied even today. Aristotle is an ancient philosopher who forever changed the understanding ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 885

Is Our Identity Over Time a Matter of Continuity of Memory?

Suppose you have no luck and you wake up one day without your autobiography of life. Will you still feel like you should be regarded in the same way you regard yourself? This intriguing point serves to reinforce talk on the importance of personal identity because the continuity of memory does not just focus on ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1824

Elisabeth’s Critique: Descartes’ Dualism Examined

Princess Elisabeth exposes a fundamental weakness in Descartes’ substance dualism: its inability to explain how an immaterial mind can interact with the material body, compromising the intelligibility of his overall view of the mind and calling for alternative accounts. Descartes treats mind and body as representing two separate entities, with the mind constituting one substance ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1194

Christian Influences on Natural Law in Augustine’s Thought

What Christian versions of Natural Law concepts are present in the religious and political ideas of Augustine? Be sure to include a discussion of statesmanship and the Christian ideas of covenant and dual citizenship, temporal and spiritual. Original Post Augustine of Hippo was a Christian philosopher who lived between the 4th and 5th Centuries in Hippo. He ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1165
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Essays On Philosophy

Philosophy is a crucial piece of our cultural and moral identity. It’s the study of the nature of knowledge, reality, and existence, and it is important to understand and demonstrate understanding of. Philosophy as an academic discipline is a very full and varied subject, but it extends past that. Personal development and self-help are two areas of popular culture that have grown out of philosophical beginnings, giving you various topics and ways to connect with your audience.

How to write an essay on philosophy

When writing your philosophy essay, remember that philosophy is all about the examination of thinking and knowledge. That means your article needs to be well thought out and organized. Be extremely clear in your language and explanations. Although using jargon is going to be necessary to showcase your understanding of the terms and concepts, avoid over-reliance on jargon. Philosophy essays need to effectively communicate understanding, not your ability to memorize and recite information.

Philosophy essays most often involve exposition and evaluation. Exposition explains the view or argument you’re talking about, whereas evaluation is your chance to explain why you do or do not agree with this. It’s essentially philosophizing on your own.

The general structure of an essay on philosophy can follow the classic essay format of five paragraphs (introduction, three body, conclusion).

What can you talk about in an essay on philosophy

Philosophy covers many concepts and ideas, and because it’s been around so long, there is much to discuss. Choose a topic you understand fully and can explain concisely and effectively.

Great topics for philosophy essays include:

• Absolutism VS democracy
• Systems theory- definition, origin, benefits, and disadvantages
• Does God exist, and what happens when you ask that question?
• Analytical essay on ethical relativism
• American values
• Evolution of pragmatism
• Rights of Aboriginal people and the vision of just society in your country
• Reflective essay on the application and advocacy of nonviolence
• Personal values essay
• Education and Religion in Thomas Moore’s Utopia
• History of political thought
• Moral Principles in Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
• Plato and the unintended effects of his philosophies
• Analytical essay on Plato and Aristotle’s views on the Golden Mean
• Realism, poetry, and naturalism
• The portrayal of Socrates’ beliefs in The Apology and Clouds

When writing an essay on philosophy, try looking through the samples on this page. They will help you see different people’s points of view and create your own masterpiece!

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