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HR Essays

Crafting a Technology-Enabled Training Program for Telus: Fostering Growth, Balance, and Engagement

To do well in the digital entertainment business, which changes quickly, Netflix needs intelligent ways to sell itself. Netflix’s marketing and programming make it the leader in streaming. Thanks to clever ads, personalized suggestions, and going global, Netflix is the leader in streaming. This essay looks at Netflix’s strategic marketing and business strategy and how ... Read More
Pages: 11       Words: 2931

Labor Relations Process

Upon its extension of operations to Middle Valley, Tennessee, the European car manufacturer witnesses the chance to step into new territories and possibly cut production costs to a minimum. Nevertheless, an enterprise’s organization must consider the labor relations delicacy and ingenuity that the landscape demands. This paper will discuss critical issues such as unionization and ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 1987
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DESSA Report: Enhancing Diversity and Inclusion in a Machine Learning Business.

Introduction  In the ever-evolving landscape of today’s workplaces, fostering diversity and inclusion has become increasingly vital. This report focuses on examining the DESSA inclusive endeavour as a machine learning-based business. The report, a thorough analysis, is a tool for highlighting the prime role of diversity and inclusion, current strategies of DESSA, and some action recommendations ... Read More
Pages: 14       Words: 3609

Exploring the Challenges of African American/Black Single Moms in Corporate

Introduction  The problem of single parenting in the US has been constant for decades, especially among Black families. Furthermore, the number of these black families has constantly increased since the 19th century due to prevailing factors such as divorce, death, and other personal reasons. In 2022, there were about 4.15 million Black families with single ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1730

Return-To-Work Interviews

Return-to-work interviews have a crucial role in the employee-employer relationship. These interviews bridge an employee’s absence due to health concerns and their reintegration into the workplace. In this situation, we interview Jean, who has arthritis, and the generation of this condition is related to inflammation of the joints. The main aim and objective are to ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1768

Talent Management Proposal: Enhancing Organizational Effectiveness Through an Integrated Talent Management Information System

Executive Summary Businesses are aware that to succeed in today’s competitive industry environment, they must possess people skills. Hiring, training, assessing performance, arranging for the succession plan, and retaining staff are all included in talent management. However, many businesses continue to do these duties using old-fashioned technology and labor-intensive manual processes, wasting time and money ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1710

Effective Appraisal Interview Strategy

The function of the appraisal interview strategy is to appraise individual Performance, provide feedback, promote professional progression, and work together to set future goals. The method of conversation aims to establish a positive and permissive atmosphere. Making the best of human resources and ensuring the success of employees and organizations are very vital for organizations. ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1142

Optimizing Work-Life Balance Through the Case for a Four-Day Workweek

Originating from the early 20th century, the standard workweek of five days a week is a practice that has been widely adopted in industrialized countries. It is generally founded upon a full-time work schedule comprising eight daily hours for five consecutive days, usually from Monday through Friday. This format was a countermove to the labor ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2044

Determinants of Work-Life Balance in Malaysia Setting.

Data analysis Work-life balance in Malaysia is a significant topic that helps identify critical HR practices that can help streamline organizational performance. Accordingly, the respondents from the survey had diverse views on the topic. Accordingly, responses were subjected to SPSS Software, and statistical tests were conducted. Significant variables were interested in flexible hours, monetary rewards, ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3161

META’s Futuristic Approach

Introduction. As a leading technology pioneer, META (formerly Facebook) is at the forefront of reimagining the employee experience for the future. With a workforce of over 80,000 employees averaging just 31 years old, attracting and retaining talented youth is key to META’s continued innovation and growth. That is why the company has focused intently on ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 712

HRIS Payroll Integration Insights

Introduction The Human Resource Information System is used in the data collection and storage of employees in an organization. The data collected involves the employees’ addresses, names, salaries, wages, performance reviews, and the attendance and benefits of each employee. Also, the collected data helps assess valuable input used in the organization’s decision-making. One of the ... Read More
Pages: 13       Words: 3519

Building the HR Department in a Startup Company

Introduction A strategic human resources position benefits a rapidly expanding firm’s expansion and creation of value. Identifying their ideal employees, building an agile human resources staff, strengthening talent management, defining core standards, and actively shaping their culture are all things that startups should do in order to ensure that they have the essential human capital ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2443

Optimizing Roles for Motivation

Types of Job Redesign (Job Enlargement, Job Rotation, Job Enrichment): Which would be the Most Effective in my Current Workplace Among the three job redesign approaches, job enrichment is likelier to work best in my current workplace (Knight & Parker, 2019). Job enrichment gives the worker extra control and responsibility over their duties. It improves ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 646

Ethical Issues Involving Workplace Monitoring

Introduction In modern workplaces, Information Technology (IT) has created a new level of productivity and enabled considerable improvements in workplace efficiency. Nevertheless, the pros of this technological integration should not be ignored, but rather, ethical concerns should be given due consideration, in this case, with workplace monitoring. This paper seeks to delve into the ethical ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 943
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Essays On HR

Human Resources is the common name for the corporate function that deals with all staff-related matters. Commonly abbreviated as HR, it might also be known by other names, from the traditional ‘personnel’ to more modern versions like ‘people operations’ or ‘talent success’. Whatever the name, successful HR will normally not just manage the bureaucracy of staff joining and leaving, but can find themselves handling everything from training and development to disciplinary issues.

The development of the HR function has matched changing views of what makes organizations succeed. The traditional personnel department may just have handled the administration in organizations where people were employed and paid to complete simple tasks. As work has changed, and we learn more about human motivation, HR functions have also evolved, looking after reward, terms and conditions, and even acting as the organizational conscience, maintaining policies that nurture the type of staff the organization wants.

If you are writing an essay about HR, the wide variety of HR functions between organizations and over time offers plenty of potential topics.

One obvious choice might be to look at the way HR functions have evolved, from that simple admin to the more dynamic function that exists now. You could also look at what ‘good’ HR looks like. Does a simple organization, for example a manufacturer, need the same type of HR as a business that employs mainly knowledge workers or creatives.

You might even consider what the value of HR is. Traditionally, it’s a business overhead, an essential cost, but a department that doesn’t add to a company’s profit. But you might want to argue that the impact of HR has a direct effect on staff morale and productivity, and, therefore, its bottom line.

Whatever topic you write about, it’s important to provide strong evidence. The amount of writing about organizations, from formal research down to informal blogs, grows every day. And you might have personal examples to add color, whether it’s from a part-time job or even a previous career. Ultimately, when you are considering HR, it’s about how it adds to an organization, and that means understanding the impact it has on the people within it.

So, try looking through the samples on this page. They will help you see different people’s points of view on HR and create your own masterpiece!

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