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HR Essays

Implementing a Leadership Improvement Plan

The unit’s leadership must develop a comprehensive improvement plan to address the highlighted issues in the scenario and create a healthier work environment. Firstly, leadership should initiate regular team-building activities, and training sessions focused on fostering respect, understanding, and appreciation among team members(Ali et al., 2021). These activities may involve workshops on cultural sensitivity, communication ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1582

Impactful Changes for Organizations

Section 1: Impactful Changes The first great change in the business environment, which I find striking, is the fast pace at which technology advances. With the ever-increasing leverage on automation, artificial intelligence, and data analytics in organizations, HRM will risk falling behind in adjusting to the evolving technological trend (Noe et al., 2021). The role ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1000
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Bridging Borders: Understanding the Dynamics of International Human Resource Management (IHRM)

International Human Resource Management (IHRM) is a complicated area of management that deals with managing human resources across international borders. It is the act of planning a company’s human resources (HR) policies and the principles of human resources, such as making policies and practices corresponding to the company’s global reach (Dickmann, 2021). The HRM, which ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1678

Thinking About Industrial/Organizational Psychology

PADIL Framework PADIL is a five-step framework used to solve problems procedurally. The first letter in the acronym requires the dispute resolution consultant to understand and define the context of the situation in the case. The stem entails understanding the structure of the problem (Singer & Voica, 2012). The step determines the subsequent action stage, ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1686

Steps Needed To Transition to Remote Work During a Pandemic

Introduction The outbreak of a pandemic raises unobstructed barriers before companies that have been used to employees working in close proximity in the office environment. Handling the arrangements to execute continuity of business during the upset becomes our obligation while working from home (Gibbons, 2022). This essay outlines the key actions a 50-person office-based company ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1204

Reflective Analysis of Workplace Learning and Onboarding

Personal experiences prevail giving every individual a vision of how to evaluate their progress. This analysis will examine several aspects of labor-intensive activities, from job description, course plan, success strategies, and improvement opportunities. The paper aims to derive conclusions that will contribute to personal development and discussion on what constitutes an effective onboarding approach within ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 743

Consultancy Report: The Dorchester Hotel (HR Department)

Executive Summary Like other sectors, hospitality facilities experience numerous challenges, from market to employees to operations. Dorchester is among the most prestigious 5-star hotels in the United Kingdom, located at the heart of London. The hotel targets wealthy individuals and high-profile figures visiting the countries, primarily as tourists. Since the pandemic, Dorchester has struggled to ... Read More
Pages: 33       Words: 8921

Explain How a Strategic Workforce Plan Will Provide Abacus Accounting With a Workforce That Meets the Organization’s Future Needs.

Introduction The case study on Abacus Accounting covers recent developments and the problems and issues they brought in with the related workforce planning for human resources (HR) in a dynamic company environment. One of the companies involved in the list is Abacus Accounting, which has over 120 employees and has grown from one room workstation ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2149

Addressing Standardization Challenges at Texas Delights: HR Perspective and Recommendations

Introduction In Central Texas, the fast-food chain Texas Delights is having challenges related to standardization and operational efficiency. The recent MBA graduates from TAMUCT have been assigned the responsibility of apprehending and solving the challenges they bring about. The key success point for Texas Delights is its dedication to ensuring it offers an excellent dining ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1018

Advocating for Paid Family Leave in the Workplace

Introduction With the pace of development that contemporary society follows, the necessity for paid family leave in the workplace gains much more weight in the present-day realities. Even though there is progress in labor rights movements and workplace policies, it is still arduous for people to find a balance between their work and family commitments. ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1623

Understanding and Adapting to Different Learning Styles

Contemporary companies view employee training as a vital component of human relations to develop an agile human resource team. The extent of the training’s effectiveness depends on the types and styles of strategies and teaching approaches utilized. One needs to know all the stuff about learning style variation and how to attain desired learning results ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 976

Employment Brand: Coca Cola

Coca-Cola has been a brand that has continued to enjoy a global presence since it was produced in 1886. The brand has been refreshing the world and making a difference for more than 136 years (The Coca-Cola Company, 2024). The company offers people different categories of drinks. It works hard to meet consumer demands, which ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 635

Human Resource Case Study

Introduction & Background Information on the Issue The case of Lincoln Machine Works relates to a situation where a new supervisor, Ron, finds that his team (which has existed for some time) has a massive production gap. Besides Ron’s attempts to identify the real problems, the staff needs a sense of purpose because they feel ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1082

A Qualitative Descriptive Study of Internal and External Motivators of Retention

Introduction Employee retention is an important scenario for production agencies, specifically in the Midwest Region of the United States. High turnover costs no longer most effectively disrupt operations but additionally incur large fees in recruitment and training. Despite extensive studies, gaps persist in understanding the internal and external motivators influencing retention. This research aims to ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1879
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Essays On HR

Human Resources is the common name for the corporate function that deals with all staff-related matters. Commonly abbreviated as HR, it might also be known by other names, from the traditional ‘personnel’ to more modern versions like ‘people operations’ or ‘talent success’. Whatever the name, successful HR will normally not just manage the bureaucracy of staff joining and leaving, but can find themselves handling everything from training and development to disciplinary issues.

The development of the HR function has matched changing views of what makes organizations succeed. The traditional personnel department may just have handled the administration in organizations where people were employed and paid to complete simple tasks. As work has changed, and we learn more about human motivation, HR functions have also evolved, looking after reward, terms and conditions, and even acting as the organizational conscience, maintaining policies that nurture the type of staff the organization wants.

If you are writing an essay about HR, the wide variety of HR functions between organizations and over time offers plenty of potential topics.

One obvious choice might be to look at the way HR functions have evolved, from that simple admin to the more dynamic function that exists now. You could also look at what ‘good’ HR looks like. Does a simple organization, for example a manufacturer, need the same type of HR as a business that employs mainly knowledge workers or creatives.

You might even consider what the value of HR is. Traditionally, it’s a business overhead, an essential cost, but a department that doesn’t add to a company’s profit. But you might want to argue that the impact of HR has a direct effect on staff morale and productivity, and, therefore, its bottom line.

Whatever topic you write about, it’s important to provide strong evidence. The amount of writing about organizations, from formal research down to informal blogs, grows every day. And you might have personal examples to add color, whether it’s from a part-time job or even a previous career. Ultimately, when you are considering HR, it’s about how it adds to an organization, and that means understanding the impact it has on the people within it.

So, try looking through the samples on this page. They will help you see different people’s points of view on HR and create your own masterpiece!

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