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Cultural Competence Essays

Comprehensive Home Visit Journey With Hyllarie Barillas

Introduction By embarking on a transformative journey through episodes of home visits with Hyllarie Barillas, an outstanding individual weaving the strands of life as both a veteran and first-generation immigrant from Salvad. As a budding clinician navigating my own set of challenges in finance and social standing, Hyllarie’s situation called not only for mastery of ... Read More
Pages: 14       Words: 3847

Concepts in Population Health Outcomes and Policies

Community health and happiness depend on population healthcare policies and results. To make effective public health initiatives, we must understand how risk factors affect diverse groups. Education, housing, and socioeconomic status influence health. Clarke et al. (2020) found that these factors affect public health. These factors can significantly impact health. Poor people having problems accessing ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1054
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Group Therapy for Marginalized Communities

Group therapy provides an opportunity for healing and growth among marginalized populations. By bringing together individuals facing similar challenges, group therapy facilitates community building, normalization of experiences, and peer support. Group therapy sessions bring a much-needed sense of community to participants who have felt like outsiders or have been unable to connect with others in ... Read More
Pages: 13       Words: 3376

HSV-2 in African American Women: The Need for Culturally Competent Care

Genital herpes (HSV-2) disproportionately affects African Americans, especially women. According to Jackson and Arcelay-Rojas (2021), African American women have the highest HSV-2 rates nationally. Data from Patel et al. (2014) in an urban emergency department (ED) shows 82.8% of African American women over 35 were HSV-2 seropositive. Despite high rates, African American women still face ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1121

Applied Behavior Analysis

Abstract This paper explores a heartbreaking incident of a horrendous attack on a 65-year-old Filipino immigrant named Vilma Kari in the vicinity of Times Square in New York. The attacker, driven by xenophobia, kicked and struck her while throwing hateful remarks, giving evidence of a bold act of violence. More shockingly, with a security guard ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1190

Culturally Competent Nursing Care Practices

Nursing is a discipline and a practice profession. Nurses use freedom, responsibility, and choice as guiding principles to practice health care. The types of client health levels on which nursing should focus are social or individual and community client health status that it would attain in different settings. The meta-paradigm of nursing is crucial in ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 632

Facilitating Cultural Competence in Nursing: Multicultural Health Policies and Practices

The Global Compact for Migration (GCM) represents an international agreement dealing with migration challenges that sometimes prove very complex. Through impact and implementation, frontline healthcare professionals play an essential role in the GCM (Walton, 2021). One of the most important elements for nurses to consider is cultural responsiveness, which includes physical and mental health and ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 753

Importance of Diversity in Emergency Responses

Introduction Emergency responses should be prepared for, planned, and put into action. FEMA courses such as IS-20.24 Diversity Awareness and IS-21.24 Civil Rights & FEMA Disaster Assistance shed light on the need for diversity awareness and civil rights in emergency disaster assistance. This paper will explore the significance of these aspects using real-life case scenarios ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1779

Character Drives Leadership

Introduction: Provision Medical Services, a prestigious medical care facility, is undergoing several changes requiring effective management strategies to ensure its continued growth. This essay examines the dangers Providence Healthcare faced and is based on the article “Boldly Go: “Character Drives Leadership at Providence Healthcare” and provides plans for management to lessen these risks. By perceiving ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1630

Cultural Considerations When Caring for People With Care Needs That Differ From One’s Own

Ethnicity, socioeconomic class, or disability-related health inequalities are serious problems in medicine, regardless of the cause. Resolving such disability inequalities is the key to providing a fair and inclusive healthcare service. This essay delves into disability disparities, drawing insights from the article “Health Equity for Persons with Disabilities: a global scoping review on Barriers and ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 652

Religious/Spiritual Experiences Reflection Paper

Engaging in various religious and spiritual activities is crucial to extend our horizons, improve our comprehension of other worldviews, and promoting interreligious dialogue. During this course, I have engaged in two experiences that have introduced me to different religious and spiritual traditions and practices. I wanted to learn more, challenge my assumptions, and better understand ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 716

Enhancing Cultural Competence in Diabetes Care for Latinos Using Campinha-Bacote’s Model

Competency is an important factor in any discipline or profession. Nursing, just like any other profession, is guided and based on the competency of practising nurses. Competency ranges from various factors and can extend beyond just the basic knowledge of the professional requirements and abilities. Competency transcends the ability to integrate, relate and adapt to ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1683

Understanding Cultural Competence in Healthcare

Generally, adopting cross-cultural attitude strategies is requisite in developing and enhancing practical communication abilities in intercultural situations. Cultural competence in healthcare is defined as healthcare givers’ ability to understand, respect, and effectively respond to diverse practices, beliefs, and needs of patients from different backgrounds (Merritt & Murphy, 2019). It incorporates acknowledging cultural influences on health ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 637

Developing Cultural Competence

To effectively offer services and ensure the general well-being of students and the different client groups they serve, cultural competency is an essential component of the Human Service Internship program. The capacity of human services professionals to comprehend, appreciate, and interact with people from different cultural origins is known as cultural competency. Given that it ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 606
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