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Suicide in High School Females

Suicide among high school females is a major issue that requires our attention. Adolescence is a difficult period distinguished by educational expectations, peer dynamics, building an identity, and mental health issues. Though adolescence is a time when people have great experiences, its enormous immersion and intensity are frequently too much for teenagers to handle without stress and suffering. Suicide is the worst possible conclusion of depression. Suicide is a terrible act in and of itself, but when performed by a kid or teenager, it is much more horrific. Tragically, some young women become overwhelmed by these circumstances, resulting in disastrous ends. In this paper, we will look at the numerous factors that contribute to suicide among female high school students, as well as the lasting effects of these tragedies, and recommend preventative and supportive solutions.

Social Pressure and Expectations

High school is a time of high social observation and expectations, especially among females. The pressure to meet conventional expectations of beauty, prosperity, and popularity may be overpowering (Mueller et al., 2021). Social media worsens these expectations by displaying curated pictures of perfection, which can make young women feel inferior and alone. For some, the anxiety of not meeting these expectations can be overwhelming, leading to thoughts of despair and hopelessness.

Academic Stress and Performance Anxiety

The demands of education in high school have risen to new heights, with learners under constant strain to succeed academically (Stentiford et al., 2023). For many young women, the fear of failing and the never-ending quest for perfection can hurt their mental health. The continual stress of examinations, coursework, and college applications can cause burnout and aggravate existing mental health difficulties. Furthermore, the dread of upsetting teachers and parents contributes to the strain, resulting in a vicious cycle of anxiousness and stress.

Bullying and Peer Relationships

According to Yang et al. (2022), bullying is a common problem in high schools, and young women are particularly vulnerable. Some girls’ mental health might suffer as a result of the constant bullying and discrimination they endure. Being the victim of gossip, rumours, or cyberbullying can lower self-esteem and cause feelings of inadequacy and hopelessness. In addition, the need to conform and preserve social status might drive young women to engage in dangerous activities or toxic relationships, aggravating their susceptibility.

Mental Health and Untreated Disorders

Untreated mental health issues, such as anxiety, depression, and eating problems are major risk factors for suicide among female students in high school. Sadly, many young women suffer in silence for fear of being judged or stigmatized. A lack of information and understanding of mental health concerns might keep people from getting treatment until it is too late. Furthermore, the stigma that goes along with mental illness can cause feelings of shame and isolation, exacerbating the situation.

Family and Support Systems

According to Wang et al. (2022), adolescent mental health results are strongly influenced by family relationships. Young women who experience significant amounts of family disputes, neglect from parents, or abuse are more likely to attempt suicide. In contrast, a supportive and loving home environment can operate as a deterrent, offering the love and direction required to manage the obstacles of adolescence. Nevertheless, troubled familial connections or a lack of parental participation can make young women feel abandoned and alone, increasing their risk of suicide.

Resilience and Coping Mechanisms

Despite considerable hurdles, many young women show incredible perseverance in the face of hardship. Developing good coping skills, such as seeking social support, participating in hobbies, or exercising mindfulness, can help reduce stress and increase emotional resilience (Posamentier et al., 2023). Furthermore, developing solid support systems, both inside and outside of school, may offer young women the assistance and support they need to get through challenging times.


Although it is a major issue in society, adolescent suicide is avoidable if warning signals are identified and addressed early on. The fact is that an individual who is suicidal has no desire to die; rather, he or she wants to live free of the psychological suffering created by his or her surroundings and society. When viewed closely, practically all adolescent suicides occur inside a specific setting formed by social factors in which individuals interact directly or indirectly, resulting in an atmosphere favorable to suicide. Preventing suicide among high school girls necessitates an integrated strategy that tackles underlying risk factors while also providing targeted assistance and intervention (Posamentier et al., 2023). Schools play an important role in raising mental health awareness, offering counseling services, and fostering a friendly and accepting atmosphere for all students. Informing teachers, parents, and peers on suicide early warning signs and successful interventions can assist in identifying vulnerable people and connecting them with relevant services.

In addition, destigmatizing mental illness and encouraging open discourse about mental health might inspire young women to seek care when they require it (Posamentier et al., 2023). Training school workers and implementing evidence-based preventative programs can also assist in lowering suicide rates among female high school students. Furthermore, cultivating a culture of kindness, understanding, and acceptance may contribute to a more supportive and humane school environment in which all kids feel valued and involved.


Suicide among high school girls is a complicated and diverse issue that requires a collaborative effort from families, communities, and educational institutions to deal with successfully. Understanding the numerous variables that contribute to suicide and applying focused preventive and intervention measures can help us build a less hazardous and more welcoming atmosphere for young women to achieve success. Everyone can work together to reduce suicide rates and ensure that all female high school students have a chance to fulfill their full potential.


Mueller, A. S., Abrutyn, S., Pescosolido, B., & Diefendorf, S. (2021). The social roots of suicide: Theorizing how the external social world matters to suicide and suicide prevention. Frontiers in Psychology12, 763.

Posamentier, J., Seibel, K., & DyTang, N. (2023). Preventing youth suicide: A review of school-based practices and how social–emotional learning fits into comprehensive efforts. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse24(2), 746-759.

Stentiford, L., Koutsouris, G., & Allan, A. (2023). Girls, mental health and academic achievement: A qualitative systematic review. Educational Review75(6), 1224-1254.

Wang, C., La Salle, T., Wu, C., & Liu, J. L. (2022). Do parental involvement and adult support matter for students’ suicidal thoughts and behavior in high school? School psychology review51(3), 329-342.

Yang, J., Li, S., Gao, L., & Wang, X. (2022). Longitudinal associations among peer pressure, moral disengagement and cyberbullying perpetration in adolescents. Computers in Human Behavior137, 107420.


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