The development of an integrated identity is a critical activity during adolescence. An increasing amount of scholarly literature diverges from the traditional emphasis on identity change at the average level. Conversely, this paper explores the underlying mechanisms of identity construction at the micro level, or intraindividual, referring to the individual’s current experiences and interpersonal connections. Furthermore, life transitions and events, alongside the accumulation of real-time experiences, have the potential to impact identities. Exceptional familial and friendship connections, which facilitate constructive narrative formation, are essential for the ideal formation of an individual’s sense of self (Santrock, 2016).
Branje et al. (2021) state that identity formation during adolescence encompasses three distinct phases of development. An age range of 11 to 13 years is considered early adolescence, 14 to 16 years is intermediate adolescence, and 17 to 19 years is late adolescence. The occurrence of common trends at each stage signifies the progress and maturation of the individual. A perception of identity struggles is prevalent among individuals during the early stages of adolescent development.
External factors frequently influence the process of self-discovery during early adolescence. Adolescents are more preoccupied with assessing themselves and their identities during the middle stage of adolescence. This phenomenon is evident on online networking platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and Tumblr, where the minimum registration age is 13, and 46.4% of all users fall within that age range (Green et al., 2021).
Emotional and social development are intricately connected. Emotional expression (the capacity to effectively communicate about one’s emotions) and emotional regulation (the ability to maintain emotional control) are both essential components of fruitful and successful interpersonal relationships (Branje et al., 2021). In addition, adolescents’ capacity to comprehend others’ desires, requirements, emotions, and incentives is a further way advanced cognitive development improves the calibre of interpersonal connections. Therefore, it should not be surprising that adolescents’ social relationships are similarly complex as their thoughts, feelings, and identities evolve throughout adolescence.
During their journey to uncover their authentic selves via physical and emotional maturation, adolescents experience immense stress. Adolescents encounter diverse environments from an early age, where they are allowed to manifest their individuality in manners that may be drastically dissimilar. In contrast to their reserved and introverted nature in their personal lives and family, children may exhibit extreme extroversion in a new setting such as school. While still developing and learning outside of the classroom, adolescents are at an especially receptive stage of development. Sadowski (2021) asserts that with appropriate guidance and support during adolescence, it is possible to foster the development of robust self-awareness, agency, and autonomy.
According to (to Santrock, 2016), identity formation is adolescence’s significant psychological issue. As formal and operational reasoning progresses, adolescents often confront the inquiry, “Who am I?” This developmental stage is accompanied by the emergence of adolescent self-awareness and the ability to evaluate one’s attributes and actions. This stage includes inquiries regarding individuals’ dispositions, interests, political and social views, sexual orientation, educational attainment, career aspirations and preferences, and employment credentials.
Green et al. (2021) posit that the developmental phase encompasses experimentation, exploration, and uncertainty, as well as the exploration of one’s identity and living trajectory. According to Sadowsi (2021), a significant proportion of adolescents experience a psychological moratorium, wherein they momentarily suspend their dedication to a particular identity to contemplate alternative options. An enhanced sense of unity in one’s self-perception ensues from this inquiry.
A progressive improvement in perceiving, evaluating, and regulating emotions characterizes healthy emotional development. This phenomenon is biological and primarily governed by environmental, physical, and cognitive changes(Branje et al., 2021). Although adolescents generally develop a heightened awareness of their own and others’ emotions, these perceptions may remain nascent. Adolescents may find it difficult to maintain emotional composure in a complex environment, even though adults occasionally expect them to do so.
Sadowski (2021) asserts that while some adolescents may require additional assistance to develop their confidence, others may be eager to accept fresh challenges as they gain independence. The course of emotional development allows adolescents to cultivate competencies, uncover distinctive attributes, and fortify their fortifications in pursuit of optimal well-being.
While the process of constructing one’s own identity may appear to be deeply personal and private, it is social, influenced by external and social factors in addition to internal and intrapersonal ones (Branje et al., 2021). Instead, identity development can be characterized as a negotiation at the intersection of external and internal forces. Adolescents possess internal access to a wealth of information regarding the essence of their genuine and authentic selves, including their past interactions, which comprise their history of passions, impulses, tendencies, and intrinsic motivations. Presently, a greater emphasis is placed on the analytical evaluation of these experiences, which are then converted into psychological constructs such as values or personality characteristics proposed for incorporation into an individual’s identity.
Much research on social factors impacting identity formation centres on parents and caregivers (Green et al., 2021). Aside from attachment processes, caregivers are the ones who can convey tenderness, warmth, and unconditional love when everything goes smoothly. Professionals become acquainted with an infant’s innate temperament, develop an appreciation for them as multifaceted and intriguing beings, and devise strategies to accommodate their peculiarities and disinclinations.
