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History Essays

Selective Source Detective

Manifest destiny is one aspect that emerges prominently in the history of America. Imperatively, the assertive beliefs make the United States a force to reckon with territorially. Throughout the 19th century, the United States adopted an expansionism theory that has come to be known as Manifest Destiny, using it to advance its expansion efforts into territories ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 715

Nursing History Paper

Introduction Nursing responsibilities, perceptions, education, regulations, and impact have dramatically transformed over the past centuries from disorganized domestic duties in medieval periods to today’s highly advanced, life-saving healthcare profession. This expansive essay delves into defining aspects of nursing across medieval Europe, the Middle East’s golden ages, and colonial Americas before modern nursing was pioneered most ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1522
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Research Topic Summary & Reflection Papers

Summary The Historical and Contemporary Experiences of African Americans in the United States African Americans in the United States have endured, struggled, and sought equality throughout history. From slavery to the current civil rights struggles, this community’s history is entwined with the nations. African American history is one of oppression, strife, strength, cultural richness, and ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 998

Opulence and Grandeur of the Aztec Capital

A vivid description of the Aztec capital Tenochtitlán is provided by Hernán Cortés in his letter “to Emperor Charles V” written at Segura de la Frontera in Mexico on October 30th, 1520. Cortés opens by showing his desire to continue sending letters about the glorious and vital territory of New Spain, representing how this land ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 721

Americans Indigenous People Historical Ways of Life

The European explores who visited and ultimately colonized the American indigenous people were superior in several ways of life. They had sophisticated weapons which helped them colonize America with ease. But the indigenous American people were also advanced in aspects such as culture, technology and agricultural practices. They had already invented several ways of making ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 967

Protest Against the Alien and Sedition Act

The balance between the central and state powers, as well as issues concerning liberty in this country, was the subject of an ardent discussion that took place during the late 18th century and early 19th century. There was a distinct historical moment captured in the resolutions of James Madison and Thomas Jefferson that protested against ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1006

The Impact of the Transportation Revolution on Antebellum America

Part I Erie Canal By connecting the Hudson River with the Great Lakes, the Erie Canal opened a direct passage for ships bound for the interior of North America from the Atlantic Ocean upon its completion in 1825. The event’s profound impact on antebellum transportation made it critically essential. New York City was able to ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 605

The Age of Revolution: Ideas and Politics, 1650–1800

Introduction Two of the most significant events in the world’s history. Separate but interrelated driving forces fueled the American and French Revolutions. This paper will attempt to contrast the reasons and records of these revolutions, focusing on how American ideals are mirrored through these primary sources. Focusing on the motives, objectives, and influences of these ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 732

The Historical and Contemporary Experiences of African Americans in the United States

African Americans in the United States have endured, struggled, and sought equality throughout history. From slavery to the current civil rights struggles, this community’s history is entwined with the nations. African American history is one of oppression, strife, strength, cultural richness, and significant socio-political contributions to America. The summary paper examines their journey, including the ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 837

The Decline of the Arawaks People After Columbus’ Arrival

The arrival of Columbus in 1492 marked the beginning of the decline and destruction of the Arawaks people, the indigenous inhabitants of the Bahamas, Cuba, Jamaica, and Hispaniola. Before Columbus, the Arawaks lived in harmony with nature, sustaining themselves through fishing, hunting, and agriculture (Zinn 196). They grew crops like maize, cassava, sweet potatoes, and ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 951

A Comparative Analysis of Mungo Park’s and Al-Tunisi’s Perceptions of the Southern or African Interior at the Beginning of Modern Times.

Introduction Travel stories have to do with attitudes and impressions of a culture more than anything else. Many stories about venturing into southern or African hinterland have inspired people. There is another Mungo Park. In this essay, he and al-Tunisi will explore how they see today’s Southern or African interior. Similarities and differences will be ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1592

Examine the Idea of Resistance To Control and Domination

Introduction The theme of resistance to control and domination is a recurring issue in American literature, serving as a prism through which to explore the battles of many communities against foreign forces aiming to impose power. This subject takes the front stage in literary works that illustrate the Native American experience against the backdrop of ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2271

The Breakdown of Colonial Rule in Latin America: Causes, Agents, and Outcomes

The rise of independence movements marked a new era in Latin America where colonial rule was overturned towards the end of the 1800s. The last period, the colonially middle, was so calm during this era. The urge for autonomy gained momentum as economic exploitations met Enlightenment ideals. This marked the beginning of an intellectual revolution ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1531

How Legacies of Oppression Seed Authoritarian Practices Within African Democracies

Introduction The majority of Africa endured the yoke of European colonial rule from the late 19th Century through the mid-20th Century. Most Africans suffered profound abuses as well as the plunder of resources under imperial occupation. In the decades since African nations gained independence, the scars left behind by both the ideology and institutions of colonialism continue ... Read More
Pages: 13       Words: 3468
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