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Major Issues Affecting Nursing Today and Solutions

Nursing is a fundamental practice all over the world. It is an autonomous and collaborative care of all individuals in different settings that helps promote health, prevent illnesses, and care for the sick, dying, and disabled (van der Cingel & Brouwer, 2021). Nurses hold such a great burden that their roles tend to be undervalued, which, as a result, affects their productivity. Even though nursing is regarded as one of the most trusted societal roles, challenges in the field have existed since its inception and continues to evolve. Today, there are several major issues that plague nursing and needs to be addressed to promote their working environment and motivate them.

Compelling research evidence highlights nursing shortages as one of the most resolute challenges affecting the profession. This subjects nurses to being overworked and stretched thin. The subsequent long working shifts, which are back-to-back and highly demanding becomes emotionally, mentally as well as physically taxing, causing burnout (Shah et al., 2021). In the case of emergencies, they have to extend their shifts until the patients’ conditions are stabilized. Without adequate time to recharge and rest between shifts drains nurses, frustrates them and compromises their compassionate care which explains the occurrence of care mishaps. According to a 2021 study, about two-thirds (62%) of nurses’ experience burnout (Lasater et al, 2021). This talks volume about how burnout is a real challenge. Being dysfunctional at times, experiencing emotional outburst and apathy deteriorates the quality of care provided, increases turnover rates and prompts other numerous adverse outcomes. This can be addressed by ensuring adequate nursing staffing, offering support through counseling and wellness programs, and recognizing and rewarding their dedication (Shah et al., 2021). This would ensure nurses prioritize self-care, have a support system and balances work and life fostering their well-being and preventing burnout.

During the COVID-19 pandemic many nurses underwent traumatizing experiences which they are yet to recover. Being frontline workers, they experienced both emotional and mental trauma from witnessing unusual patient anguish and death (Foli et al., 2021). Besides, the continual exposure as the pandemic was unfolding left many nurses feeling helplessness, being in constant fear of getting infected or passing the virus, overwhelmed due to patient loads, and confused with rapidly changing protocols and standards (Foli et al., 2021). They must be offered continuous support and counseling to help adopt effective coping mechanism, self-care and understand that some experiences are beyond human control.

The nursing associations and health organizations should make it their daily duty to ensure the well-being of the nurses, emotionally and mentally. Most nurses feel underappreciated and underpaid. To boost motivation, nurses’ salaries should be reviewed to reflect their experiences, sacrifices, demanding work and their noble services (Perkins, 2021). It is important to continually offer support and satisfactorily reward nurses to ensure they feel recognized for their work and have sufficient time for self-care. With the magnitude of work they do, nurses should receive compensation and their salaries on time to inspire them in their jobs. This is also an investment to enhance care quality, the overall wellness of nurses and a better care system.


Foli, K. J., Forster, A., Cheng, C., Zhang, L., & Chiu, Y. C. (2021). Voices from the COVID‐19 frontline: Nurses’ trauma and coping. Journal of Advanced Nursing77(9), 3853-3866.

Lasater, K. B., Aiken, L. H., Sloane, D. M., French, R., Martin, B., Reneau, K., … & McHugh, M. D. (2021). Chronic hospital nurse understaffing meets COVID-19: an observational study. BMJ Quality & Safety30(8), 639-647.

Perkins, A. (2021). Nursing shortage: Consequences and solutions. Nursing Made Incredibly Easy19(5), 49-54.

Shah, M. K., Gandrakota, N., Cimiotti, J. P., Ghose, N., Moore, M., & Ali, M. K. (2021). Prevalence of and factors associated with nurse burnout in the US. JAMA network open4(2), e2036469-e2036469.

van der Cingel, M., & Brouwer, J. (2021). What makes a nurse today? A debate on the nursing professional identity and its need for change. Nursing philosophy22(2), e12343.


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