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Philosophy Essays

My Philosophy of Nursing: Answering God’s Call

My thoughts about what a nurse is and what he/she does have changed over time. How I view myself and others now has contributed to this change, as well as my philosophical view of nurses and nursing. Tesh (2020) defines philosophy as the study of the principles beneath nature, through and conduct of the universe, ... Read More
Pages: 11       Words: 2981

Varieties of Moral Relativism

According to moral Relativism, moral decisions are not always objective; instead, they rely on the particular cultural, social, or personal context in which they are formed. Here are three of the most often discussed forms of moral Relativism; first, Cultural Relativism, in which this theory holds that a person’s or society’s moral ideals and views ... Read More
Pages: 11       Words: 2914
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Views on Capitalism

Karl Marx’s Perspective on Capitalism Marx’s critique examines capitalism’s alienation and exploitation. He says the constant pursuit of surplus value and capital accumulation separates workers from their products and labour. Marx said, “An accumulation is not the result of the capitalist mode of production, but its starting point.” This reinforces the idea of capitalistic production, ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1047

Nagel’s Death Essay

From an objective sense, Nagel’s essay on death is not consoling. Nagel is an objective narrator reporting expressions and actions revolving around death being evil but good on different grounds. Individuals find various activities desirable regardless of their challenges, so death deprives them of it, making it objectionable (64-69). However, Epicurus argues that the dead ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1523

Nursing Philosophy Assignment

The nursing metaparadigm concept is a theoretical framework comprising the fundamental concepts and principles of nursing practice (Nikfarid et al., 2018). It gives an all-inclusive and organized view of nursing and guides nurses to understand and deal with complex issues regarding patient care. Four interconnected domains make up the nursing metaparadigm: health, person, nursing and ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 919

Justice and the Question of Revenge

Justice is both an ethical and philosophical concept that promotes the same idea of fairness and impartiality. Accordingly, justice should be achieved through strict adherence to the law, which seeks to prevent offense while prescribing remedial measures. Philosophical discussion regarding the connection between justice is critical in establishing a universally acceptable societal principle. Justice strives ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1286

David Hume’s Theory of Knowledge

Introduction Knowledge acquisition is a consequence of accumulating personal experiences, which are constrained to the cognitive realm of an individual’s mind. David Hume, England’s third most prominent scientific philosopher, started his musings with this information. He embraced the experimental theory of knowing put out by Locke and Berkeley. He built a robust method of spying ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1174

Enhancing Professional and Personal Growth Through Virtue: Three Scenarios for Be the Best You

In the pursuit of excellence, a coaching and mentorship agency that steers employees toward their professional aspirations and cultivates their dreams exists. Notably, the core mission of ‘Be the Best You’ is to embody virtue and character-based ethics inspired by Aristotle. As a coach and training committee member at ‘Be the Best You,’ I am ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 864

Case Study for Moral Status

Introduction The case study analyzes the moral status of Mexican immigrants who have a fetus with fetal abnormality and is at risk of 25% having Down syndrome. Based on their interaction with the various persons, each person’s moral perspective is analyzed based on the fetus and their worldview (Jaworska & Tannenbaum, 2019). Marco, Jessica’s husband, ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 767

Kantian Deontology in Contemporary Ethics: Truth-Telling, Autonomy, and Social Justice

Introduction Immanuel Kant, an 18th-century German philosopher, is celebrated for his deontological moral framework and the Categorical Imperative (CI) idea. Kant’s philosophical contributions are fundamental to contemporary ethics, highlighting obligation and ethical principles as the bedrock for ethical decision-making. This comprehensive analysis will delve into Kant’s deontological doctrine and its pertinence to contemporary moral quandaries, ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1405

TTP 200 (Dl) Cat 1: ‘The One and the Many’ Debate

Task: Explain the various debates that emerge from the main debate of ‘THE ONE’ and ‘THE MANY.’ Many early Philosophers believed that everything is interconnected. ‘The one and the many’ is a debate that has existed for years, with the one (universal) and the many (particulars) being the driving engine of the history of philosophy ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1125

Critique of Post-Development Thinking and Practice: Primary Arguments and Alternative Proposals It Presents in the Development Agenda.

Abstract This term paper examines contemporary global development paradigms for assessing post-development theory and practice. According to post-development theorists, modernization and economic expansion give rise to ethnocentrism, cultural imperialism, and a limited emphasis on economic indicators. This study explores the fundamental principles and many approaches of post-development critique. The investigation starts by presenting the key ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3249

Philosophy Essay, Aristotle: Challenging Aristotle’s Pessimism on Friendship in Nicomachean Ethics

In book eight of Nicomachean Ethics, Aristotle argues against real friendship. Aristotle bases his stand on a stringent criterion, which he sees as essential for true friendship to thrive among equals. Aristotle’s argument has two central premises and a conclusion. According to Aristotle, true friendship can only be achieved based on deep shared personality. He ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1029

Defending Kant’s Transcendental Idealism

The discourse between Immanuel Kant and David Hume over the essence of knowledge and the potential for synthetic a priori judgments holds significant importance within philosophical inquiry. Kant, a proponent of transcendental idealism, argued that imposing conceptual frameworks by our brains onto our experiences allows for attaining specific knowledge (Hanna, 2004). In contrast, Hume advocated ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1073
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