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The Advantages/Disadvantages of the Union and Confederate During the Civil War and How It Affected Reconstruction After the War.

George Washington said that a nation prepared for war had made an important decision since preparing for war is the most effective approach to preserving peace. War is a conflict between two or more groups that often exploit their military force to subdue their rival group. Wars are fought for many reasons, ranging in magnitude from minor conflicts between groups to large-scale conflicts involving multiple nations. There have been many wars throughout history, as these wars marked the fall of great leaders and nations and the rise of the current world setting. One of the most devastating wars in American history is the American Civil War. The war took place during the mid-19th century and involved two groups: the Union and the Confederacy. The conflict was primarily triggered by opposing views around the issue of slavery. The Union and Confederate enjoyed several advantages during the Civil War, which significantly impacted the reconstruction era after the war.

The advantages of the Union and Confederate during the Civil War

During the war, the Union, fighting against the slave trade, had a significantly larger population and a superior infrastructure. These two elements played a significant role in providing the Union an edge over the confederate, allowing them to overpower them in 1865. According to the census conducted in 1860, the population of the Union was estimated to be more than 22 million, while the Confederacy military was less than 10 million (King 36). King (37) asserts that the number difference gave the Union a substantial advantage over its rivals. This advantage in terms of personnel was significant in the war, considering its magnitude and relevance. The infrastructure of the Union was also significantly more established than that of the Confederacy. The Union had the construction of a significantly more extensive network of transport that was crucial to their movement and communication. These included railroads and telegraph lines (Horwitz and Anderson 119). The infrastructure enabled the Union to transfer troops and supplies more effectively, which was extremely important during a conflict waged across a large geographical area.

The Union also had an edge over its rivals as it had a superior economy, naval superiority, and political leadership. Union industries were more numerous and diverse than their Confederate counterparts, strengthening the Union economy (Horwitz and Anderson 121). The improved production capacity of the Union allowed it to produce more weapons and supplies. The United States of America (Union) had access to a wider variety of banking and financial institutions, which helped it amass the resources it needed to fund the war effort. The Union navy was much stronger than the one the Confederacy had. This allowed the Union to control the oceans and blockade Confederate ports. (King 60) The Union’s naval forces played a crucial role in the Union’s campaign to strangle the Confederacy’s economy during the Civil War by blocking the Confederacy’s ports and prohibiting the export of cotton. The Union’s political leadership was formidable, with President Abraham Lincoln at its center. Lincoln was a skilled politician who mustered support from all corners of the country to preserve the Union (King 32). He also had a keen strategic mind and could successfully steer the Union’s military policy.

The Confederacy also enjoyed various advantages, such as superior military leadership and agriculture, that allowed them to hold out against the Union for a long time. The Confederacy enjoyed a significant edge in terms of agricultural resources. The group has a considerable portion of the nation’s cotton, tobacco, and sugar output (King 67). This made it possible for the Confederacy to exchange these materials for the necessary weapons and supplies to continue the war effort. Some of the most gifted military officers in American history served in the Confederacy. General Robert E. Lee, a skilled tactician, led the Confederacy to victory in several crucial engagements (King 61). A master of movement warfare, General Stonewall Jackson was able to outflank and overpower more enormous Union armies (King 64). The Confederacy used its internal lines of communication to transfer troops quickly and respond to Union movements as part of its defensive war plan. The Confederacy had a considerable advantage due to its familiarity with the area and capacity for guerrilla warfare because it was waging war on its soil (Horwitz and Anderson 125). The soldiers of the Confederacy were fervently devoted to their cause and highly motivated. They had a considerable morale advantage because they defended their homes and way of life.

The Reconstruction After the War

During the Reconstruction era that followed the Civil War, the Union and the Confederacy’s advantages played a significant role. During Reconstruction, both the Union and the Confederacy faced significant difficulties. The Union had to reintegrate the former Confederate states into the Union while the Confederacy worked to rebuild its ruined economy and culture (King 122). During Reconstruction, the Confederacy had a significant advantage due to its agricultural wealth. The South’s massive agricultural resources were crucial to the region’s economic recovery and subsequent participation in global trade. Cotton production in the South was incredibly profitable because it was in high demand in Europe (King 124). The military control of the South by the Union made it easier to carry out Reconstruction plans and safeguard the recently freed slaves. The Union army was able to stop violence and guarantee that the new regulations and rules were adhered to (Horwitz and Anderson 131)

The large population of the Union and its economic superiority played a crucial role in the reconstruction era. The Union had the funds and labor available to rebuild the South and help the millions of recently freed slaves. White and black Southerners could find employment and opportunity thanks to the Union’s thriving economy (King 123). The new framework contributed to the restoration of the South’s battered economy. Abraham Lincoln served as the strong political leader of the Union, which was essential in steering the nation through the Reconstruction era. Lincoln’s policies were centered on helping the newly liberated slaves and bringing back the Southern states to the Union. Although the Reconstruction effort suffered greatly from Lincoln’s assassination in 1865, his successor Andrew Johnson carried on many of his policies (Horwitz and Anderson 134). However, the advantages the Union had that led to the abolition of slavery and the subsequent granting of citizenship and voting rights to black Americans also caused significant social upheaval in the South.

In conclusion, both the Union and Confederate groups had several advantages during the Civil War that allowed them to put up a fight. The Union enjoyed a large population and superior infrastructure that allowed them to move, communicate and overpower their rivals. They also had a superior economy and military power translating to more weapons and better military tactics. On the other hand, the Confederates had fewer advantages, but they could resist the large Union military population. The Confederate strength was primarily derived from their superior military leadership and agriculture industry. These advantages came in handy during the reconstruction era as they allowed the nation to have the workforce, resources, leadership, and military power to rebuild.

Work Cited

Horwitz, Joshua, and Casey Anderson. “The civil war and reconstruction.” Guns, Democracy, and the Insurrectionist Idea (2009): 118-136.

King, David C. Civil War and Reconstruction. Vol. 5. John Wiley & Sons, 2004.


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