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Making a Phonics Game on Scratch

In a time where digital literacy is just as important as traditional literacy, teachers are realizing more and more how important it is to incorporate technology into their lesson plans. But this integration goes beyond just using digital tools; it also entails comprehending the fundamental workings of these technologies and applying them to the development of significant educational opportunities. This project offers a special chance to explore this area because it is based on the ideas of Self-Directed Learning (SDL) which is a process that gives students the ability to direct their learning by determining their own needs, creating goals, locating resources, selecting learning techniques, and assessing results. This study seeks to illustrate the transformative potential of SDL in improving digital literacies through this reflective journey and to show how coding, a talent that is typically thought of as solely technical, can be closely linked to educational practices. By doing this, it provides insights into how the field of education technology is developing and how teachers may effectively navigate it.

Embarking on the Journey

This is the start of an amazing yet challenging journey. My task as a pre-service English teacher is to use the coding platform Scratch, which I am new to, to make a phonics game for elementary school kids. How does learning to code differ from my regular learning processes, and what new techniques do I need to learn? The first step was to familiarize myself with Scratch. I went through a few tutorial videos to grasp the fundamentals of the platform. At times, this procedure seemed intimidating, especially when concepts like “scripts,” “loops,” and “sprites” were mentioned. I noticed that I frequently paused videos to process the content. According to (Etim, et. al, 2020), the challenge was real, but it forced me to exercise patience and attention to detail—skills I sometimes neglect in my regular learning process.

Developing the Game’s Concept

As I was thinking of the game, I wondered what kind of phonics game might be interesting and instructive for kids. I decided to design a game in which students had to match letters to sounds. The idea was to create a straightforward user interface with sprites—characters that would stand in for various phonetic sounds.

I had to use my imagination throughout this brainstorming session, going beyond the limitations of conventional teaching techniques as stated by (Jukes and Dosaj 2006). It served as a reminder that learning involves more than just retaining facts—it also requires creativity and invention.

Experiencing and Overcoming Difficulties

What difficulties did I run into when coding, and how did I resolve them? Coding the game logic was one big obstacle. Making the sprites react to user actions accurately was difficult for me. This needed a lot of trial and error and I was becoming frustrated. I looked for assistance in online communities and watched more complex Scratch tutorials to get around this. Through this process, I learned the value of perseverance and how important it is to ask for help. Every setback was an opportunity to have a deeper grasp of the code, not an obstacle itself.

“Aha!” moments

The focus of today is on the question What “aha” moments did I have, and how did they come about? While there were several “eureka” moments during the phonics game development process, one sticks out in particular. The game’s interaction between various components ultimately became clear to me when I figured out how to utilize Scratch’s broadcasting feature. One of the most important functions for the game mechanics I had in mind was the ability for various sprites to interact with one another and react to their activities. The “aha” moment came not only from understanding a Scratch function but also from discovering how several code elements might cooperate to provide a seamless and engaging experience.

Furthermore, the “aha” moment had a more profound effect on how I understood teaching and learning. It emphasized how crucial it is to give students the chance to have experiences like these throughout their educational lives (Brayboy & Castagno, 2009). It strengthened my belief in the value of engaged, hands-on learning where kids actively explore and create knowledge rather than only receiving it. These realizations will influence my future teaching strategies and the way I plan and lead lessons for my students.

Self-Evaluation in Learning

What did I do during my learning process that surprised me? My ability to stay focused and motivated in the face of seemingly impossible-to-complex coding shocked me. When things get too hard, I usually give up, but this time, I overcame my frustration. I had not previously acknowledged this trait in myself, but I intend to continue being persistent throughout my teaching career.

The Final Work

The result of this project is an elementary school-appropriate, fully functional phonics game created using the Scratch platform. Students can match sounds to matching letters or groups of letters in this easy-to-learn game. It has an easy-to-use interface with eye-catching sprites that depict various phonetic sounds. Positive feedback is given by the game when a player matches a sound successfully, and gentle assistance is provided when a mistake is made, encouraging the player to try again.

This phonics game serves as a link between technology and education, acting as more than just a coding exercise. It displays an excellent blend of educational intuition and technical proficiency. My view on the use of technology in education has been greatly expanded by this experience, and I am excited to use the insightful skills and useful knowledge I have gained in my next classroom. The entire project has served as a potent reminder of the enormous potential that exists at the intersection of teaching and coding, as well as the results that may be obtained when these two fields are carefully merged.

How this experience changed my understanding of technology.

This trip has significantly changed the way I view digital technologies. I no longer view computers and software as tools to be used, but rather as blank canvases on which to create and learn (De Ferranti, 2003). I see the underlying algorithms and codes as more than just technical elements; they are tools with the power to uphold or undermine social norms. This realization emphasizes how it is our duty as educators to use technology in a considerate and inclusive manner.

In conclusion, this initiative has changed me on a personal and professional level. It has improved my perspective, sharpened my abilities, and strengthened my will to become a flexible, creative, and constant learner. I do not doubt that the knowledge I have learned from this experience will influence my future teaching methods, enabling me to motivate and excite my pupils in an increasingly digital world. The experience of learning through coding, metacognitive reflection, and educational application has served as a powerful reminder of the countless opportunities that arise when we integrate technology with an in-depth understanding of educational goals and learning processes.


Brayboy, B. M. J., & Castagno, A. E. (2009). Self‐determination through self‐education: Culturally responsive schooling for Indigenous students in the USA. Teaching Education20(1), 31-53.

De Ferranti, D. M. (Ed.). (2003). Closing the gap in education and technology. World Bank Publications.

Etim, G. L., Chinwuba, C. C., & Iyamu, I. (2020). Coding: Simplified Approach and Techniques for Beginner–Programmers. International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology5.

Jukes, I., & Dosaj, A. (2006). Understanding digital kids (DKs). Teaching and learning in the new digital landscape.


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