Green et al. (2021) maintain that parents or guardians assist children in cultivating the vocabulary necessary to articulate their authentic emotions and aspirations and in devising methods to ensure that their requirements are taken into account alongside those of others, using emotion coaching. They serve as exemplars for young children and offer them chances to engage in play, investigate their preferred activities, and pursue their passions.
Like parent-child relationships, peer relationships among adolescents involve identification, which contributes to forming one’s identity (Sadowski, 2021). Identification pertains to perceiving one’s future self in admired individuals and adopting their conduct and attributes. An individual well-liked by peers or a close acquaintance can function as an exemplary figure.
Social identification, which entails recognizing and accepting communal habits and attributes, is an element of adolescent identity formation that corresponds with the increasing significance of social dimensions of life during this period. A crowd, that is, a larger population or social stratum within their school environment, frequently influences adolescents’ attire, vocabulary, mannerisms, beliefs, and activities. Alternatively, they may collectively imitate the values and behaviours of a subset of popular culture (Green et al.,2021).
Sadowski (2021) states that schools play crucial roles in forming identities, even though they are not always regarded as significant socializers of identity. Educational companions offer children experiences, engagement partners, and messages about their vocational identities, such as whether they can hold particular careers or are college-bound, interests such as writing, robotics, mathematics, and music, and academic identities, such as their intelligence.
Activities such as extracurricular pursuits, recreational pursuits, and interactions with instructors and peers occur outside and outside the classroom. By exposing children to diverse communities of learners and doers like child-care workers, creative artists, community organizers, scientists, gardeners, and engineers, schools can facilitate the development of children’s identities by providing abundant and varied exploration opportunities.
Peer pressure, another factor in adolescent development, may sometimes gain a negative reputation (Branje et al., 2021). Preconceived notions regarding delinquent and dangerous behaviours such as substance misuse and sexual activity, which certain adolescents believe will increase their peer acceptance, give rise to the stereotype regarding this pressure.
Positive peer relationships are possible, even though peer pressure may be advantageous. Cooperation, sharing, conflict resolution, and support are all behaviours that positive peer groups cultivate. Adolescents can develop relationship skills, positive self-perceptions, and the self-assurance to undertake constructive risks with positive peer expectations and accepted standards.
The onset of romantic relationships generally occurs during the developmental stage of adolescence. At the outset, mixed-sex peer groups emerge, which are more emblematic of adolescence, replacing the familiar same-sex peer groups of childhood. According to Branje et al. (2021), romantic relationships frequently develop within the framework of these mixed-sex peer groups. Despite frequently being transient rather than enduring committed partnerships, romantic relationships that occur during adolescence should not be undervalued.
Positive and negative feelings are more strongly associated with romantic relationships or their absence than friendships, family, or school. Adolescents devote a great deal of time to contemplating romantic relationships. Romantic relationships throughout adolescence impact identity formation, modifications in social and peer networks, and behavioural and affective transformations (Green et al., 2021).
Adolescents in the twenty-first century spend an ever-increasing amount of time immersed in a digital environment, where their emotional growth is profoundly influenced by media and online platforms (Santrock, 2016). Media outlets expose Young individuals to many social standards, cultural norms, and communication patterns. These platforms frequently influence the perspectives and expectations of adolescents by providing them with information, socialization, and validation.
Santrock (2016) further states that although digital media can facilitate connectivity and foster a sense of belonging, an overemphasis on virtual interactions could hinder the development of interpersonal communication skills among adolescents and potentially exacerbate emotions of solitude or anxiety. AA adolescents ‘ social media and technological exposure also provide a learning platform. Their learning is predicated on the content that they encounter. Screen time may impede individuals’ ability to engage in face-to-face interactions, limiting them to simply exchanging fundamental information with others.
In conclusion, the transformative character of adolescence presents a variety of obstacles for both the young individuals themselves and society at large. Raising awareness and disseminating accurate and scientific information can significantly aid in confronting these challenges. Comprehending the adolescent experience will not only facilitate their navigation of this chaotic period but also enable them to actively contribute to forming a harmonious and healthy society.
Branje, S., De Moor, E. L., Spitzer, J., & Becht, A. I. (2021). Dynamics of identity development in adolescence: A decade in review. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 31(4), 908-927.
Green, A. L., Ferrante, S., Boaz, T. L., Kutash, K., & Wheeldon‐Reece, B. (2021). Social and emotional learning during early adolescence: Effectiveness of a classroom‐based SEL program for middle school students. Psychology in the Schools, 58(6), 1056–1069.
Sadowski, M. (Ed.). (2021). Adolescents at school: Perspectives on youth, identity, and education. Harvard Education Press.
Santrock, J. W. (2016). Adolescence (16. útgáfa). Dubuque, IA: McGraw-Hill Education.