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A Philosophical Exploration of Academic Pursuits


The common wings of my educational sojourn have been intercepted by the daunting philosophical trauma of the hunt for wisdom — finding the purpose. Discovering the purpose and importance of my studies has been an ever-present dilemma that has taken me on a lengthy trip through the philosophical field, which is more about providing concepts beyond the current school problems.

The Philosophical Nature of the Problem

Seeking the purpose of life appears to be a very philosophical undertaking. It is not just the obtaining of newly learned or the exhibition of the essence of education; it is a profound question of why we are attempting education. This manner of investigation shapes the school’s routine life into a philosophical puzzle of infinitude. This condition of the educational process implies the conflict between the two phenomena of conformity and individualism (Geary & Xu, 2022). the predefined curriculum and the standardized examinations that the conventional education system insists on very well conform to prevalence over diversity, a predicament that students have to deal with as they ponder whether their education is customized with the purpose of developing their unique traits or just a convenience to adjust them in the society predesigned prototypes. This dialectic tension creates the base for a philosophical journey that confronts the question of the most profound form of education.

Philosophical Questions Arising from the Dilemma

Involving in a journey of philosophy for a purpose, I cannot hold questions and give them a rest. What does education imply or symbolize? Is educating people in society a means to the end of preparing them for places at the workplace, or does it go beyond aiming to improve mental awareness and teach critical thinking? What place occupies personal goals in people’s lives, and how can integrating the individual and the social aspirations lead to a harmonious balance? The everlasting and never-ending discussion of education’s intrinsic- and instrumental value puts forward new and complex parts of this philosophic dialogue. To what extent does education work as a means of an end, just a step forward to a bright future, or does education provide enrichment to life regardless of achievement? Examining these issues and others needs a philosophical approach not confined solely to assignments and final exams.

Philosophical Approaches to Finding Answers

In fulfilment of my philosophical quest to address the problem of my academic existentialism, I will refer to different philosophical lines. Existentialist philosophy, stressing the responsibility and freedom of the person, lights up the doubt in me whether the options I need to choose in the education system belong to me. Is my hunger for knowledge propelling me to be a student, or is it the societal expectations around me and the pressure being exercised by society? Utilitarian philosophy instigates an examination of how education affects pragmatic or actual outcomes. Do the educational system of today and knowledge likewise serve the people in terms of real-life challenges, and can it be said that the purpose of education is to serve society as a whole? This is the consequentialist approach, which gives me a chance to take stock of the practical facet of the education options and my personal goal. Knowledge, particularly knowing the nature of knowledge, an epistemology branch of philosophy, becomes a guidepost for Socrates for travelling over complicated matters in the learning process phase (Fantl, 2023). How do we form our knowledge, and what do we “think” of the world in the process? The epistemological inquiry brings me closer to the critical analysis of the sources of knowledge that exist specifically in academia and leads me to the challenges of societal building blocks and the hidden suppositions that influence my whole educational journey.


In the fanciful pattern of school life, the questions surrounding purpose can overshadow everything. The seeking of meaning in education requires sustained engagement in fundamental questions such as what learning is, its real nature, and what it is supposed to be. Through the lens of philosophy, my idea is not just to accept the college struggle process but also to seek a deeper purpose that motivates me to go on. The tour is still on, seeing the details as if for the first time, unearthing the truth, self-discovery, and the subtle but profound interaction between a person and the society that the educational realm offers.


Fantl J. (2023). Guidance and mainstream epistemology. Philosophical studies, 1–20. Advance online publication.

Geary, D. C., & Xu, K. M. (2022). Evolution of Self-Awareness and the Cultural Emergence of Academic and Non-academic Self-Concepts. Educational psychology review, 34(4), 2323–2349.


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