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International Relations Essays

Linklater’s Realism, Marxism, and Critical International Theory

Andrew Linklater’s article presents a critical analysis of the two influential works in the area of international relations, the central theme of which revolves around the ongoing debate about whether realism and Marxism offer wholesale explanations and predictions of world politics. Linklater begins by outlining the resurgence of many critiques against historical materialism in sociological ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 695

Do International Institutions Need Reform?

Introduction The European Union was developed in post-World War II with the main purpose of creating tighter economic, political, and social integration among European states. Its fundamental concepts concentrated on developing a more stable, economically integrated, and politically unified Europe. Following this historical trajectory, the EU formed in reaction to the destruction of war and ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2089
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Importance of JIPOE and DIME

JIPOE is an analytical framework that helps analyze and comprehend the operational environment of intelligence agencies (JP 2-01.3, Joint Intelligence Preparation of the Operational Environment 2014). Most of the time, these areas or regions encompass areas where missions are to be conducted. The operational environment framework provides a chronological model and facet through which the intelligence ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 735

Territorial Disputes and Securitization: A Case Study of the India-Pakistan Conflict

Introduction In the complex and generally established India-Pakistan struggle, the securitization of regional disputes arises as a fundamental focal point through which to grasp the diverse elements at play. This paper contends that the securitization of regional questions between India and Pakistan has had a significant effect on provincial elements, military posing, and conciliatory relations. ... Read More
Pages: 15       Words: 4123

Addressing Key Adversarial Challenges in the Indo-Pacific Through Air Force Core Missions and Joint Functions

In the volatile landscape of the Indo-Pacific, the testimony posited by COMUSINDOPACOM before the Senate Armed Services Committee in 2023 accentuates the prominence of critical adversarial challenges with a spotlight on China’s Action of Concern-Taiwan. This essay thus critically deconstructs the complex dynamics of this challenge employing, particularly, the strategic lenses provided by joint functions ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1440

Argumentative Essay Supporting Defensive Realism Over Offensive Realism in International Relations Theory

In international relations theory, realist approaches dominate discourses on state behavior in an anarchistic global system. Meanwhile, the realist theory holds that states seek power and security in pursuing national interests above all other factors. According to Singh (3), Within the larger realist framework, a significant debate occurs between offensive and defensive realism, espoused by scholars ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 625

Legal, Political, and Cultural Risks To Be Considered in Globalization

The advent of globalization has brought about a new era for businesses. Globalization has drawn companies to extend their activities abroad. The trend creates a broader customer base and grows sales. Nevertheless, operating in the international environment is replete with legal, political, and cultural risks. The challenges must be carefully considered before going abroad or ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 683

The U.S. Intelligence Support in Taiwan: Possible Implications China in a US-China

Introduction Against this backdrop of the US-China confrontation, the changing relationship between U.S. and Taiwan intelligence can be emphasized. This literature analysis explores the intricate aspects of the US-Taiwan intelligence deal and its impact on US-China relations. This review’s primary research topic is: What role does the US-Taiwan intelligence pact play in deteriorating US-China relations ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1813

Regional Security Dynamics in Central Asia: Challenges and Prospects

Introduction The region is strategically placed, rich in natural resources, and is the central crossroad of Europe, Asia, and the Middle East. These five nations of Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Kazakhstan make up the primary land-locked international political body (Faranda & Nolle, 2011). The issue of this paper is the complex problem of security ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1005

Analyzing Theory and Grand Strategy Assignment

The Book; Gowan, P. (2020). A calculus of power: Grand strategy in the twenty-first century. Verso Books. Abstract This research paper delves into Peter Gowan’s book, “A Calculus of Power: 2020, Grand Strategy in the Twenty-First Century. This paper presents a summary of Gowan’s argument and its logicality. Indeed, he acknowledges the changing forms of power ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1493

Speech: World Peace

Hi everyone, I hope you are all fine. I am happy and excited to welcome you to my session. Over the years, witnessed conflicts in our local and international communities. You have also observed the severity of the conflicts, especially in international communities, through social media, television, and other media platforms. Therefore, it is upon ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 722

Impact of Regional Conflict Resolution Mechanisms on Protracted Conflicts

Introduction Complex, prolonged disputes present significant challenges to global peace and security because of their extended time frame, complex causes, and ingrained violence. Regional dispute resolution systems, which make use of close proximity, common interests, and cross-cultural understanding, are essential in resolving such disputes. However, there are a number of variables that can affect how ... Read More
Pages: 18       Words: 4696

Synthesis of Arms Transfer Behavior and the Turkish Defense Industry

Introduction Arms transfer by governments, an aspect of the intricate nature, is also an aspect of international relations based on different interests. This synthesis article revolves around the fundamental theories of weapons transfer behavior, highlighting Turkey and its military. Looking at the development of the Military sector in Turkey over time, certain things can help ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1694

Dormer (2017) the Impact of Constructivism

Summary The article examines constructivism’s influence on international relations theory, recognizing its unquestionable importance and pointing out the need for more agreement over its nature and scope. The author aims to refute simplistic pedagogical techniques by offering a complex historical history of constructivism within the field. The introduction emphasizes the need for a thorough inquiry ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 965

Challenge of Social, Political, and Change

Having dived into the experiences of strong leaders and subject matter experts, I aim to introduce a fair viewpoint on the expansive repercussions of these social, political, and economic changes and what they complicatedly mean for the surface of our lives. Globalization can double increase our fulfilment because of its nuanced nature. To investigate the ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 742
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