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Peer Relationships Essays

Strategies for Enhancing Teacher Well-Being and Retention

INTRODUCTION Teacher retention has become a critical issue in education, with high attrition rates leading to teacher shortages across the United States. Nearly 8% of teachers leave the profession yearly, with rates climbing to over 13% in high-poverty schools (Carver-Thomas & Darling-Hammond, 2017). These high levels of turnover disrupt school stability and continuity in instruction, ... Read More
Pages: 33       Words: 8921

Socioemotional and Moral Development: A Case Study Analysis of Angela

Introduction This paper aims to enlighten the journey through the life of one tenacious young lady, Angela, who had to endure significant changes by relocating just after settling into one school district. Today, as this brave youngster’s counselor confidant, we take on with utmost respect the responsibility for keenly analyzing her socio-emotional health and moral ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1150
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An Analysis of How Children Construct Friendship Relationships in Joint Play Activities and How They Gain Access to Peer Groups

There is a strong correlation between a child’s early life and later developments. The process involves changes to various behaviors, including a shift from immaturity to maturity and dependent to self-reliance. It is, therein, ideal that a child adopts such capabilities since they are vital to prepare for future outcomes (Rauf & Bakar, 2019). Notable ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2435

Friendship and Peer Groups

Peer relationships are influenced by the early attachment relationships experienced by the child. Suppose the child’s attachment to their parent involves highly related to qualities of friendship outstanding at a particular age. In that case, the child’s attachment security is associated with coordinated and positive interactions with friends in early childhood. Lack of support, parental ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1024
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