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History Essays

Impact of the Industrial Age and the Rise of Capitalism

The development of the Industrial Revolution and the expansion of capitalism through the centuries brought about many kinds of historical changes that affected humans as well as their ways of life. This comparison of the features typical of these phenomena, such as technological progress, exploitation of labor, accumulation of wealth, and environmental degradation that followed, ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2231

American Civil War and Its Impact Politically, Socially and Economically

The middle of the 19th century in the USA was a turbulent period associated with many conflicts between the pro-slavery and abolitionist movements and demands for reform of the whole governing system. It was mainly during this period that the American Civil War became the most outstanding historical phenomenon, which led the United States through ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2295
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Manifest Destiny:Vision for the United States’ Future

In Hampton Sides’ “Blood and Thunder: “Song of the West,” the storyline is the foundation of west expansion, the hallmark of America’s history. Central to this narrative are three influential figures: Thomas Hart Benton, his son, Jesse Benton Fremont, and his cousin, John C. Fremont. These people had a shared vision for the future of ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 629

The Rise of Large Industrial Corporations in the United States During the Post-Civil War Era

Introduction The era after the Civil War in the United States signaled the beginning of an era heavily laden with extremely fast industrialization, the dominance of corporate power, and the raising of the related social and ethical issues. This period, often called the “Gilded Age,” has witnessed monumental shifts in the economy, with massive corporations ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1661

Effect of the California Mission System

The California Mission system was established from 1769 to 1833 under the Spanish Colonial regime, which focused on converting local peoples into Christians. Stretching from San Diego to San Francisco, these Missions came across as triggers of cultural and religious upheavals among the Native American tribes. However, the Mission degradation in the local Native American ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2536

Michael R Marrus Nuremberg Trials

Introduction The Nuremberg Trials are seen as a milestone in the development of the jurisdiction after the Second World War. Therefore, it completely changed the face of international politics and sculptured the mental image of humanity. Based on their descent from the evilness of crimes of which the Holocaust is a glaring example, the criminal ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2736

Interregional Comparison: Rome vs Parthian Empires

The Roman Empire ruled Europe, West Asia, and North Africa between 27BC and 476 AD. On the other hand, the Parthian Empire ruled ancient Iran between 247 BC and 224 AD. Fitzpatrick finds that these empires had a significant interaction that influenced their cultures and religions (30). This complex interplay shaped these worlds and was ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 595

The Supreme Court in the Progressive Era

Introduction  The Progressive Era, which took place between the late 19th and the early 20th centuries, was a pivotal event in the history of the United States. The time frame being referred to was characterized by major social, economic, and political disturbances as the U.S. dealt with the vast reconstruction of society due to technological ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1653

The Declaration of the Rights of Man

France and the rest of Europe experienced significant changes in the age of the French Revolution in the 18th century. The assertion stems from the fact that it marked a dawn of new liberal ideas, which is evident in “ The Declaration of the Rights of Man, 1789.” This 1789 document emphasized universal rights and citizenship. ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1423

The Internment of Japanese Americans During World War II

During World War II, there was a policy that was introduced by the United States government known as Japanese internment, but it was highly criticized. The policy targeted Japanese Americans who lived on the Pacific Coast following the attack on Pearl Harbor by Japan on December 7, 1941. President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed Executive Order ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 874

How Did ‘The Rise of the Middle Class’ Contribute to Cultural, Political and Economic Change in the Mid-Nineteenth Century?

The Rise of the Middle Class The mid-19thcentury marked a period of significant transformation worldwide. The period is associated with the emergence of the middle class, which materialized between 1840 and 1880. In this period, the workers in American cities held hard jobs with low pay. The aristocracy and working-class social cohort caused cultural, political, and economic ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1924

John F. Kennedy’s Legacy, Leadership, and Historical Perspective

As this paper takes its path through John F. Kennedy’s intricate legacy, it addresses the history built up around his tenure, which is quite complex. As a result, Camelot’s education is integrated into the motion picture, upon which Jacqueline Kennedy’s touching pronunciation was exerted as the cause(McCann & Mollan, 2021). Consequently, the conversations about the ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2337

The Role of the Printing Press in the Cultural Communication of the People at the Bottom of Britain

Introduction Background Information The 15th century saw the invention of the printing press by Johannes Gutenberg, which was one of the most significant events in human history, creating a transformation that has determined how and through whom information gets communicated and spread. The new printing press era replaced the handwritten copying of books, characterized by ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1648
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Essays On History

By now the Winston Churchill quote, “Those that fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it” has become almost a cliché but that doesn’t make it any less true or relevant. History is an ultimate teacher. It shows us proof of what humans are capable of and gives us almost a blueprint of what we can experience in the future.

History also covers a wide range of subjects and periods and there’s no official cut off point where history stops and current affairs start. “Modern history” might seem like an oxymoron, but because history informs and unrolls through time, history can still happen up to an hour before you write your essay.

How to write an essay on History

Finding reliable and trustworthy sources is critical to writing an effective essay on history. Although some think history is an immutable and unchangeable record that cannot be contested, the sources we reference will change the narrative massively. This can be seen in recountings of all significant conflicts.

Essay writers are storytellers and, therefore, need to be careful what story they’re telling and who has told them the story. Researching sources and ensuring they are as accurate as possible will help make your history essay a precise source.

History essays might fall under multiple larger format types, such as persuasive essays or research papers. Before beginning a history essay, ensure you understand the preferred format. The most recognizable essay format is a five-paragraph essay comprising an introduction, three body paragraphs, and a conclusion.

What can you talk about in an essay on History?

History is a topic that reaches far and wide from ancient history to worldwide or national history. Look for topics that will interest you and an audience and ensure you cover a wide range of subjects.

Topics you can cover in a history essay include:

• The US’s role in World War I.
• Child labor during the Puritan era.
• Women’s employment and effects during the Great Depression.
• The average life expectancy of a peasant in the Middle Ages was about 25 years. Why?
• Evidence for and against Leonardo Da Vinci having dyslexia.
• The effect of the media on unfolding history.

Try looking through the samples on this page. They will help you see different people’s points of view about history and create your own masterpiece!

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