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Psychology in the Real World: Brain Disorders

Alzheimer’s Disease

Alzheimer’s disease, a progressive neurodegenerative condition, not only affects the mind, but it also drastically changes behaviour, affecting life in all its ramifications. This discussion explores the subtle ways Alzheimer’s disease is reflected through one’s behaviour, looking at the symptoms of memory loss, changes in decision-making, personality shifts and dealing with the problems experienced by patients and caregivers.

Memory loss is one of the prominent signs that indicate Alzheimer’s disease. People often experience difficulty remembering recent events or important dates and even the faces of people dearest. Imagine how annoying it is to forget that loved family gathering or figure out who that person is, even though you have known them for a long time. This short-term memory impairment also brings with it a state of disorientation and confusion such that an individual gets very anxious or agitated, especially in strange or new environments. This inability can cause interference in the daily living of an individual and hampers independence. Thus, constant supervision and support become vital (Budson & Solomon, 2021).

Alzheimer’s disease also diminishes a victim’s ability to think soundly and make responsible judgments. The things we jokingly refer to as “the easy things” become our daily problems (Gruener, 2022). Examples like handling money or following a recipe are things we take for granted. An individual may run into issues with planning or organizing their thoughts, which could create frustration and a feeling of inability to do anything. This means that caregivers face practical issues that have to do with the safety and well-being of their loved one, but because they have to make decisions for the Alzheimer person, it is not an easy task.

In addition, Alzheimer’s often leads to the development of deep-going personality and mood transformations. The one who was fun-loving and easygoing before can become irritable, reclusive, or even apathetic. Mood swings and agitation are frequent; they are the result of the frustration that originates from doing battle with cognitive disability. As a result of loss of inhibition, some uncharacteristic behaviour may occur, causing the individual to alienate himself from his social circles, which in turn may further aggravate the feelings of loneliness and alienation (Gruener, 2022).

The caregivers, as well as the patients, are faced with many difficulties in the management of the behavioural symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease. For people with the disease, the value of saving their everyday identity and shame in the face of cognitive decline can be challenging. What makes it more difficult is the lack of control and inability to communicate adequately, which may add to frustration and loneliness. Caregivers, however, endure mixed feelings because a large part of the daily care is provided by them, irrespective of the fact that they, too, face emotional distress and guilt or inadequacy.

In summary, Alzheimer’s accelerates the dilapidation of empathy, temperament, and behaviour in a way that leads to a total redefinition of personality. Knowing these behavioural changes is essential for giving the appropriate care that incorporates empathy and effective care for those living with Alzheimer’s disease. By understanding the intricacies of the disease and giving empathetic compassion and support to the behavioural symptoms, we can raise the quality of life for both patients and caregivers.


Budson, A. E., & Solomon, P. R. (2021). Memory Loss, Alzheimer’s Disease, and Dementia-E-Book: A Practical Guide for Clinicians. Elsevier Health Sciences.

Gruener, P. (2022). Alzheimer’s Disease in American Fiction. In Beyond the Great Forgetting: Narrative Resistance in American Literature on Early-Onset Alzheimer’s Disease (pp. 143-297). Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg.


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