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Culture Essays

“About Men” by Gretel Ehrlich

Introduction Stereotypes ingrained in societal perceptions often find their roots in the bias and misconceptions perpetuated by the American advertising industry. In her compelling article “About Men,” Gretel Ehrlich dismantles prevalent fallacies, focusing mainly on the misrepresented image of cowboys while probing the weight of imposed gender roles on men. Employing a potent combination of ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1109

The Rural Culture of Shen Congwen and His Views on It in “Xiaoxiao”

Introduction In “Xiaoxiao,” Shen Congwen delicately portrays and praises rural life, showing deep knowledge and admiration. He depicts Western Hunan rural life with insight and compassion. Shen loves rural culture because it is simple and honest. In the novel “coeds,” he purposely contrasts country life’s simplicity and materialism with metropolitan civilization’s complexity. This research, supported ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1373
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Critical Report 1: “Issues in Cultural Translation: Sensitivity, Politeness, Taboo, and Censorship” by M. Rosario Martín Ruano

Critical Report 1 Introduction This paper reviews M. Rosario Martín Ruano’s work on “Issues in Cultural Translation: Sensitivity, Politeness, Taboo, and Censorship,” which was done in 2018 and published in The Routledge Handbook of Translation and Culture. In this article, Rosario discusses issues in cultural translation while examining the challenges brought by sensitivity, politeness, taboo, and ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1318

The Culture and Cuisine of Indonesia

Indonesian culture is well known for some dishes such as Pangsit Ayam, Rica-Rica, and Gado Gado. These dishes capture Indonesia’s culinary journey, a vibrant exploration of flavors that cultural, historical, and geographical factors have influenced. Apart from these dishes being well-known for being delicious, they are a clear indication of Indonesian cuisine; these culinary treasures ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 644

Impact of Anthropology

In pursuing human culture and evolution research, disciplines such as – and others- are involved, and the methods and perspectives differ. Anthropologists, when they strive to acquire a detailed portrait of human diversity patterns, apply an integrated, comparative, and reconstructive scientific approach to analyze multiple facets of human culture, sustainability, nonhuman primates, bipedalism, and hence ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1397

Global Cultures and Society

As the pace of global integration accelerates into the 21st century through rapid flows of information, ideology, capital, and people across borders, the promise of an egalitarian “global village” remains unrealized. According to theorist Arjun Appadurai, these global flows constitute complex, unpredictable “landscapes” of technology, politics, finance, and culture marked by disjunctures rather than smooth ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 659

Culture War: Similarities and Differences Between Culture War of 19th Century and Today’s Culture War

The fight between traditionalist or conservative beliefs and social democratic, progressive, or social liberal principles in the West and other countries is referred to in the article as the “culture war.” The phrase “culture war” refers to politics centered around values and ideas, which are expressed through purposefully antagonistic social narratives intended to incite political ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1022

Media Autobiography Written Reflection

Self-Portrait Description The collage in my self-portrait is a vivid work about my experience in popular culture, especially music. The painting, which mirrors my identity, is heavily focused on billboards of the five most influential artists of the respective periods. Taylor Swift, The Weeknd, Adam Levine, and Justin Bieber are the foundations of my musical ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1424

How Do Cultural Differences Influence Nonverbal Communication Behaviors?

The power of nonverbal cues and “fake news” to divide communities is something I have seen firsthand as an Indian student adjusting to the American lifestyle. Being empathetic, keeping an open mind, and not believing false information are all necessary to overcome our differences. As an international student, I would like to share my observations ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 873

Culturally Competent Care for Chinese Patients

Background The People’s Republic of China has experienced explosive technological progress and an economic boom in the course of the last few years. More importantly, changes in people’s lifestyle and diet have made food-borne non-communicable diseases such as obesity, diabetes, cancer, and heart disease rife in today’s society (Jiang et al., 2022). Nevertheless, the majority ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1100

Exploring Socio-Cultural Identity

Socio-cultural identity is a multi-apartment edifice that affects what people perceive about themselves and how they interact with others in society. In society, people use varying criteria for self-construction and find a sense of self that reflects their identity. This identity can then influence how people engage with others through communication, cooperation, or conflict. The ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 693

My One Brief Memorable Moment in Africa

The purpose of this essay is to describe one brief but memorable moment I experienced in school during my sophomore year. Specifically, life is a journey with endless experiences that people face as they move from one stage of growth and development to the next. While in every person’s life, there are multiple unforgettable moments, ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1137

Cultural Connections Through Language and Society

Culture is linked directly to language. Typically, people’s interaction with the world is influenced by the language and vocabulary used during conversations. Also, how people from different cultures categorize and name things in their respective languages reflects their cultural values and experiences. This link can be seen directly through kinship ties, color perception, naming systems, ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 801

Threads of Prevailing Worldviews and Value Systems and How They Are Shaped by Culture and Identity

Introduction A multitude of worldviews and value systems arise from people’s different and complicated glasses through which they see the world in the rich fabric of human life. These viewpoints, which are ingrained in culture and identity, have a significant impact on the values, attitudes, and social conventions that are accepted. Knowing how these fundamental ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3260
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