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Mental Health Essays

Semiotic Analysis of Social Media’s Impact on Mental Health

Introduction In modern society, people must recognize the excellent influence of social media since it determines how they communicate, receive information, and define themselves and others. This paper examines the effect of social media on the world; it concentrates on the positive and negative effects, especially the ones related to mental health issues and the ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1002

The Effects COVID-19 Has Had.

Abstract COVID-19 has not only anecdotally but also manifested in our communities’ economy, transportation life, and social interactions. This article will serve as a ground cam to explore mental health issues that have arisen in the wake of a pandemic. In particular, I will shed some light on the aspect that has yet to be ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2375
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Navigating Legal and Ethical Dimensions of Internet Counseling in Mental Health

The rapid evolution of technology has radically transformed several fields that make up our lives, including how we get and obtain mental health services. Internet counseling, commonly called online therapy, e-therapy, or teletherapy, has been a valid substitute for “old school” face-to-face counseling. This novel approach could be of great help due to its higher ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2104

Characteristics Associated With the Method of Each Article

The methodologies of the articles were unique and fit well with the participants’ and study objectives. Cheng et al. (2018) used questionnaires distributed among the study participants before and after the intervention. Questionnaires involved 26 items, which were meant to collect information on patient outcomes after incorporating home visit services. This method was perfect for ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2212

The Various Reasons for Seeking a Career in Clinical Psychology

Introduction Even though lots of people decide to embark on a career in clinical psychology due to a desire to help others, there are other reasons also that motivate people to be in this respected profession. Thus, I chose clinical psychology since it is based on the desire to understand human behavior, to make a difference ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 813

Is It Still Legal To Hit Children in School in 19 American States

Introduction Every student recognizes the idea of corporal punishment, and in recent years, across different states, teachers have identified with punishing their students for wrongdoing or being undisciplined. Notably, appearing touchy with one’s crush while in school or walking around with saggy pants could warrant a student getting paddled by their teachers in Mississippi. Moreover, ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1043

Evaluation Process of Intervention

The project intervention involved cognitive behavioral therapy sessions conducted by certified psychotherapists in the community. Additionally, physical exercise routines with certified physical instructors were also implemented in the long-term treatment of chronic stress-related mental illnesses and associated heart diseases. The aggregate selected represented the community, and all had signs of chronic stress, which were seen ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1041

Declining Life Expectancy in the U.S.

Life expectancy is an estimate of the average number of years that each person in a defined population is expected to live. The statistical estimate can be performed at any age, mostly at birth. In the U.S., the National Center for Health Statistics estimated life expectancy at birth was 76.1 years in 2021. The estimate ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 719

Time: The Master of Our Lives

Time, the rhythm maker of our lives, is like a beat that sets the pace of our lives. It never stops, changing our lives and molding our destinies. However, although it is all around, time is a thing that is so hard to realize. Despite this evolution, it remains a constant value for comparing and ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1173

Addressing Age Discrimination

Provide a brief description of the larger system of oppression/power that the Ground is attempting to address. The larger system of oppression/power that the policy on discrimination against older people because of age is attempting to address is ageism, which encompasses a complex web of societal attitudes, stereotypes, and institutional practices that devalue and marginalize ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1524

Assessment of the Confidentiality and Mental Health Case Study

In the case of Dr. Laura Simmons and Mr. Alex Turner, the ethical dilemma surrounding confidentiality in mental health treatment is evident. Dr. Simmons, guided by the principle of privacy, faces the challenge of balancing trust and potential harm. Colizzi et al. (2020) believe trust in therapeutic relationships is crucial for effective mental health interventions. ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1666

Navigating the Depths of Mental Health and Wellness Grad School

Embarking on the Mental Health and Wellness grad school journey has been a profound experience filled with many emotions and insights. As I delve into the initial stage of my professional preparation, I reflect on the courses that have shaped my understanding and the unique challenges and rewards of this transformative journey. This personal essay ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1045

Literature Review: Sex Trafficking Among Homeless Youth

Problem Statement The primary objective of this research involves an exploration of the complexity, as well as the scope of the challenge of sex trafficking among the youth population, especially youths experiencing the problem of homelessness across the state of Florida, to offer local and national policymakers evidence-based findings for informing suitable strategies for addressing ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1492

Gender Matters in the Insanity Defense.

Introduction The legal strategy implored to show that an individual was not in the right state of mind when the crime was committed and, therefore, should not be held liable is referred to as the insanity plea (Adjorlolo et al., 2019). In the contemporary world, regarding changes being made to law and sentencing punishment, a ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 861

Navigating Mental Health and Wellness: Critical Analysis and Strategies for Personal and Professional Growth

The general welfare, mental health, and wellness are not a status that only depicts people’s preference for their private characters but also as participants in professional life. With these limitations in mind, the following discussion will address negative tendencies hampering positive mental health and wellness discussions, their potential strengths, and productive ways of critical analysis. ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 899
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