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Right and Wrong Upcoming Assessment Traits


In a time with fast worldwide changes, the ongoing talk about good and bad coming from ethics to morality has grown stronger. This idea talks about the claim that Good and Bad are the same, looking at the reasons for agreeing or disagreeing with this simple stop between Right and Wrong. The fast change in society makes us check if old ways of thinking about right and Wrong still stand firm when the world keeps changing. As technology and culture change, people think hard about right or wrong. Scholars talk carefully about how our choices connect to good morals. This paper looks at recent studies. It wants to give good ideas about how ethics, morality, and societal changes connect.

Discussion in Support of the Proposition

Good behavior is correct, and bad behavior is wrong, according to many people who think deeply. A big reason for this idea is that being good aligns with old rules about right and wrong. It makes people feel better overall in life, too. Enriquez (2021) shows how technology changes ethics. He says it is essential to consider ethical issues when dealing with the complicated parts of progressing tech. This idea says that good decisions naturally result in positive results, strengthening the connection between ethical behavior and what is right.

Moreover, Introduction to Ethics by Chakraborti in 2023 helps explain different ways of thinking ethically. It looks at guidelines and rules that guide ethical actions. This work supports the idea by saying that good actions are just like those seen as right. By looking at what is happening now and ideas about right or wrong, Chakraborti helps to build a strong base for the argument. His ideas focus on the main rules that support good behavior, stressing the importance of doing the right things and seeking what we believe to be just.

Enriquez (2021) and Chakraborti (203) give an educated basis for the debate supporting this idea. Enriquez’s study of the moral effects of changing technology gives helpful advice on using good values in new situations. Chakraborti’s deep study of good and bad ideas makes it even more vital that doing what is right is also considered ethical.

Discussion in Opposition to the Proposition

However, some people think the easy rule of right as good and Wrong as dire needs to include how complicated it can be to make the right choice. People who think a lot say that what is right or wrong about an action can change based on the situation and culture. Chakraborti, in 2023, talks about how ethics are not just one thing. They can change and be affected by different cultures or societies that shape what we think is right or wrong. This idea questions the statement, saying that actions we consider right in one situation might be seen differently elsewhere. This shows how ethical decisions can change depending on where they happen. Danaher (2021) looked into the futurism of values. This exciting idea says that what we consider essential changes over time, moving forward for a better future. This questions the fixed idea of saying that what is thought to be right or moral now could change in the future. This idea shows that values can change. It tells us to think again about old rules when we disagree with new ways of thinking about right and wrong.

The disagreement about the idea shows how important it is to know ethics better – in a way that understands moral values can change. Chakraborti’s ideas make us consider the complex connections between different cultures and ethical decisions. They stress that what is right or wrong can change based on social groups instead of being universal. Danaher’s future-focused view expands the outlook, supporting a moral guide that accepts value changes. It questions whether ethical decisions can stay the same as society transforms.

Research-Based Statement of and Rationale for My Position

After considering the arguments for and against the proposition, my position leans towards a more nuanced perspective that acknowledges the complexity of ethical decision-making. While I agree that ethical actions often align with what is morally right, a rigid equation oversimplifies the intricacies of morality. Context, cultural diversity, and the evolution of values over time necessitate a more flexible approach to ethics. The research by Chakraborti (2023) and Danaher (2021) has been instrumental in shaping my stance. Chakraborti’s exploration of diverse ethical theories emphasizes the need for a comprehensive understanding of ethics that goes beyond a simple equation. Danaher’s concept of axiological futurism underscores the dynamic nature of values, prompting a reconsideration of a static ethical framework.

Synthesis and Argument

By putting together ideas from different books, we see that the connection between right and Wrong depends on many things. The simple concept of good equals Right and bad equals Wrong is sometimes unclear. The mix of factors, cultural effects, and how values change over time makes things more complex. It challenges the idea that only two types of right or wrong options exist. This paper says we need a more careful way to make good choices that depend on the situation. By joining the ideas from Enriquez’s study about how technology changes ethics, Chakraborti’s detailed introduction to ethical topics, and Danaher looking forward to what is yet to come for values, a strong reason comes out. This saying supports an idea of right and wrong that accepts different views, believes values change over time, and manages the mix of cultural details. Putting these views together helps to give a more complete and flexible view of right or wrong. This is useful for handling the challenges of our world that constantly change.

Thesis Development and Purpose

This paper’s main idea is that good actions (ethical) are correct, and flawed ones (unethical) are wrong. It provides a profound argument for this proposition. The idea is accurate, but the main point is that a more detailed look at different situations is critical. This paper is not just about studying a topic; it explores how we make the right choices. The paper wants to use many different points of view, cultural effects, and the changing ideas of right or wrong. It aims to show how hard it can be to solve ethical questions in life.


In the end, discussing how ethics and ideas of right or Wrong are connected shows a complex and varied picture. People usually think that when you do well, it lines up with what is right. However, rigorously seeing things and simplifying something so complicated is not correct. Enriquez, Chakraborti, and Danaher show that technology changes a lot. Different cultures have different ideas, too. This makes it very important to think about ethics in complex ways with more openness. These different thoughts say that we should understand how culture affects behaviors, accept the changing nature of beliefs, and stress the complex situations involved in making the right choices. This way promotes a better and more flexible moral code to handle the problems of our always-changing world. The paper says that understanding the link between ethics and morality requires careful thinking. It goes beyond a simple divide between right and wrong.


Enriquez, J. (2021). Right/Wrong: How technology transforms our ethics. MIT Press.

Chakraborti, C. (2023). Introduction to Ethics: Concepts, Theories, and Contemporary Issues. Springer Nature.

Chakraborti, C. (2023). Introducing Ethics. In Introduction to Ethics: Concepts, Theories, and Contemporary Issues (pp. 1–32). Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore.

Danaher, J. (2021). Axiological futurism: The systematic study of the future of values. Futures, p. 132, 102780.


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