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International Relations Essays

International Power Distribution’s Impact on Global Order

Introduction International power distribution addresses the distribution of power among actors at the international level, such as states or communities. It is characterized by the use of instruments for the distribution of military, economic, political, and cultural influence, which allows the actors to be determined as more or less capable or as wielding more or ... Read More
Pages: 14       Words: 3766

Canada’s Involvement in Peacekeeping Missions

Should Canada Increase Its Involvement in Peacekeeping Missions? Participating in multidimensional peacekeeping operations enables involved countries to maintain peace and security and promote human rights protection initiatives. For example, various peacekeeping missions Canada has participated in have stabilized post-conflict zones and implemented peace accords. However, the recent decline of Canada’s involvement in peacekeeping missions has ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1580
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Pros and Cons of Economic Sanctions

Pressure for change is a significant advantage of sanctions. As a strong weapon or means to force the party to change its behavior in a civil war regime, economic sanctions ensure it is an albeit indispensable tool (Badache et al., 2022). The use of economic tools, such as trade embargoes and asset freezes, leads the ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1153

Worldviews and Strategies in Post-war/Post-independence Development

Identifying the various strategies of post-war/post-independence development requires scrutinizing the Bandung conference, the African leaders’ speeches, and also how the World Bank was influential. The Bandung conference, with its motto ‘Freedom, Peace and Equal Rights,’ embodied the unity of the newly asserted countries, championing sovereignty, active cooperation, and dismissal from the constraints of the Cold ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1165

Unpacking Regional Dynamics UAE’s/Gulf’s Proxy Support and Influence in the Horn of Africa, Aiming for Red Sea Dominance.

Recently, the Horn of Africa has been an essential place for countries to compete over who is more powerful. In particular, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and other Gulf States are trying hard to become more influential there. This paper examines why these countries want control over the Red Sea area, how their actions could ... Read More
Pages: 14       Words: 3690

African American Women’s Response to U.S. Security Initiatives for Women in Africa

Mikell, G. (2000). Women mobilizing for peace: African-American responses to African crises. International Journal on World Peace, 17(1), 61–84. The article addressed the 1990s collaboration between African American and African women’s groups concerned with crises and violence in Africa. It provides peace-building and social regeneration aid, education, and training via links and associations. The given article is ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 950

Russia in Latin America

Russia is a familiar figure in Latin America; thus, its reemergence is neither surprising nor challenging. In its previous imperialistic form as the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), the country had a significant presence in South America, especially in Nicaragua and Cuba, during the Cold War Era in the 60s and 70s. However, with ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1819

A Report Written On: The Critical Appraisal of Current Issues Affecting Global Environment, Relevant to Jeff Bezos, Amazon and Their Internationalization Aspirations.

Introduction International entrepreneurship is the process of conceptualizing, starting, and managing businesses on a global scale. According to Gholizadeh and Mohammadkazemi (2022), international entrepreneurship involves the creation, development, and growth of entrepreneurial ventures that operate across national borders, dealing with the challenges and opportunities presented by an international business environment. Several factors contribute to international ... Read More
Pages: 11       Words: 3004

Operation Allied Force/Operation Noble Anvil

Operation Allied Force/Operation Noble Anvil was an aerial bombing by NATO against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia during the Kosovo War. Kosovo, an independent region in Yugoslavia, was faced with the Yugoslavian state and Serbian ethnic-sponsored oppression. In 1996, the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) launched its attack against the Serbian police, leading to a Serbian ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 966

The Significance and Effectiveness of Foreign Aids on Women’s Empowerment

The global development goals have made foreign aid an essential tool, providing financial, technical, and humanitarian support to nations that experience social and economic challenges. In this context, foreign aid means the international transfer of capital, goods, or services from one country or international organization to another to benefit the recipient or its people (United ... Read More
Pages: 14       Words: 3773

The Main Goal of the Taliban in Afghanistan

Armajani, J. (2021). The Taliban. In Handbook of Islamic Sects and Movements (pp. 348-348). Brill. Armajani’s contribution to the “Handbook of Islamic Sects and Movements” provides a short yet precise description of the Taliban movement from the Islamic perspective. The chapter covers the historical origins of the Taliban, explains their ideological foundations, and describes the ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1013

Book Critique and Policy Review: Global Issues Beyond Sovereignty

The text “Global Issues Beyond Sovereignty” explores the traditional paradigm involving global interactions and relationships by examining the dynamic frameworks in international challenges that transcend sovereign states’ ability. In the groundbreaking discourse, the writer, Maryann Cusimano-Love, discusses controversial debates, focusing on the urgency of an inclusive strategy and collaborative interactions. Further, the author presents a ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1526

RMB Trade Settlement: Macro Effects Unveiled

The growing role of the RMB in global trade that follows from China’s efforts to internationalize its national currency is economically relevant. It may be examined from the perspective of macroeconomic models such as the ones mentioned above. In the context of RMB transcriptions for internationalization, which in turn generates more trade in RMB, the ... Read More
Pages: 14       Words: 3676

“What To Worry About in 2024”

1. The article “What to Worry About in 2024” website link discusses significant global worries for 2024 and what they bring as far as possible crises or their political consequences are concerned (What to Worry about in 2024, 2024). It outlines the prospect of rising world challenges and how this would affect international politics. The article ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 994
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