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Psychology Essays

Client-Centered Therapy in Psychology

Abstract Global studies reveal that there has been an ignited on the best strategy to apply in rehabilitation for patients with mental problems. It was found that, in the past, the majority of psychotherapy strategies focused on behavior and psychodynamics. In the 1940’s Carl Rogers realized that some patients did not necessarily need a lot ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2381

Personal Reflection on Change

Introduction “Who moved my cheese” is a story that demonstrates different reactions to change and how people can behave when subjected to change. The story is about four characters: two mice Scurry and Sniff, and two little people, Haw and Hem. They lived in a maze and used to run through the maze in search ... Read More
Pages: 16       Words: 4177
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The Influence of Family Dynamics on Family Members With Eating Disorders

Introduction Eating disorders are behaviors characterized by severe and constant disturbances in eating habits associated with individual thoughts and emotions. For instance, Anorexia nervosa and Bulimia is characterized self-evaluation using body shape and weight. These conditions affect the physical, psychological and social functions of an individual and their families. Besides, eating disorders acts as an ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2636

Discuss Why Counseling Is a Process, Not an Event

Introduction An event is a happening whose results can be traced back to one occurrence. On the other hand, a process is an occurrence whose results are associated with cumulative long-term effects. Therefore, the Counseling process refers to a planned, structured dialogue between a counselor and a client. It is a cooperative process that utilizes ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2462

Depression in Women

People who suffer from various mental health issues are more likely to suffer from depression, especially severe depressive disorder. Depression ranks third in terms of global illness burden when suicide and stroke deaths induced by depression are included. Society may be reducing women’s roles as housewives and mothers, and it has been argued. Meanwhile, women ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 835

Culture-Related Issues That Impact International Students’ and Immigrants’ Life in Washington DC

INTRODUCTION Students tend to travel to other countries that offer better educational options. For example, the united states of America offer students a better option for school work. This will translate to experience through the places they study and exposure to different cultures and destinations. Usually, when students go to different places, they tend to ... Read More
Pages: 20       Words: 5304

Complex Integrated Paper on Primary Health of Bipolar Disorder

1.1 Etiology of Bipolar Disorder Bipolar disorder is a fatal mental disorder that affects most people of all ages, and its cause is not identified. However, medical experts suggest its etiology is from genetics, physical environment, and affected brain functionality. Such a combination results in a chemical imbalance in the operation of the brain. Specifically, ... Read More
Pages: 15       Words: 4006

Comparing the Efficacy of Psychological Interventions in and Out of Secured Hospitals

Sex offenders with learning/intellectual disabilities: comparing the efficacy of psychological interventions in and out of secured hospitals. Introduction There has been a paucity of literature that investigates the effectiveness of psychological treatment programs for sex offenders with learning disabilities. In the main, these studies focused on mainstream sex offenders (Murphy et al., 2010; Ralfs and ... Read More
Pages: 18       Words: 4756

Clinical Psychology: Definition, History, and Its Comparison With Other Mental Health Professions

Introduction Clinical psychology is a specialty that focuses on providing ongoing and extensive behavioral and mental health treatment to people and families, as well as advice to agencies and communities. It also includes training, education, supervision, and practice that is founded on research. This area is referred to as “clinical” since it entails watching and ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1174

Challenges I Face and How I Would Address Them

People across the globe do not acknowledge the concept of counselling as an important discipline in the mental well-being of members of the community. Research has shown that many people either ignore the signs and symptoms of psychological instability or live with the belief that counselling is for weak people (Pereira and Rekha, 2017). They ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1230

Bystander: Write-Up Instructions and Video

The absolute study hooked on the and diffusion of responsibility and bystanders effect from the past mid-20th century, by John Darley and Bibb Latane demonstrates that displaying how the attendance of onlookers, the occurrence of increasing onlookers has the potential to inhibit stimulus on the conduct and also increases the likelihood to put the onlookers ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 650

ACEs and the Effect It Can Have on Children’s Health

Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) are traumatizing events that occur during childhood. ACEs include violence, abuse, and growing up in a family with mental health or substance addiction disorders. Toxic stress caused by ACEs can affect brain development and how the body responds to stress. ACEs have been linked to chronic health problems, mental illness, and ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1446

A Link Between Past Memories and Present Emotional Well-Being

In the modern world, AI has assumed an integral part of human life. It has taken the role of thinking, interpreting, and even reasoning in situations that a human being was supposed to be reasoning. Human nature is being crowned to the AI as scientists, technologists, and even business persons support the innovation in the ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 618

Cognitive Creativity as a Trait

Introduction to Personality and Intelligence focuses on an analysis of traits and their characteristics. It defines a trait as a form of thinking, behavior or feeling. It is an individual’s relatively enduring characteristics; it is consistent in the face of various situations. It differentiates an individual from another; some individuals may have similar traits but at differin... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1255

Extramarital Affairs

Extramarital affairs are relationships of a sexual manner involving married individuals outside of their marriage. A person in an extramarital affair is involved in infidelity. Using the sources indicated in the annotated bibliography, I will delve into the issue of extramarital affairs tackling the major issues raised in them by describing and analyzing major theories in an argumentative manner along with objections an... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 1999
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