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What Is My Culture?

Cultural skills are vital in professional life. Just like in communication, the value of culture is superficial in various professions, including counseling, sales, law, and teaching, where listening and talking are essential to effectiveness. Based on the analysis conducted by Spillman (2020), culture describes individuals’ interests, beliefs, and values, thus allowing people to uphold unique societal characteristics. In other fields, culture may portray a common interest, while others may embrace customs that deviate from that of others. However, the significance of culture is less recognizable, but it is present. Therefore, this research is designed to explore my culture as a Cuban to aid in understanding the gradual change in cultural makeup in different social communities in the current evolving world.

My culture is an essential part of my identity. It is like an imaginative woven or needlepoint with values, customs, and traditions that have been passed down since the time of the memorial. On the other hand, culture shapes my personality, thus influencing my behaviors and beliefs. In this regard, my culture, as a “Cuban,” is vital in describing the real me.

Based on chapter 8 of the textbook, Family traditions are a vital portion of my culture. They include formulating and sharing traditional meals, celebrating festivals, and embracing storytelling sessions that maintain our heritage thriving. From this perspective, my culture is immersed in traditions, each upholding philosophical meaning. Based on the lively festival such as ‘Nochebuena,’ it implies spending time with family members at home and preparing meals to enjoy. This vibrant festival portrays a sense of continuity and belonging. They act as a basis that links me to my family and their pearls of wisdom.

However, one of the aspects of my culture is the language we speak at home. This language spoken at home links me with my roots. For example, communicative norms in my culture (Cuban culture) are based on eye contact. In my culture, when speaking with people of all ages, we tend to embrace eye contact. In addition to eye contact, close proximity is maintained when speaking with individuals of all ages. Therefore, gestures and non-verbal clues are commonly used in communication.

Conversely, the values that we embrace towards others are another cultural aspect. For instance, embracing respect is a common attribute in my tradition/ culture. In this regard, when conversing with strangers or elders, Cubans speak more formally. Therefore, the formal conversation is a form of respect. We normally shake hands upon greeting a given person. Moreover, men often embrace ‘abrazos,’ meaning they exchange a friendly hug. Furthermore, it is common for both women and men to greet family and friends with a kiss on the cheek and a hug. Thus, being honest, kind, and respecting the elders are cultural training I hold dearly.

In conclusion, culture is dynamic. It keeps its own changing and can be influenced by various factors, including people, place, and time. However, culture may portray a common interest while others may embrace customs that deviate from that of others, but my culture transforms my identity, guiding my thoughts and actions. Therefore, it is a treasure I value and will endure to maintain.


Benedict, R. (2019). Patterns of culture. Routledge.

Choi, Y., Kim, T. Y., Noh, S., Lee, J., & Takeuchi, D. (2018). Culture and family process: Measures of familism for Filipino and Korean American parents. Family Process57(4), 1029-1048.

Spillman, L. (2020). What is cultural sociology? John Wiley & Sons.


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