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The Implications of Technological Change on U.S Unionization


Unionization in the U.S is part of numerous approaches towards equality in workspaces through the familiar voice of workers in unionized jobs. Since its incorporation into the U.S systems during the 1950s, unionization has been a subject of radical transformation due to emerging trends in workspace dynamics. Recent reports on the statistical data and information concerning the rate of unionization in the U.S showcases that union membership is affected by different factors, including race, ethnicity and gender. However, the advent objective of unions is to eradicate these barriers towards equal employee treatment in every establishment. On the contrary, technology has significantly contributed to the radical transformation of U.S unionization through policymaking. There are several implications of technology accounting for the current state of unionization in the U.S compared to previous years.

The Current Rate of Unionization in the U.S

The 2020 global recession, as a result of Covid 19 outbreak, had a significant impact towards the points of view of customers regarding union membership. It is evident in many nations, including the U.S, that global problems such as the Covid 19 pandemic significantly determine employment rates. The need for workers’ membership in unionization is subject to their point of view regarding the advantages and disadvantages of union membership hence evaluating its benefits through informed decision-making (Chwedczuk-Szulc, 2023). Statistical data reports from the National Labor Relations showcase that between the end of 2021 and 2022, there has been a 52% increase in union election petitions. On the contrary, the increase in union memberships was high in the number of coloured workers compared to their white counterparts. Additionally, gender is also a primal factor in union membership, where the number of men that have union membership exceeds that of women, following 2021 to 2022 statistical data reports.

The Correlation between Technological Changes and Unionization

There is a precise correlation between technological reforms and unionization in the U.S from different points of view. One of the benefits of technology in unionization is the availability of information regarding the analogy behind global unionization, including the U.S. In this context, technological changes in news conveyance through media technology play a significant role in enabling employees to make informed decisions. Additionally, there is an opposing point of view regarding the impact of technological changes in unionization in the U.S (Fortin et al., 2023). Misinformation resulting from fake news in media communication centres is subject to transforming workers’ attitudes towards union memberships. In this perspective, technology has a significant effect in mobilizing workers towards union membership programs.

On the contrary, registration processes for new employees are subject to technological changes in unionization in the U.S. From this point of view, registering for union membership is easy due to user interfaces that have the latest reviews of technological transformations. This factor significantly impacts the rate of unionization in the U.S.

The Implications of Technological Changes in Union Membership

One of the implications of technological changes in U.S unionization is the inducement of labour market polarization. The current trends in technological advancement reveal the distinction in market dynamics based on social classes, affecting employees’ perception regarding union membership (Bryson et al., 2023). Additionally, the increasing demand for both high and low-skill jobs determines the collective approach of employees towards union membership. From this point of view, it is difficult for employees to conform to union memberships in a world of opportunities resulting from technological advancements. On the contrary, the decreasing demand for middle-skill labour routines places many employees in a state of confusion regarding their job security (Grossman & Oberfield, 2022). Technological transformations significantly impact job specialization since mechanical work is progressively left to programmable machines that misplace human employees in the job market.

The Challenges to Unionization in the U.S as a Result of Technological Changes

One of the challenges facing unionization in the U.S as a result of technological changes is the altering relationship between employees and employers. The context of this problem arises from the effects seen in the work environment due to technological advancements. It has a social and economic impact towards unionization due to occupational adjustments, redundancy, gain allocation, employee transfers and retraining procedures (Blanchflower et al., 2022). Another challenge facing unionization in the U.S as a result of technological changes is the reluctant adjustment in manufacturing industries in comparison with other faculties in the U.S. The context behind this problem entails the outlook on employees’ job security in manufacturing industries and lowering wage rates resulting from employee market saturation. Additionally, there is stiff competition with imports in the U.S, where local products and services need to reach the set sales targets.


The implications of technological changes towards unionization in the U.S depict positive and negative impacts. As a result of technological awareness, employees with technological skills have high chance of obtaining union membership as an opportunity for individual growth through job security. On the contrary, employees with insufficient skills regarding technological applications are prone to neglecting the opportunities of union membership. In this perspective, the current technological era will continuously pose challenges and solutions regarding unionization, thereby leaving the power of decision making to the employees.


Blanchflower, D. G., Bryson, A., & Green, C. (2022). Trade unions and the well‐being of workers. British Journal of Industrial Relations60(2), 255-277.

Bryson, A., Artz, B., & Blanchflower, D. (2023). Unions Increase Job Satisfaction in the United States. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization.

Chwedczuk-Szulc, K. (2023). 4. The European Union and United States in the era of shifting global order. Contestation and Polarization in Global Governance: European Responses, 75.

Fortin, N. M., Lemieux, T., & Lloyd, N. (2023). Right-to-work laws, unionization, and wage setting. In 50th Celebratory Volume (Vol. 50, pp. 285-325). Emerald Publishing Limited.

Grossman, G. M., & Oberfield, E. (2022). The elusive explanation for the declining labor share. Annual Review of Economics14, 93-124.


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