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History Essays

Resistance of McCarthyism: Lillian Hellman’s Huac Letter

The Second Red Scare, which was worsened by the widespread fear of the ‘communist influence’ in society, lies between McCarthy’s dark times; everyone, no matter what class they belonged to, became entangled in the McCarthyism trap. The playwright and screenwriter Lillian Hellman was one of those who testified before the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC). ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 804

Impact and Legacy of the Atlantic Slave Trade

The Atlantic slave trade is a classic example of one the darkest and most disreputable chapters in human history that left an unforgettable stamp on both Africa and America. This paper strives to launch a comprehensive study of the Atlantic slave trade through investigation and analysis of its history, functions, scale effects, and continuing heritage ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 791
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The Era of Reconstruction, Unraveling the Complex Tapestry of Change

Introduction In the years after the Civil War, during the Era of Reconstruction, important events happened that changed the course of American history. This time was marked by important choices, big changes, and urgent problems that will never be forgotten (Prior et al., 2017). This essay argues that among the many aspects of Reconstruction, three ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1894

Liberalism in Latin America

Part 1 Liberal and conservative politics were the two main ideologies that shaped Latin America in the nineteenth century. There were conflicting ideologies and points of view in these two discourses. There are differing tenets and advocates between liberalism and conservatism. While most liberals were in support of democracy as a form of government, this ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 768

Historical Photo Analysis

The migrant mother picture by Dorothea Lange 1936 during the great depression of Florence Owens Thompson and her children is a symbol of the social and economic difficulties they were faced with at that time. This inspirational image has gone beyond its immediate operation. It has become a symbol of the sufferings the marginalized people ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 909

Perspectives on Culture and Violence in Revolutionary America

High/Low Art Debate The debate on “High Art versus Low Art” has always been centered around the question of what is referred to as high culture/ art and lower or popular cultures. I resist rigid cultural hierarchies that label certain art forms inherently superior in quality or more profound meaning. Contemporary examples abound of graphic ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 665

The Civilization of Mesoamerica and the Crusade on Medieval Europe.

A human society is considered to have reached civilization when it achieves a particular stage of development in terms of its standard social norms, culture, industry, and government. The components of a civilization are many. Large population concentrations, imposing structures and unique architectural designs, standardized communication techniques, land management systems, complex labor divisions, and social ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 666

Strategic Estimate of the Baltic Region

The Inauguration of Alexander III, King of Scots (1249) [Gesta Annalia 2 in John of Fordun, Chronicle of the Scottish NaKon (Edinburgh, 1872), volume ii, 289-90)] Gesta Annalia’s “Yearly Deeds” is a significant medieval chronicle that provides a comprehensive account of Scotland’s history. Moreover, this period was divided into the first and second sections. The ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 1926

Reflective Response on the Dreamt Land by Mark Arax

In the Central Valley of California, Mark Arax gives clear insight into the valley’s nature and unveils its great geographical features of land where agriculture is performed. He describes water-land relationships as well as human relations. The Sacramento and San Joaquin Valleys are compared; the two regions have unique features, such as water availability influencing ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1425

Congo: White King, Red Rubber, Black Death

The documentary unveils the colonial exploitation and brutality that the Congolese people went through during the colonial era, more so when they were under the leadership of King Leopold II of Belgium. Under Peter Bate’s film direction, it uses archival footage of survivor testimonies to search into the brutality of the rubber trade under Leopold’s ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 925

War and Priests: Catholic Colleges and Slavery in the Age of Revolution

Introduction: In the article “War and Priests: In Craig Steven Wilder’s “Catholic Colleges and Slavery in the Age of Revolution,” issues concerning how Catholic college systems relate to slavery during this era are discussed. In his turn, Wilder observes the role played by Georgetown College and other Catholic institutions in Maryland with slavery, revealing their ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1102

Analyzing the Historical Context of a 19th-Century Treaty Between the U.S. Government and a Native American Tribe

Introduction First-hand accounts of what happened in the past are the most important part of historical research because they tell us what really happened. American Indians and the American West, 1809–1971, a key work from the ProQuest History Vault, is what this essay is mostly about. The story is mostly about a deal the U.S. ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 946

Did Germany Instigate the First World War?

The presented chapters shed some light on the key diplomatic and military developments aimed at initiating World War I. Considering this information, it is possible to notice how states acted and understand various leaders’ and nations’ sentiments toward their involvement in warfare. The issue of whether Germany instigated the war was a controversial one that ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 742

Comprehensive Examination: Greek Civilization

In Quintus of Smyrna’s epic poem Posthomerica, Odysseus devises a plan to trick the Trojans into letting Greek forces sneak into the city by creating a wooden horse and displaying it as a trophy. As soon as their great and courageous leader, Achilles, died, the Greeks could not advance in the battle against Troy. Thus, ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1251

Unveiling Power Dynamics: The Race Relations Act 1976 Through the Lens of New Imperial History

Introduction The Race Relations Act of 1976, passed for use in the United Kingdom, is a significant legal measure to promote racial equality and fight discrimination in different aspects of British society. In 1958, during Britain’s post-war development and cultural reforms, this Act marked one of the first important measures to deal with the malady ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 1940
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Essays On History

By now the Winston Churchill quote, “Those that fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it” has become almost a cliché but that doesn’t make it any less true or relevant. History is an ultimate teacher. It shows us proof of what humans are capable of and gives us almost a blueprint of what we can experience in the future.

History also covers a wide range of subjects and periods and there’s no official cut off point where history stops and current affairs start. “Modern history” might seem like an oxymoron, but because history informs and unrolls through time, history can still happen up to an hour before you write your essay.

How to write an essay on History

Finding reliable and trustworthy sources is critical to writing an effective essay on history. Although some think history is an immutable and unchangeable record that cannot be contested, the sources we reference will change the narrative massively. This can be seen in recountings of all significant conflicts.

Essay writers are storytellers and, therefore, need to be careful what story they’re telling and who has told them the story. Researching sources and ensuring they are as accurate as possible will help make your history essay a precise source.

History essays might fall under multiple larger format types, such as persuasive essays or research papers. Before beginning a history essay, ensure you understand the preferred format. The most recognizable essay format is a five-paragraph essay comprising an introduction, three body paragraphs, and a conclusion.

What can you talk about in an essay on History?

History is a topic that reaches far and wide from ancient history to worldwide or national history. Look for topics that will interest you and an audience and ensure you cover a wide range of subjects.

Topics you can cover in a history essay include:

• The US’s role in World War I.
• Child labor during the Puritan era.
• Women’s employment and effects during the Great Depression.
• The average life expectancy of a peasant in the Middle Ages was about 25 years. Why?
• Evidence for and against Leonardo Da Vinci having dyslexia.
• The effect of the media on unfolding history.

Try looking through the samples on this page. They will help you see different people’s points of view about history and create your own masterpiece!

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