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Psychology Essays

Applying the Big Five Model To Understand Simone Biles’ Personality and Success

Introduction This essay analyzes the personality and behaviours of Simone Biles, considered the greatest gymnast of all time with 32 Olympic and World Championship medals. As described in her biography, Biles has shown extraordinary perseverance, grit, and passion for excellence in gymnastics from a very young age (Doehler, 2023; Geurin, 2022; Velloso, 2022). Significant childhood ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 988

Understanding the Impacts of Remaining in Unhealthy Relationships on Wellbeing

The psychological and emotional sides of an individual can be greatly influenced by unhealthy relationships, while many individuals ignore the negative effects of these relationships. The review analyzes the literature of psychological researchers who are interested in the effects of staying in unhealthy relationships on people’s general well-being. The research thoroughly analyzes relevant studies and professional ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1328
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Evaluating a Community’s Health, Strengths, and Hopes

The small youth center tucked away down the street from my house is barely noticeable on the outside. But inside those humble walls, an incredible community has grown over the years, one that became my lifeline as a teenager struggling with mental health issues. What began as a place providing me warmth and acceptance sparked ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 826

The Aging Brain

During different life phases, the brain undergoes changes that strongly influence the functions of the whole brain and whole brain. In this essay, we will compare and contrast the brain at two different ages: at 2 and 65 years old. By the age of 2 years, the brain is rapidly growing through the formation of ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 774

Self-Help Groups in Counselling

The massive problems of modern living, such as social upheaval, economic instability, and increased drug use among youths, have uncovered the indispensable function of counseling in fostering mental health and supporting individuals through challenges. The increased importance of emotional resilience has expanded counseling, with self-help groups increasingly gaining popularity. There are various self-help groups designed ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 640

Personal Reflection on Gender Dysphoria

Introduction Gender dysphoria is a psychological condition among individuals with a male, female, or non-binary identity who experience psychological and emotional incongruence with the gender assigned to them based on their biological sex at birth. In this essay, I will reflect on my personal experience of gender dysphoria and analyze how nature and nurture contributed ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1579

Pediatric Psychology: A Historical Review

Introduction Pediatric psychology, the specialty field within psychology dedicated to treating children and adolescents, focuses on the mental, emotional, and behavioral needs of children and adolescents. Over time, this discipline has come a long way, and some theories and techniques have been merged from different domains of psychology and other academic subjects (Canter et al., ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 999

Elizabeth Kubler-Ross

Elizabeth Kubler-Ross (1926-2004) was a psychiatrist and author who was a major figure in thanatology – the study of death and dying. She is best known for articulating the Five Stages of Grief model that presents the emotional responses a person undergoes after a death or any other disaster (Deaderick et al., 2023). The ground-breaking ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1015

Exploring the Impact of a Week-Long Meditation Practice on Daily Routine and Focus

Introduction Maintaining a regular meditation practice comes with several advantages, but it also has a few disadvantages. Reflecting on my first attempt at the seven-step meditation technique offered by, I realized that while I could incorporate it into my routine, I had difficulty maintaining my concentration, and this is from the very first time ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 668

Analyzing “Firework” by Katy Perry in the Context of Mental Health

The themes of self-empowerment, resilience, and self-acceptance are saliently presented in Katy Perry’s hit single “Firework.” The paper will analyze the relation of “Firework” to mental health concepts in psychological literature, dissecting the song lyrics and their reflection on mental illness, how it plays a part in perceiving society, and what overall ideology it has. ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 660

A Profound Analysis of William Devin Howell’s Serial Murder Case

The case of William Devin Howell emphasizes the importance of the deeply rooted nature of serial killers, which needs to be articulated as these offenses constitute the crux of criminology. A period of terrorism perpetrated by Howell, and specifically aimed at women in the New Britain area in the early 2000s, provides a refined and ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1683

Navigating Mental Health Stigma in Digital Spaces

Introduction With the start of the digital age, many new ways exist to meet and communicate. But even in these huge virtual worlds, problems like mental health and shame still exist. As more and more people share their personal stories online, it becomes clear how stigmatized mental health talks are. This piece looks at how ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1430

Navigating Challenges With Compassion

Understanding Arthur’s Situation You must look at many different things together to get a complete picture of Arthur’s behavior changes and school problems. Looking at his medical background and current health conditions can help determine if any issues affect his thinking or feelings. Patterns and possible causes can be found through in-depth interviews, effort evaluations, ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 630

A Critical Reflection on Genograms

The way a person’s background and relationships shape their identity can tell or determine how he/she interacts with the world in general via his perceptions and actions. There are difficulties and complexity of these relationships that sometimes discourage from analyzing them; however, one glimpses into the dynamics is something incredibly rich since it provides significant personal ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 857

Vision As the Most Dominant Sensory Modality

The human sensory system is a complex network of receptors that allow us to perceive and interact with the world around us. Hearing, sight, taste, touch, and smell are the five primary senses that shape our experiences and influence our psychological well-being. Sight tends to have the most profound psychological impact of the five human ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 634
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