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Cultural Identity Essays

What Function Do the Recipes Play in Shange’s Text? How, Textually, Do They Work? Why Might Shange Include Them?

The issue of slavery and its effects on indigenous culture attracted significant attention in the 1970s and 80s. Unlike in the modern era, where people can openly discuss slavery, the issue’s sensitivity often compelled authors to devise creative approaches to the issue intentionally to avoid criticism and potential backlash from people with diverse opinions. In ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1323

Gentrification in Puerto Rico

Introduction Gentrification in Puerto Rico affects communities and cultural heritage. Gentrification in Puerto Rico has socioeconomic and racial effects. Using statistical data, logical reasoning, and relevant readings, the paper will examine how this phenomenon increases social inequality, undermines Puerto Rico’s distinctive cultural identity, and disproportionately affects disadvantaged groups. Due to growing property prices and rental ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1633
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Case Study: Real Case Study Analysis – Sixties Scoop

Introduction The sixties scoop is a process that happened mainly in the 1960s to 1980s when indigenous children were forcibly removed or ‘scooped’ from their biological parents and original communities without the agreement of their families. These children were placed in mainstream non-indigenous Canadian homes and throughout North America. The original intention of the sixties ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1243

The Distinction Between Syrian and American Culture

Culture is an integral part of human life. Therefore, through culture, individuals refer to themselves as people from a particular group. Through culture, we all get a sense of belonging by guiding our ways of relation and carrying out our daily lives. As a result, culture is defined as the cumulative knowledge and characteristics attained ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1170

A Comparative American Critique

Daisy Miller’s Roman Fever story, reiterating a teenage American girl from a well-off family exploring Europe with her family, grants us three types of characters concerning their social context and how they perceive the social behavior code. Initially, we come across American expatriates, characterized by the fact that they are fully integrated and converted into European ethos, thus accepting its stringent ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 917

Windows: There There by Tommy Orange

“There There” by Tommy Orange explores the intergenerational trauma and suffering experienced by Native Americans in the United States. The book depicts how Native communities have been ravaged by violence, cruelty, and attempted genocides since the 1400s. Orange suggests that these historical events have left a lasting legacy of trauma that influences the lives of ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1079

Koxinga Moved in Multiple Worlds. Was He Really “Chinese,” or Were His Identities More Complex?

Introduction Zheng Chenggong was a famous Chinese military leader and king who established the Kingdom of Tungning in Taiwan and led victorious military battles against the Dutch (Crozier, 1977). Koxinga’s multifaceted persona stems from his multigenerational family tree and access to parallel universes. Zheng Zhilong was a Chinese trader and pirate who played a significant ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2105

Media and Cultural Identity and Representation

Media texts are vivid, verbal, print, or electric communications with an unrestricted audience. They are produced and showcased by a technology that many people control. They are commonly used to entertain, encourage, or teach the public about a certain affair or event. These media texts are written or created on different issues depending on the ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 708

Movie Analysis: East is East and Loins of Punjab Comparison

Loins of Punjab Presents (Acharya, 2007) Loins of Punjab is an Indian English-language comedy-drama film that follows the lives of a diverse cast of characters in the Indian diaspora. Manish Acharya directed the film, which depicts four people competing in a reality show called Loins of Punjab. The film is set in New Jersey and ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3037

Culture and Identity

The global community is defined by culture. Culture is essentially something that establishes distinction in society as individuals have specific cultural aspects which differentiate them from individuals hailing from another community. So what exactly does culture refer to? Culture generally refers to the customs, traditions, ideas, Mores, institutions and values of a given Society. Basically, ... Read More
Pages: 14       Words: 3684

Connecting Issues to Cultural Identities With Empathy: Family Conflict

The humanitarian services sector is much more accepting of diversity in others because community care practitioners establish a connection between these challenges and cultural identities to empathy. It considers the contrasts and affinities between someone’s culture and other cultures. I decided to look into family conflict since it is a significant problem in our culture. ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 925

Cultural Identity and Social Responsibility

I was raised to believe that the morality and ethics you develop as a person should inform your daily actions and significant life choices. Mill, Kant, and Aristotle are three of the most influential thinkers who have offered unique insights on the problem of morality. According to Aristotle, the point of studying ethics is to ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 676
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