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HR Essays

The Importance of Identifying and Managing Workplace Stressors

Introduction Workplace stress is becoming increasingly common, with the majority of people experiencing stress at work. However, a significant number of organizations fail to acknowledge and deal with workplace stressors properly. If left unmanaged, work stress could have detrimental effects on one’s health and general welfare. Work stress often arises from the mismatch between an ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1717

Five Features of High Morale

Introduction Overview Employee morale is a very critical aspect in every typical working environment. When employees are well motivated, they have the spirit of organizational success, which influences productivity, engagement, and overall workplace satisfaction. Significantly, High morale contributes to a positive work environment, fostering creativity, collaboration, and a sense of purpose among employees. Thus, the ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 706
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Workplace Environment Assessment

Assessing the workplace environment plays a critical role in gaining an understanding of the behaviors of different individuals within the surroundings. Additionally, assessing the workplace environment still assists in evaluating the factors influencing an organization’s performance. Therefore, this paper evaluates workplace environment assessment, the concept or theory associated with the assessment, and evidence-based strategies that ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1168

Enhancing Training Transfer in Organizations: A Case Study on Apple Inc.

Introduction The transfer of training within organizations is critical to ensuring that employees effectively apply the knowledge gained during training sessions to their job roles. This report investigates the transfer of training at Apple Inc., a globally renowned technology company. Through direct communication with Apple’s Human Resources department, we aim to understand the extent to ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1205

Personal and Professional Growth Plan

Introduction Success in any career sometimes requires more than just hard work. It calls for having a personal and professional growth plan to act as a compass. As a student affairs professional, having a personal and professional growth plan is what I need to guide me toward becoming a servant leader. Growth in servant leadership ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1036

New Initiative Proposed for the MDCOB

Introduction The MDCOB is seeking to enhance the MBA student studying experience through a brand-new initiative, specializing in improving student peer access, the corporate fellow program, and course delivery. If hired to implement this initiative, I’d start by figuring out global and national trends affecting Houston groups. The two most impactful traits of the MDCOB ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1071

Williams Construction Co. v. Oshrc Case

Part 1 The Occupational Safety Health Act (OSHA) was enacted by Congress to ensure employers remain responsible for the safety of their employees. Negligence by the employer is punishable by law unless there is evidence of defiance by the employees to follow the given instructions and directions. In case there is evidence of a lack ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1290

Exploring the Dynamics of Social Recruitment

Purpose of the Article In “Social Recruitment in HRM: A Theoretical Approach and Empirical study,” published in 2017, Gravili and Fait explore how social media and other unused communication channels influence business enlisting practices. The authors trust to provide readers with an exhaustive understanding of the potential and issues brought about by the changes in ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 952

Critical Evaluation of International Human Resource Management Cultural and Institutional Concept

Introduction Human management is a strategy involving the management of employees based in an organization. Thus, international human resource management entails recruiting, developing and managing employees in international organizations (Brewster et al., 2016). Cultural context and framework entail the cultural surroundings where relevant human resource practices are implemented based on selected models of contrasting different ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2266

Paper Preparing a Manager With the Necessary Documents Required When Considering Terminating an Employee

Introduction Terminating a delegate is a marvelous and delicate communication that requires wary adherence to business guidelines and company techniques. This paper looks at supportive delivery and ill-advised end, the technique and strategy for the specialist end, the parts of fair treatment and commendable inspiration, the adequacy of the business deliberately with exceptions standard in ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1076

Black Feminism and Its Impact on Human Resources in Business Administration

Research and contemplative exploration have become a powerful way of revealing complicated matters, with academia adapting as the intellectual environment changes. An Academic Research paper acts as a light that illuminates the relationship between black feminism and business administration, specifically human resource studies. In this regard, it is necessary to untangle how the deep threads ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1244

The Importance of Effective Talent Management: A Case Study of Stellantis Canada

Successful talent management is the key to any organization that intends to accomplish its goals and objectives. The roles of Stellantis Canada HR Talent Managers are directly related to the development of talent acquisition, development of talent, and retention of their given talents. Stellantis, the fourth largest automobile group, indeed with more than 400,000 workforces ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1384

HR Challenge: A Question of Ethics

Every human resource professional must improve the organizations they work with and support their moral excellence. The role requires professional accountability for individual actions and lobbying for the profession by participation in initiatives that raise the standing and value of the field. In this case, the HR specialist must decide whether to select the most ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1122

Navigating Cross-Cultural Terrain: Insights From an HR Executive

Introduction The international workforce creates Opportunities and problems for firms in the 21st century. Companies face the challenge of managing a multicultural staff as they grow internationally. This paper will examine the main points drawn from a qualitative study that included an interview with an experienced human resources executive at a top global company, Ms. ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1526

Employee Advancement Strategies: The Case for Internal Promotion

Introduction An organization’s natural tendency is to go outside the company for candidates when a position needs to be filled. Nevertheless, a change of viewpoint may be helpful. One method that is sometimes disregarded but should be considered is exploring internal talent. Internal promotions have many benefits. However, companies often need more support to implement ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 869
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Essays On HR

Human Resources is the common name for the corporate function that deals with all staff-related matters. Commonly abbreviated as HR, it might also be known by other names, from the traditional ‘personnel’ to more modern versions like ‘people operations’ or ‘talent success’. Whatever the name, successful HR will normally not just manage the bureaucracy of staff joining and leaving, but can find themselves handling everything from training and development to disciplinary issues.

The development of the HR function has matched changing views of what makes organizations succeed. The traditional personnel department may just have handled the administration in organizations where people were employed and paid to complete simple tasks. As work has changed, and we learn more about human motivation, HR functions have also evolved, looking after reward, terms and conditions, and even acting as the organizational conscience, maintaining policies that nurture the type of staff the organization wants.

If you are writing an essay about HR, the wide variety of HR functions between organizations and over time offers plenty of potential topics.

One obvious choice might be to look at the way HR functions have evolved, from that simple admin to the more dynamic function that exists now. You could also look at what ‘good’ HR looks like. Does a simple organization, for example a manufacturer, need the same type of HR as a business that employs mainly knowledge workers or creatives.

You might even consider what the value of HR is. Traditionally, it’s a business overhead, an essential cost, but a department that doesn’t add to a company’s profit. But you might want to argue that the impact of HR has a direct effect on staff morale and productivity, and, therefore, its bottom line.

Whatever topic you write about, it’s important to provide strong evidence. The amount of writing about organizations, from formal research down to informal blogs, grows every day. And you might have personal examples to add color, whether it’s from a part-time job or even a previous career. Ultimately, when you are considering HR, it’s about how it adds to an organization, and that means understanding the impact it has on the people within it.

So, try looking through the samples on this page. They will help you see different people’s points of view on HR and create your own masterpiece!

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