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Political Science Essays

Futureless Languages and Perception of Time: The Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis

Introduction Languages are structured in a manner in which they can influence the way in which people think, not only how they think. The Sapir-Whorf hypothesis supports the notion that an individual’s native language plays a significant role in how they think. People who speak different languages perceive the world differently (Xu et al., 2016, para.1). With ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1164

Why I Would Like To Pursue a Career in the Canadian Federal or Provincial Public Service or a Local Municipality

Introduction Considering the right career path allows individuals to weigh the tendency between personal ambitions and the society’s impact they could make on the career progression that comes with having the right career. The prime aspirant for me to pick up Canadian public service at the federal, provincial, or municipal level is an extensive urge ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1609
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A Bomb Over Ljubljana

Introduction The Russian illegal war of aggression after launching a Bomb over Ljubljana, Slovenia’s capital city, has shattered peace across Europe. The United States has been left in a state of impasse as it must defend Slovenia since it’s a member state of NATO. Notably, NATO’s Strategic Concept perceives Russia as the most significant and ... Read More
Pages: 15       Words: 4065

The American Communist Party

The American Communist Party was one of the most influential political powers in the history of the U.S.. At the same time, the country lived in the turbulent times of the mid-20th century, and it was a crucial force in shaping the political discourse and the activists, particularly in the United States. The book “The ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1059

The Causes and Effects of Political Polarization

The political climate across most of the democratic states has been in a state of upheaval in the last few years. The citizens seem to be split into opposite sides, endeavouring to overpower and even refusing to comprehend other people’s standpoints. The partisan division has many huge implications, namely divergent governance, policymaking, and the health of democracies. The ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 626

China’s Social Credit and Information Control Regime

Introduction China’s Social Credit System (SCS) and Information Control Regime use advanced technology of data collection and surveillance in monitoring citizens and building behavioral support for social harmony and economic goals. However, these omnipresent digital systems are having an eroding effect on individual privacy and autonomy. The SCS quantifies and punishes minor social and economic ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1483

Provide a Critical Reconstruction of One of the Following Topics

The rights typology of T.H. Marshall is the essential basis for identifying how citizenship rights developed in contemporary societies (Hamilton, 2024). Marshall delineates civil, political, and social rights by his method of classification, which is suggestive of a progressive line toward total citizenship. Right civil, composing the basis of individual freedom, became widespread due to ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1183

The Operational Level of War

Introduction The operational level of War is an important aspect of military strategy, which represents the differences between high-level strategic planning and tactical execution of military operations. It is at the level that commanders engage in the orchestration of large-scale operations and campaigns where the various military assets are integrated to achieve strategic objectives. The ... Read More
Pages: 11       Words: 2997

Understanding the Intersection of Economic Policy and Political Decision-Making: An Analysis of OECD Economic Indicators

Introduction  when the political space changes in the blink of an eye, the ability to decipher the complex piece that connects economic policy and political decision-making is determinant. This research is built to develop this multi-dimensional relationship between the growth rate of GDP, inflation rate, unemployment rate, trade balance, and other macro measures. Data will ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1432

Trade Policies and Tariffs: The Role of Domestic Political Institutions

Introduction Governments find the regulation of international trade sometimes rather a challenge and resort to different trade policies and tariffs in search of a remedy to the problem. It is indeed a fact that domestic institutions’ role in establishing trade rules is irrefutable; however, it is worth noting that these institutions do not have absolute ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1249

Agenda-Setters in Public Policy

Public policy is the decisions and actions the government and other institutions take in response to societal issues. It is a process that involves setting goals and priorities, identifying problems in society, and implementing solutions to bring about beneficial outcomes (Wickert et al., 2021). The development of public policy involves multiple stages and a variety ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1147

What Does Civil Citizenship Mean?

The terms of citizenship in modern society have evolved and become associated with different notions. Citizenship, in this case, is the civil variety – the rights and responsibilities of citizens as members of a democratic state. It maintains that not only political participation could mean its share but also social and economic developments of the ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 667

Physical Security: Personnel Screening

Introduction  On 2023 LESS Control Matrix, Tools and Resources, I covered the topic of GR 6 Physical Security, 1 Personnel Screening. Personnel screening is essential before and during the election to ensure the safety of election equipment, voters and sensitive information. Therefore, failure to comply with personnel screening practices has severe consequences on voting processes, ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 595
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Essays On Political Science

This explores the theory and practice of government and politics at different levels which include local, state, national and international. Although political science might feel somewhat removed from your day-to-day life it’s always around us. Political science examines how our government works, how it should work and how to function within the system to get the most out of it.

If you switch on any news outlet almost any time, you can see the importance of a sound understanding of political science. The rules and complexities, theories and practicalities of politics change the course of culture and country on a daily basis, and those who do not understand it can get swept away by it quickly.

How to write an essay on Political Science

Essays on political science can cover extremely controversial subjects. Because of this, it’s critical to do proper research and sourcing. Claiming something is true without being 100% sure of its accuracy can alienate your audience and create problems for you down the line. This is especially true when discussing politically sensitive topics in a politically divided landscape.

Essays on political science will usually follow the classic essay structure (introduction, three body paragraphs, conclusion). Ensure you understand the desired format depending on who will be reading the essay and its purpose.

What can you talk about in an essay on Political Science?

Political science is a huge topic that’s relevant to every country in the world and narrows down to smaller relevance for state and local governance. This gives you a huge range of selections for topics that you can tie back to daily life.

Topics you can cover for political science essays include:

• How and when did politics originate?
• Change in politics in wartime
• Terrorism as a political instrument
• The Historical views of politics
• Advantages and disadvantages of legalizing drugs from a political perspective
• The philosophy of politics
• Do people in your country have enough civil rights?
• Connections between politics and the media
• Political scandals: pros and cons
• Psychology of politics
• The effect of state governance on local governance and vice versa.

Looking for essay samples in order to understand how to write your own paper? Well, you are in the perfect place! You can find essay examples on this page and use them to motivate yourself to create your own piece.

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