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Different Concepts of Free Will

In examining the concept of free will within the context of addiction, d’Holbach, a prominent determinist philosopher, offers a perspective that challenges notions of individual agency. This introduction sets the stage for exploring d’Holbach’s viewpoint, which contends that addiction arises not from free choices but from deterministic processes like genetics and environment. In aligning with d’Holbach’s deterministic stance, the passage from the Arizona Addiction Recovery Center underscores the idea that addiction unfolds as a result of causal chains rather than autonomous decision-making. Thus, this essay delves into d’Holbach’s rejection of free will in addiction, emphasizing the influence of deterministic factors on human behavior.

Based on the Arizona Addiction Recovery Center passage, d’Holbach, a determinist philosopher, would argue that addiction is not a result of free will but rather a consequence of deterministic factors (Fred). According to d’Holbach’s deterministic views, all events, including human actions, are determined by prior causes and conditions. In the case of addiction, d’Holbach would assert that individuals do not possess genuine free will in choosing whether to become addicted or not. Instead, addiction arises from a combination of genetic predispositions, environmental influences, and behavioral patterns, all of which operate according to deterministic principles.

From d’Holbach’s perspective, free will is illusory, as individuals do not have ultimate control over their actions (Fred). He would argue that the brain’s chemistry, genetic makeup, and external factors dictate the course of addiction, leaving individuals powerless to resist their impulses. Therefore, d’Holbach would view addiction as a predetermined condition rather than a matter of free choice.

Furthermore, d’Holbach might emphasize the role of societal factors, such as access to addictive substances and cultural attitudes towards addiction, in shaping individuals’ behaviors. He would contend that these external influences contribute to the development and perpetuation of addiction, further underscoring the deterministic nature of the phenomenon (Fred). In summary, d’Holbach would assert that addiction is not a result of free will but rather a deterministic outcome influenced by various internal and external factors.

A determinist would address the issue of “changes in the brain” within the context of addiction by emphasizing the deterministic nature of these changes (van de Werff). According to determinism, every event, including changes in the brain, is determined by prior causes. In the case of addiction, changes in the brain’s chemical makeup, such as alterations in dopamine receptors, are seen as the result of genetic predispositions and environmental factors. From a determinist perspective, these changes occur due to antecedent conditions, and individuals do not have genuine free will in determining their brain chemistry.

Furthermore, determinism posits that these underlying factors determine individuals’ actions, leaving little room for autonomous decision-making. In the context of addiction, an individual’s behavior, such as continued substance abuse despite adverse consequences, is viewed as a product of their brain’s altered state rather than a result of free choice (O’mahony). This perspective challenges the notion that people with an addiction possess full agency over their actions, highlighting instead the deterministic influence of neurobiological changes associated with addiction.

Additionally, determinism suggests that interventions aimed at addressing addiction should focus on addressing the underlying causes of these brain changes rather than solely relying on individual willpower. This perspective aligns with the idea that external interventions, such as therapy or medication, may be necessary to effectively address addiction by targeting the root causes of addictive behavior (O’mahony). Thus, from a determinist viewpoint, understanding addiction requires acknowledging the deterministic nature of brain changes and implementing interventions that address these underlying factors.

From the perspective of a compatibilist or soft determinist regarding the work required in overcoming addiction, it’s essential to delve into the nuanced understanding of free will and determinism (“Reconciling Determinism and Free Will: A Compatibilist Perspective”). A compatibilist would argue that while individuals may not possess absolute free will in the traditional sense, they still can make choices within the constraints of their circumstances and environment. In the context of addiction, this means that while external factors such as genetic predispositions and environmental influences may contribute to the development of addictive behaviors, individuals still retain agency in their decision-making process.

Furthermore, a compatibilist would likely emphasize the importance of recognizing the interplay between internal and external causes of addiction (Popescu et al.). While genetics and brain chemistry may predispose someone to addiction, environmental factors such as upbringing, socioeconomic status, and access to resources also play significant roles. Therefore, addressing addiction requires a multifaceted approach that considers both internal and external influences.

