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Psychology Essays

Writing Skills and Personal Ethos

Personal values and experiences will always impact a career path in psychology. Personal principles like resilience, empathy, compassion, and a commitment to social justice guide the professional aspirations and emotional growth of such individuals in their journey toward such a career. Therefore, these ethos are part of the core values that fuel a person’s development ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1634

The Memory Tapestry Metaphor

Introduction Memory has been historically compared with static objects like filing cabinets or old-fashioned wax blocks, which bring out the complexity of the subject and leave no shade. In this paper, I propose a new metaphor: the Memory Tapestry. This similarity signifies how memory is interconnected, complex, and rich; it r, results in a more ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 869
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Stages of Cognitive Development and Virtual Children

Piaget discussed four stages of cognitive development: preoperational, concrete, formal, and sensorimotor (Scott HK; Cogburn M, 2023). The pre-operation period is between two and seven years old, where the child uses symbolic thoughts and language to develop memory and imagination, imitate, and have little awareness. The concrete operation stage, lasting from ages 7 to 11, ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1780

Mental Health Counselor Career

The job posting that sparked my interest was for a mental health counselor at a community health clinic, posted on on February 15, 2024. Mental health counselors work with individuals struggling with emotional, mental, or behavioral issues. They help clients process their problems, understand their thoughts and feelings, and make positive changes. Mental health ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1018

Barriers To Cross-Cultural Counselling

Successful treatment requires clear counselor-client communication. However, cultural differences between clients and counsellors can cause miscommunications. The 1976 article “Barriers to Cross-Cultural Counseling” by Derald Wing Sue and David Sue emphasizes that verbal and nonverbal communication styles may produce cross-cultural treatment issues. Sue and David explore the benefits of directness, emotional expression, and insight in ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1297

My Intellectual Autobiography

My experience as a student has proved to be an example of my unshakable passion for knowledge and improvement, which I studied in the fields of health, business, and personal growth. A topple in my story slowly developed from the battle with the childhood stammer. This stubborn and sturdy enemy motivated me to overcome the ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1709

“Listening With Intention: A Personal Assessment of Communication Patterns”

Introduction Effective communication is one of the key components of interpersonal relations and professional success, and it can also contribute to our personal development (Liubinienė, 2009). Almost all communications are based on two important skills: listening and understanding. This skill is one of the key features of building rapport, creating trust, and keeping meaningful connections. ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1053

Family and Child Studies

Childhood trauma is a term describing situations causing severe emotional or physical damage and making a child’s life impossible to enjoy. Childhood trauma is capable of a one-time occurrence and repeated exposure that results in long-term effects throughout the life span. At birth, it upsets the formation of attachment, thus creating an atmosphere of insecurity, ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1307

Understanding Facial Expressions of Emotion: Insights From Paul Ekman’s Research

Introduction Paul Ekman is a renowned psychologist who has received massive recognition after working on the physical aspect of human emotions through his detailed research studies on facial expressions. His study has illustrated that in different cultures, people express and perceive emotions differently, providing grounds for a more profound knowledge of the human psyche and ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 950

The Relationship Between Post Therapeutic CBT Skills Usage and Follow-Up Outcomes of Internet-Delivered Cbt

Introduction “The Relationship Between Post therapeutic CBT Skills Usage and Follow-up Outcomes of Internet-delivered CBT”, authored by Nora Eilert and others, suggests an analysis and research area less researched within mental health treatment outcomes. This study is centered around the most significant but yet overlooked component of the effectiveness of internet-delivered Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1685

The Importance of Forensic Psychology

Introduction Forensic mental health professionals are critical evaluators, diagnosticians, and assisting agents in the criminal justice system. While they have this vital function, they can experience vicarious trauma, compassion fatigue, and even burnout due to the nature of their work. This essay details a bespoke self-care plan that will help combat the risks it presents ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 738

Navigating Cognitive Milestones: A Personal Reflection on Piaget’s Stages of Development

Introduction Jean Piaget’s stages of cognitive development are fundamental to comprehend whether people are improving or negating their understanding of various things. Piaget proposed four stages: sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operation, and formal operation. The given stages illustrate the processes of comprehending the various levels of cognitive functioning as development flows from infancy until adulthood. In ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1127

Case Study: Psychological Assessment of Ms. Smith

Reason for Referral Ms. Smith was referred to Dr. Liam for psychological evaluation due to concerns about the risk of self-harm. It was posted from her behavior outside the local apartment building, where she was seen screaming, pacing, and crying. Additionally, her recent separation from her boyfriend, Frank, left her with feelings of abandonment and ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2116

American Exceptionalism and Infant Walking

American caregivers kick their babies into gear using devices to initiate walking months before it happens in other cultures. In contrast, it takes natural time to reach this level of development. It affects motor development, which may or may not be present in other physical abilities. The process of American child-rearing, which encourages early walking, ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 652
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