The role of a counsellor is multifaceted, encompassing various skills, approaches, and values that add to the therapeutic process. In this reflection paper, I will investigate my counselling role based on an analysis of a counselling session video. By self-evaluating my thoughts, ideas, values, biases, guiding principles, counselling style, and understanding of the counselling relationship, I aim to gain a more profound understanding of my ongoing perspective as a counsellor (Youthful, 2009). Through this introspective process, I will distinguish the strengths in my counselling approach and areas for development, ultimately shaping my development as a professional. By using self-reflection and analysis, I can enhance my counselling practices and better serve clients, fostering positive therapeutic outcomes.
Counselling Approach and Strengths:
The role of a counsellor is multifaceted, encompassing various skills, approaches, and values that add to the therapeutic process. In this reflection paper, I will investigate my counselling role based on an analysis of a counselling session video. By self-evaluating my thoughts, ideas, values, biases, guiding principles, counselling style, and understanding of the counselling relationship, I aim to gain a more profound understanding of my ongoing perspective as a counsellor (Youthful, 2009). Through this reflective process, I will distinguish the strengths in my counselling approach and areas for development, ultimately shaping my development as a professional. By using self-reflection and analysis, I can enhance my counselling practices and better serve clients, fostering positive therapeutic outcomes.
After evaluating the video, I observed that my counselling approach revolved around building rapport and establishing a safe and confidential space for the client, Jay. I emphasized the importance of confidentiality, which is crucial for creating trust in the counselling relationship (Youthful, 2009). By assuring Jay that his discussions would remain confidential unless there was a risk of harm, I demonstrated respect for his privacy. I fostered a climate where he felt comfortable sharing his concerns. I also perceived the importance of investigating the fundamental factors contributing to Jay’s frustrations and dissatisfaction. While he initially expressed a surface-level worry about requiring more cash, it was essential for me, as a counsellor, to dig further and uncover the underlying drivers of his distress.
However, I utilized active listening skills, testing questions, and empathetic responses to encourage Jay to open up and dive further into his issues. By asking questions that could go either way, I facilitated a more comprehensive understanding of his situation. I also demonstrated a willingness to investigate his thoughts and emotions, which assisted him with feeling appreciated and validated.
Areas for Improvement:
Although I have established numerous strengths in my counselling approach, there are a few areas where improvement is required. A feature that might deserve improving is my ability to hold attention and bring the discussion back on track when Jay would jokingly divert the conversation or use humour as his excuse. It was clear to me, however, that I needed to redirect the conversation. However, I could have been much more assertive in the process of making Jay refocus on the main topics. It would have been built on the possibility of deepening his worries and finding creative ways to address them. With the help of penetrating questions and attentive listening I was trying to figure out what Jay’s main reasons, principles, and hopes were. I tried to find his career development through asking about jobs, career goals and his wishes. It was through this experience that I learnt to put myself in his shoes and realized his wish to develop in personal and professional spheres.
Additionally, I could have made more use of the reflective statements so that Jay could unearth more clues about his feelings and goals in the process. This could have improved his understanding of his own experiences by mirroring his feelings and statements, which in return could have encouraged personal reflection. This would have given him the chance to expand the depth of his feelings and reasoning.
Values, Biases, and Guiding Principles:
As the counselling proceeded, it became clear that Jay’s resentment towards his job and his financial situation were also negatively affecting his overall mental and emotional state. As a counsellor, I need to get acquainted with the values, biases and guiding principles that may affect my actions towards my clients (Corey, 2013). In general, I practised being non-judgmental and tried to understand the younger generation’s point of view without applying my views.
On the other side, I acknowledge the impact of societal and cultural influences on Jay’s perceptions of manhood, success and self-pride. I tried my best to understand and empathize with what Jay was experiencing by pointing out the societal pressures that lead to feelings of inferiority and the necessity to constantly prove oneself, hoping to create an environment that was a safe space where he could be completely open up with his emotions. Nevertheless, I must question myself daily in the light of my values and prejudices so that they wouldn’t affect the therapy session. Through recognizing and mitigating any possible prejudices, I build a space which is welcoming to everyone regardless of whether they belong to diverse cultural groups or not.
Understanding of the Counseling Relationship:
Confronting Jay in this counselling session, I wanted us to create a joint environment where he could feel safe and trustful. I came to understand that through trust, empathy and open listening, I could facilitate an environment that was safe for him to speak himself up. The main aim I had in my sessions was to present my authentic interest and concern towards the client in order to establish a therapeutic bond based on mutual care and respect. In my reflection on my client’s counselling style, adapting my communication style to the client was also emphasized. While remaining in a professional field, I tried to catch Jay’s attention through casual speech and humour, if he would not mind.
On the other hand, I came to terms with the requirement of bringing the narrative back on track and redirecting talk in case Jay’s humour would be a defence mechanism or just an attempt to hide from the deepest feelings. After all, I have to remember that my position as a counsellor carries certain imbalances of power. Keeping close to the power imbalance, it is imperative to assess and address it at all times to make sure that the patient feels empowered and is actively involved in the entire process. Team dynamics can be constructed by means of shared decision-making, mutual aim-setting, and positive reinforcement of clients’ independence.
This reflection paper has helped me through a thorough self-evaluation of my current thoughts, ideas, values, biases, client-counsellor relationship principles, and understanding the core of the relationship between client and counsellor. I have reflected on my approach toward this particular issue, and I have concluded that establishing rapport, active listening, and maintaining confidentiality must be the basis of my conversation. I also have areas to work on, such as looking at the main points, includingincluding the key phrases and identifying my personal biases.
Corey, G. (2013). Theory and practice of counseling and psychotherapy. Cengage learning.
Young, M. E. (2009). Learning the art of helping: Building blocks and techniques. (No Title).