Regarding the concept of willpower, a compatibilist would argue that it is not necessarily synonymous with free will but rather a manifestation of one’s capacity to make choices in alignment with their desires and goals. Some individuals may indeed possess a stronger will or character that enables them to overcome addiction more effectively, but this does not negate the influence of external factors on their behavior (Popescu et al.). In essence, willpower operates within the framework of determinism, where individuals navigate their choices based on a combination of internal motivations and external circumstances.

In addressing the issue of free will as it relates to addiction, d’Holbach, a prominent determinist philosopher, would likely assert that the Arizona Addiction Recovery Center passage aligns with his perspective. D’Holbach would argue that addiction is not a matter of free will but rather a consequence of deterministic processes, such as genetic predispositions and environmental influences (Fred). From his deterministic viewpoint, individuals do not possess genuine freedom of choice but are instead bound by the causal chain of events leading to addiction. Therefore, d’Holbach would reject the notion that people with an addiction have full agency over their actions and would emphasize the role of deterministic factors in shaping addictive behaviors.

Regarding the issue of “changes in the brain,” a determinist would likely approach it from a perspective of causal determinism(van de Werff). A determinist would argue that alterations in the brain resulting from substance abuse are deterministic outcomes of prior causes. These changes, such as the shrinking of the prefrontal cortex, are not the result of free will but rather of causal processes governed by physical laws. Therefore, a determinist would attribute these changes to deterministic factors rather than individual choices.

In contrast, a compatibilist or soft-determinist would likely acknowledge the role of both internal and external causes of addiction(“Free Will from d’Hobach’s Determinist Perspective | Free Essay Example”). While recognizing the influence of genetic predispositions and environmental factors, a compatibilist would also emphasize the importance of individual agency and the capacity for rational decision-making. They might argue that while addiction may have deterministic aspects, individuals still retain a degree of control and can exercise their willpower to overcome addictive behaviors.

Moreover, regarding the work required in overcoming addiction, a compatibilist would likely distinguish between internal and external causes. They might argue that while external factors may contribute to the development of addiction, individuals can still exercise their inner faculties, such as reason and willpower, to resist addictive impulses and pursue recovery(“Free Will from d’Hobach’s Determinist Perspective | Free Essay Example”). In this view, willpower plays a crucial role in overcoming addiction, and individuals may differ in their capacity to exert it due to variations in character or will.

Relating the issue of addiction to earlier discussions of the self from Unit 2, it becomes evident that addiction intersects with various aspects of the self, including the mind, senses, and memories(“Free Will from d’Hobach’s Determinist Perspective | Free Essay Example”). The reason is central to addiction, as it involves cognitive processes such as decision-making and impulse control. Additionally, addiction affects the senses, influencing perceptions of pleasure and reward. Memories also play a significant role, as associative learning processes contribute to the formation and reinforcement of addictive behaviors. Therefore, addiction implicates multiple facets of the self and underscores the complex interplay between deterministic factors and individual agency in shaping human behavior.

In conclusion, d’Holbach would assert that addiction, being subject to deterministic processes like genetic predispositions and environmental influences, negates the notion of free will. He would argue that people with an addiction lack full agency over their actions, being bound by the causal chain of events leading to addiction. Thus, from his deterministic perspective, d’Holbach would emphasize the dominance of external factors in shaping addictive behaviors, ultimately rejecting the idea of individuals possessing genuine freedom of choice in the context of addiction.


Fred. “BARON D’ HOLBACH on FREEWILL and DETERMINISM: A CRITICAL REVIEW.” Journal of the Association of Philosophy Professionals, vol. 12, no. 1, 2022, Accessed 18 Feb. 2024.

‌ van de Werff. Practicing the Plastic Brain., Accessed 18 Feb. 2024.

‌ O’mahony, Shane. A Socio-Historical Deconstruction of the Term “Addiction” and an Etiological Model of Drug Addiction a Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the Faculty of Humanities.

‌ “Reconciling Determinism and Free Will: A Compatibilist Perspective.”,

‌ Popescu, Alexandra, et al. “Understanding the Genetics and Neurobiological Pathways behind Addiction (Review).” Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine, vol. 21, no. 5, 1 May 2021,,

‌“Free Will from d’Hobach’s Determinist Perspective | Free Essay Example.” StudyCorgi, 20 May 2021, Accessed 18 Feb. 2024.


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