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Self-Evaluation Essays

Reflection on Counseling Role and Self-Evaluation

Introduction: The role of a counsellor is multifaceted, encompassing various skills, approaches, and values that add to the therapeutic process. In this reflection paper, I will investigate my counselling role based on an analysis of a counselling session video. By self-evaluating my thoughts, ideas, values, biases, guiding principles, counselling style, and understanding of the counselling ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1238

Making a Phonics Game on Scratch

In a time where digital literacy is just as important as traditional literacy, teachers are realizing more and more how important it is to incorporate technology into their lesson plans. But this integration goes beyond just using digital tools; it also entails comprehending the fundamental workings of these technologies and applying them to the development ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1305
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Self-Evaluation Report Final

The only reason I registered in this course was to have a better grasp of the various project management strategies and concepts. In addition, I sought to learn new strategies and abilities for efficiently managing projects. My learning goals were to improve my customer service abilities, learn how to successfully handle cash and transactions, and ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1847
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