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Psychology Essays

Abstinence Versus Harm Reduction

Abstract This paper is about assimilating some ways that people try to help those who overuse alcohol or drugs. For example, another approach is referred to as harm reduction, which tries to make the environment for a drug user safer even without the demand to stop using drugs immediately. The other mode is referred to ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1736

Personal Counseling Theory: Integrating Secular and Christian Worldviews

Abstract Over the past few decades, numerous theoretical perspectives, such as biological, psychodynamic, behavioral, cognitive, and humanistic, have proposed a unique view of human behavior. Even though these perspectives have an underlying similarity regarding human nature, they differ in their practical approaches. Two theories will be utilized, specifically person-centered therapy (PCT), framed by the humanistic ... Read More
Pages: 17       Words: 4511
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Effect of Eye-Witness Testimony Confidence on Juror Decisions

Slane, C. R., & Dodson, C. S. (2022). Eye-witness confidence and Mock juror decisions of guilt: A meta-analytic review. Law and Human Behavior, 46(1), 45-66. In this journal article, Slane and Dodson (2022) investigate the impact of eye-witness confidence on different dependent variables, including (i) jurors’ perception of accuracy, (ii) judgment of guilt, and (iii) guilt or ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2196

Community Inclusion and Integration

Introduction  “Madness: A Bipolar Life” by Marya Hornbacher is a compelling autobiography that provides readers with a raw and honest account of her journey through bipolar disorder. Through her narrative, Hornbacher shares her struggles and sheds light on the crucial elements of recovery, including community inclusion, stages of change, motivational interviewing, and peer support. This ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1532

Different Concepts of Free Will

In examining the concept of free will within the context of addiction, d’Holbach, a prominent determinist philosopher, offers a perspective that challenges notions of individual agency. This introduction sets the stage for exploring d’Holbach’s viewpoint, which contends that addiction arises not from free choices but from deterministic processes like genetics and environment. In aligning with ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1556

Analysis of Violence in Relationships

Introduction The author fully utilizes the analysis of violence in relationships in the article, which is detailed and gripping, as it covers various factors such as evolutionary, biological, and environmental angles. Violence is using force or power to cause harm, injury, or damage to individuals or property (Rivara et al., 2019). I find the author’s ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 653

Thoughtful Response and Assessment

Introduction The family’s hectic life often strangles such issues as children’s behaviour or educational success. In contrast, You visualize your neighbour carrying out his confessions to you as he opens up about his sad experience with his eleven-year-old daughter at school, where both behavioural and academic problems are the norm. Moreover, he gives an account ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1124

The Role and Impact of Counselling Psychology in Addressing Societal Needs

Introduction What if there was an occupation the features of which are to discover the secrets of human nature, to help people to overcome the mental sufferings while at the same time defining society’s requirements for psychological health? Counseling Psychology, one of the applied psychology brunches, shines as both a signpost for those needing psychological support ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1573

Effect of Emotions on the Body

Anger Effect and Physiology of Anger When angry, the brain’s neural activating systems, such as the noradrenergic system, release hormones, especially catecholamine and adrenaline (Yadv et al., 2019). The hormones have systemic effects on the body, such as flushing of the face due to increased blood flow, rise in blood pressure and rate of respiration, ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1155

Consequences, Behavior, and Verbal Behavior

Introduction Using motivating operations, stimulus class, verbal behavior, and derived stimulus relations may effectively teach complicated verbal techniques and address behavioral issues. This study explores the distinctions between starting and stopping activities. We shall explain why they are employed as part of a behavior modification approach. Before going on to the next topic, each form ... Read More
Pages: 11       Words: 2779

Comparison and Contrast of Piaget and Vygotsky on Cognitive Development

Introduction Jean Piaget and Lev Vygotsky rank among the best great psychologists in the field of development of the 20th century, largely due to their theories on cognitive development. To both Piaget and Vygotsky, children’s cognitive development was a complex process influenced by a variety of factors. Piaget’s emphasis was on self-discovery, while Vygotsky pinpointed ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1549

Benchmark Theoretical Models and Approaches

Introduction The issue of correcting addiction challenges in a client may be a challenging case for determination of the cause of the disorder is usually a prior activity in treatment. The development of treatment options for an addiction disorder may require the recognition by the counselor that the disorder is caused by multiple factors that ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1638

Analyzed Chosen Theories

Introduction The person chosen for this case study is Antwone Fisher, a young African American man who had lots of problems and even trauma during his childhood. The film “Antwone Fisher” perfectly depicts that. Antwone was born to a father he never knew and a mother who was imprisoned when he was a teenager, and ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2111

Reflection and Genogram Essay

Getting to the root of identity self-reflection is meant to reveal that the cultural influence has been laying an intricate net for me to walk through as I move along in time. The visual representation shows my relatives’ bridges, roads, buildings, and life stories that accept my own life story for a more compelling interpretation ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1120

Psychology in the Real World: Brain Disorders

Alzheimer’s Disease Alzheimer’s disease, a progressive neurodegenerative condition, not only affects the mind, but it also drastically changes behaviour, affecting life in all its ramifications. This discussion explores the subtle ways Alzheimer’s disease is reflected through one’s behaviour, looking at the symptoms of memory loss, changes in decision-making, personality shifts and dealing with the problems ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 607
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