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International Relations Essays

How the World Can Achieve the Sustainable Development Goals by Using the Islamic Micro Finance

1. Introduction 1.1 Study Background and Context Microfinancing in accordance with Islamic principles that prioritise economic and social equality is called Islamic Micro Finance (Mirakhor & Iqbal, 2022). Mutamimah et al. (2022) found this form of microfinance helpful in their research on the global effort to achieve the SDGs. Aiming to promote gender equality, eliminate ... Read More
Pages: 21       Words: 5745

China’s Role in Deglobalization: A Comparative Analysis of Media Articles and Academic Readings

Introduction The rising tendency of deglobalization has had a profound impact on the dynamics of globalization. This fashion, marked by a decline in change, investment, generation transfer, and global mobility, has picked up steam. Whether China contributes to deglobalization or gets equipped for a new level is a significant subject matter of discussion in the ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1272
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Interrelationship Financial Stability, Macroprudential Policy and Financial Globalization

Understanding the interrelation between financial stability, macroprudential policy, and financial globalization requires a critical literature analysis of the different elements and factors affecting each element. Research by Wang et al. (2021) reveals a concrete interrelation between financial stability, macroprudential policy, and financial globalization for any company that has realized international expansion and even local companies. ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1371

Ghana Versus Ivory Coast

Background Ghana has been seen to be amongst the most stable nations in the West African region since 1992, the time of its conversion to bilateral democracy (“Democracy, human rights, and governance | Ghana | US agency for international development,” n.d.). It was earlier called Gold Coast. It became independent in 1957, after being colonized ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2240

Understanding Cybersecurity Challenges Through a Constructivist Lens

INTRODUCTION Today, cybersecurity is a key issue affecting global affairs, as digital interactions generate risks that cross borders. This essay examines cyber security concerns via a constructivist viewpoint. The goal of this paper is to show how a constructivist theoretical approach, based on the significance of national identity and norms, offers light on the multidimensional ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1804

Assess the Contribution of Critical Geopolitics to International Relations.

Introduction Critical geopolitics focuses on the geographic assumptions and classifications that shape how politics are made worldwide. It aims to shed light on and explain the methods political players use to spatialize global politics and portray it as a “world” filled with specific types of regions. This line of analysis examines geopolitics as a profoundly ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3245

Limits to Emancipation in the Practice of International Relations

Introduction Emancipation, in the context of international relations theory and practice, means helping weaker states or actors gain more power and autonomy in the international system. It’s a metamorphic journey toward liberation from oppressive authorities and an examination of the status quo’s legitimacy. In a world that often reinforces inequities and disparities, emancipation requires fighting ... Read More
Pages: 11       Words: 2845

Report: International Terms of Trade

Introduction In the unique universe of worldwide trade, the agreements under which goods and services are traded between nations assume a significant part in forming worldwide monetary connections. This report digs into the many-sided domain of worldwide terms of trade, zeroing in on unambiguous points shrouded in the last option part of the course. As ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2378

Globalisation Is Dead

Introduction Globalisation has existed since the ancient period, with notable changes in the system taking place as countries grow and develop. Michie (2019) denoted that globalisation is the interdependence of the global economies, which works through cross-border trade in products, technology, movement of investment, and information. Various nations have developed partnerships and economic groups to ... Read More
Pages: 14       Words: 3667

Title: Comparative Media Analysis on the Coverage of the COVID-19 Pandemic – Local, International, and Global Perspectives

The emergence of Covid-19 had a significant effect worldwide as well as media coverage from local, international, and global perspectives. Journalism institutions have offered essential insights which influence the understanding, policy formation, and significant problems surrounding the pandemic (Gisondi et al., 2022). Various media outlets worldwide had different ways in which they covered news related ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 942

A Pragmatist Take On Covert Action

As a pragmatist, I argue that a state’s self-interest may make covert action necessary and justified in some circumstances. The realities of international relations usually need practical solutions to protect national security and advance national interests, notwithstanding idealists’ claims that the historical record does not support such interventions. States have utilized covert action on several ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 671

The Effects of the Concert of Europe

The concert of Europe succeeded in establishing unity among Prussia, Austria, Russia and Britain in rebelling against Napoleon and enabled them to witness the benefits of collaboration. The four countries discovered their objectives were related and could quickly achieve them by working together. They learned that their union threatened other nations that aimed at disturbing ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 629

Connections Between the United States and Russia: A Comparative Analysis of Arctic Development and Cybersecurity

Introduction The political, economic, and social facets of the relationship between the United States and Russia are all present. The growth of the Arctic and Cybersecurity are two particular challenges that tie major world powers together. With both nations vying for control and equitable access to their resources, the Arctic area is significant from a ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1474

China’s Belt and Road Initiative

Introduction The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) is an ambitious development strategy developed by the people of China in 2013 and is the cornerstone of President Jinping’s foreign policy. BRI used the Silk Road concept, launched several decades ago in the Han dynasty, as an inspiration to develop a network of trade routes. According to ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 1941

Is the Quad an Asian NATO?

The Quadrilateral Security Dialogue, or the Quad, composed of the United States, Japan, Australia, and India as a formation seeks to deepen economic, diplomatic, and military ties among these different countries (Wei, 2022). Various media sources have constantly used the term ‘Asian NATO’ to draw a connection between the Quad and NATO. This seeks to ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1092
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