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Substance Abuse Essays

Group Therapy for Marginalized Communities

Group therapy provides an opportunity for healing and growth among marginalized populations. By bringing together individuals facing similar challenges, group therapy facilitates community building, normalization of experiences, and peer support. Group therapy sessions bring a much-needed sense of community to participants who have felt like outsiders or have been unable to connect with others in ... Read More
Pages: 13       Words: 3376
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Legal and Ethical Issues in Counseling

Introduction Group therapy, a dynamic and collaborative approach to addressing mental health concerns, brings individuals together to share experiences, provide support, and explore solutions. However, within this communal setting, mental health professionals encounter unique ethical challenges that, if mishandled, can have legal implications (Yalom & Leszcz, 2005). This discussion delves into three critical ethical situations ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1000

Alcohol, Drug Addiction Threats, and Rehabilitation

Alcohol and substance abuse and its consequences is a problem not only experienced in the United States but also in the entire world. The concept is no longer new to individuals since there have been laws made to regulate the usage and non-governmental societies formed to curb use and addiction. Drug abuse and its consequences ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1351

Substance Abuse and Related Mental Health Problems Among Teens Aged 11–17 Years

The Social Problem/Issue In the society, there are many health issues affecting the teenagers aged 11-17 years. These teenagers are a vulnerable population in the community as they are affected by any problem that arises as they are considered minors and cannot make self-decisions without question. Therefore, these children require guidance and support in navigating ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2373

Navigating the Complex Landscape of Student Substance Abuse

Substance misuse among learners is a pervasive yet enigma of wrongdoing that conveys meaningful implications for the stakeholders in the educational ecosystem. This kind of sticky situation represents multiple challenges for me as a school counselor when it comes to understanding the nuanced role and its grasp on prevalence, statistics, other aspects like responsibilities and ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 753

Understanding and Addressing Substance Abuse in Adolescents

It is important to understand that abuse of psychotropic substances mainly starts at the peak of adolescence. During this crucial phase of development, the teenagers f either for different reasons. One of the reasons could be peer influence. Others will abuse simply because they are idle and they don’t have any lace to take energy ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 650

Understanding and Addressing Substance Abuse: A Social Work Perspective

Introduction Social workers are critical in addressing societal problems to gain high quality and tremendous modifications for both individuals and groups. This piece zeroes in on the pervasive problem of substance abuse, which affects a good portion of our society. Henceforth, professionals attractive to this predicament should very well verify its significance, root causes and ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 788

Drug Use Survey

Introduction Drug abuse is a menace affecting many individuals worldwide, especially young adolescents. The abuse of drugs is exercised by individuals of all ages, such as adolescents and adults consisting of college and high school students and graduates. In addition, most intellectuals in different professions have lost employment due to incompetency caused by drug abuse ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1138

The Impact of Inadequate Mental Health Services on Indigenous Populations.

Introduction The state of mental health significantly influences individual and group well-being. Indigenous communities frequently encounter barriers to accessing essential mental wellness care and support. The effects of this incident have been disastrous, resulting in a rise in psychological distress and harmful habits. The absence of mental wellness resources can cause problems in community interactions, transmit intergenerational pain, ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1642

Final Paper Assignment: The End of Policing Book Review

Vitale’s ‘The End of Policing’ delivers a damning appraisal of current US law enforcement., Vitale examines the issue through a historical prism and a heartfelt request for innovation, encouraging readers to reassess public safety with a groundbreaking new paradigm. In-depth investigation and compelling arguments fuel a groundbreaking reconsideration of the police’s role in society, prompting ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2182

Understanding and Addressing Behavioral Problems: A Comprehensive Analysis

Abstract Behavioral problems present complex challenges within mental health, warranting a comprehensive exploration. Firstly, attention is drawn to their official definition as outlined in DSM 5, the reference point for diagnosing and understanding such issues. Building on this foundation. Our analysis thoroughly examines the discernible signs and symptoms associated with these problems. Expanding beyond surface-level ... Read More
Pages: 14       Words: 3793

Substance Abuse Related to Disorders and Crises

Abstract Cannabis is one of the substances that is highly abused across the globe. Most researchers suggest that most individuals have friends, family, or even associates with persons who use the cannabis sativa. The drug may have a lot of controversies concerning its legality in some states, communities, and cultures. However, the various challenges associated ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2053

Alcohol Withdrawal Concept Analysis Paper

Alcohol withdrawal describes the indications and symptoms that physically dependent drinkers experience when they abruptly stop drinking (World Health Organization, 2019). These symptoms range in severity from minor “hangovers” to delirium tremens and life-threatening seizures. When people with a history of chronic or excessive alcohol usage abruptly reduce or quit drinking, they experience the complex ... Read More
Pages: 13       Words: 3389

Drugs and Alcohol Abuse College Campuses

ABSTRACT In the United States of America and the general international community, there has been a negative cause of modernity and globalization, especially in the tertiary institutions of education. Psychological, social, situational, and environmental factors have heightened the action of binge drinking and the abuse of prescription medications & hard drugs by college students on ... Read More
Pages: 15       Words: 4018
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