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American History Essays

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Manifest destiny is one aspect that emerges prominently in the history of America. Imperatively, the assertive beliefs make the United States a force to reckon with territorially. Throughout the 19th century, the United States adopted an expansionism theory that has come to be known as Manifest Destiny, using it to advance its expansion efforts into territories ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 715

What Does It Mean To Be Mexican American and Asian Pacific American?

Introduction In the United States, Mexican-Americans and Asian-Pacific Americans are usually categorized as Hispanic-Americans and Asian-Americans. I have always had a problem with this categorization because, for example, Asian-Pacific Americans, like the Japanese, are completely different from Southeast Asians. They have differing cultures and educational and historical experiences (Paik et al. 2). The same applies ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1349
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Analysis of the Role of the Police

Introduction The role of police in maintaining law and order forms a critical part of the criminal justice system. Modern policing involves engagement in governance in regulating behavior in the community. The police officers have the power to respond to emergencies, arrest, govern, and protect other institutions of society. They work with the courts and ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1648

Reflection Paper: The House I Live In

Summary of the Documentary The war on Drugs in America started over several decades ago. However, the country has been unsuccessful in the destruction of drug intake by its people. Eugene Jarecki’s documentary, The House I Live In, shows the drug-related mass incarceration between the 1960s and 1970s by comparing this aspect with the Holocaust period (Jarecki, ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1134

Preserving Inclusive Education Amidst Restrictive Policies

Introduction Within the turbulent world of education, the intersection of curriculum, history, and race becomes a battlefield for what it means to learn. This opinion piece examines the limitations of racial discussions in public schools and the broader implications for inclusive education. The essay will employ a logical progression, establishing correlations between contemporary policies and ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1096

The Great Depression, Cold War Tensions, and Social Movements in American History

The Great Depression, Cold War, and civil rights revolutions changed America. The New Deal was a response to The Great Depression’s economic impact. The Cold War altered American society and policy following World War II. The transformational civil rights movement revealed American society’s deep preconceptions and systemic injustices during this critical historical period. Economic disputes, ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 668

The Origins and Significance of the Knuckleball in American History

One essay from SABR’s Baseball Research Journal that I found relevant to American history is “The Origins of the Knuckleball: A Study in Baseball Innovation” by William Ryczek, published in the Fall 2016 edition. Ryczek’s article aims to examine the history and growth of knuckleball as a baseball pitch. The development of the knuckleball pitch ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 655

The Advantages/Disadvantages of the Union and Confederate During the Civil War and How It Affected Reconstruction After the War.

George Washington said that a nation prepared for war had made an important decision since preparing for war is the most effective approach to preserving peace. War is a conflict between two or more groups that often exploit their military force to subdue their rival group. Wars are fought for many reasons, ranging in magnitude ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1217

Economic Growth and Its Impact on American Society in the Early 20th Century

In his book “The Making of America,” Johnson focuses on the economic growth in America in the periods leading to the 20th Century. According to Johnson, this period represented the defining moments of American history. Significant economic expansion took place, and this period had benefits and liabilities. The most outstanding benefit of this period was the ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 626

Franklin D. Roosevelt’s Impact on Great Depression

The United States’ political climate changed due to the great depression, calling forth individuals ready and willing to confront the status quo and foster their success. Franklin Roosevelt made a significant contribution by demonstrating how hardship serves as a forging ground and how charismatic people influence history. Roosevelt’s strategy to combat the Great Depression included ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 764

The Great Depression

Throughout the 1930s, a global economic crisis known as the Great Depression caused significant suffering for individuals on every continent. The crisis began with the United States stock market crash of 1929 and expanded fast, lasting into the late 1930s. This time was marked by high unemployment, low productivity, and decreased consumer expenditure, which resulted ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1532

Changes in the Political History of America

The United States saw profound social and political transformations from the Civil War to the New Deal. These alterations entailed challenges to and reinterpretations of the American political heritage. Others fought to maintain the status quo, while some individuals and organizations advocated for reform and inclusiveness. Others endeavoured to refocus American principles, while others urged ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1460

American History and the Internet

Introduction One of the major and most revolutionary innovations in the history of humans, the Internet, has completely changed the way we communicate, live, and work. The pros and cons of the internet platform, particularly in the era of online communication and social media, are still up for dispute. With a particular emphasis on current ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1046

Discuss How the John Adams Mini-Series Episodes Reflect the Revolutionary Era of American History

The John Adams mini-series captivating show of the life and times of one the foundingfathers of America. Having been set during the revolutionary time,this mini-series provides a glimpse into the revolutionary times during when a new country was born. This mini-series explores a period’s key eve events and personalities, usi two episodes chich it uses ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 970

The Causes of the American Revolution Beginning With the Proclamation of 1763

Introduction The breakup of the American colonialists from the British Empire was not a decision that emerged suddenly. Rather, the 13 American colonies united to pull resources to challenge the British, and triumph against them was composed of multiple events initiated after realizing that they could liberate themselves from the British after uniting as they ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1925
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