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The Various Reasons for Seeking a Career in Clinical Psychology


Even though lots of people decide to embark on a career in clinical psychology due to a desire to help others, there are other reasons also that motivate people to be in this respected profession. Thus, I chose clinical psychology since it is based on the desire to understand human behavior, to make a difference in research and practice, and to develop myself. It is also inspired by the wish to assist others. Through this complete effort, I would like to achieve those goals that will lead to both my intellectual and professional development and profoundly affect the lives of other individuals.


The first and most compelling reason for studying clinical psychology is the intricacies of the human mind and behavior. This field of study provides you with the sole opportunity to go into the depths of the human mind and answer the mysteries of thought, feeling, and behavioral processes (Siegel, 2020). I am fascinated by the notion of exploring the reasons behind human reasoning and behavior and subsequently applying this knowledge to the systematic advancement of mental health, wellbeing, and well-being. Investigating the underlying mechanisms that affect human behavior offers a chance to gain more knowledge as well as to make practical, helpful changes in people’s lives. The main reason for my career goals in clinical psychology, then, is the possibility to delve into the complexity of the human mind and to apply this knowledge in the promotion of mental health.

Moreover, I am driven to practice clinical psychology because I value the importance of contributing considerably to the development of psychological science and practice (Moshontz et al., 2018). The cutting-edge aspect of this field that does not cease to evolve thanks to the constant innovation and the research aimed at increasing our knowledge of psychology or perfecting therapy is what makes it more appealing. As a future clinical psychologist, my objective is to actively engage in research projects and collaborate with peers in establishing evidence-based methods that will make mental health services more effective as well as accessible to numerous demographics. Through participation in research projects, I aim to achieve continuous progress in clinical psychology and, therefore, make the world a little bit better for those who seek help in dealing with various mental disorders.

In addition, the health psychology domain that offers a diversity and complexity of employment opportunities also hooked me. Clinical psychologists can choose from a number of professional avenues that cater to their interests and talents, from working in community mental health centers to doing research in academic settings. In the realm of mental health, one can make a significant and positive difference in the lives of others in many ways, such as counseling the mentally ill, conducting assessments for treatment planning, and advocating for policy changes. I am also inspired by the deep, directed development and fulfillment that I get by seeing people overcoming adversities and transforming into new personalities. My ideal role as a clinical psychologist is to enable clients to reach their full potential by using their essential skills and available resources to bypass the challenges of life. I derive a deep sense of purpose and satisfaction when I get to build real relationships with our clients, support them in their journey to healing, and rejoice with them as they celebrate their victories.


To sum up, although helping people is definitely the main reason why one can decide to be a clinical psychologist, this aspect is just one of the many elements of this gigantic network of factors influencing this exciting career. My reasons for pursuing a career in clinical psychology are as varied and dynamic as the field itself: from being fascinated with the hidden secrets of the human mind to being passionate about promoting the fields of psychology and its application, from holding the vast options in careers to experiencing the extraordinary pleasure that comes from seeing the human spirit prevail. I am excited to begin this journey and work to make mental health and wellbeing better in our communities with my unwavering devotion, empathy, and love for continuous learning.


Moshontz, H., Campbell, L., Ebersole, C. R., IJzerman, H., Urry, H. L., Forscher, P. S., Grahe, J. E., McCarthy, R. J., Musser, E. D., Antfolk, J., Castille, C. M., Evans, T. R., Fiedler, S., Flake, J. K., Forero, D. A., Janssen, S. M. J., Keene, J. R., Protzko, J., Aczel, B., & Álvarez Solas, S. (2018). The Psychological Science Accelerator: Advancing Psychology Through a Distributed Collaborative Network. Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science1(4), 501–515.

Siegel, D. J. (2020). The developing mind: How relationships and the brain interact to shape who we are. Guilford Publications.


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